[Design-team] For a simple professionnal oriented wallpaper

Buddhika Kurera bckurera at fedoraproject.org
Fri Jan 6 11:03:10 UTC 2012


I think we can add a wallpaper(like Didier mentioned) to the
supplementary wallpaper list so that
people who want to use such a wallpaper will be happy.
We can include the release number as F16 and so on on each wallpaper.
I ll submit a mock when the work is finished.

 Am Donnerstag, den 05.01.2012, 23:42 +0100 schrieb Didier G:
 > Hello design-team,
 > I use Fedora since release 5 for both professional and personal usage at
 > office and at home.
 > For each release you do a great job with custom wallpaper but I will
 > appreciate to find, from release to release, a professional wallpaper
 > very basic designed for people who spend twelve hours or more on their
 > screen.

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera)
Fedora Ambassador Sri Lanka
Event Liaison - Design Team

Email: bckurera at fedoraproject.org | IRC: bckurera

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