[Design-team] Teaching fedora through videos

Zachary Snyder sadin at fedoraproject.org
Tue Jan 31 20:06:35 UTC 2012

Do we have a team assembled to build/design the site if its being written
in PHP or a CMS i could contribute to hacking it out and or design aspects.

2012/1/31 MarĂ­a Leandro <tatica at fedoraproject.org>

> Hello!
> Everyday new users come asking for help and learn about FOSS, and our way
> to help them is through Fedora. We know that there are a LOT of tutorial on
> internet, but most of them are on *text* format and yet, people love to see
> things on *video*. (even more if they are multilanguage)
> Probably, there is a huge list of videos already on internet, but they
> aren't organized, so our new contributor Nitesh Narayan Lal [1] from India
> would like to come up with some web-based site where people can easily find
> them (or at least where we can recomend a list of videos that might be
> useful for new contributors)
> Talking with Mark Terranova at FUDCon Blacksburg, we got this idea of make
> a simple *video join page* where we will have a small list of videos where
> people can easily understand and complete the different steps that must be
> followed to be part of Fedora, or any specific group. Is easier for a
> contributor to record a tutorial, lets say, 10min, instead spend 30min
> writing it.
> Nitesh has started with some easy tutorials (some that he has done and
> some collected) and we would love that, if any of you are interested on
> this idea, please, join us next thursday Feb-02 at 1530UTC [2] on
> #Fedora-Design , so we can work on this idea and bring even more knowledge
> to our users/contributors.
> [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Niteshnarayan
> [2]
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2012&month=02&day=02&hour=15&min=30&sec=0
> --
> tatica
> Maria Gracia Leandro
> http://www.tatica.org
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:tatica
> LinuxUser= 440285  GPG Public Key: E1CDCC56
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