[Design-team] Fedora.next and Fedora's brand

Máirín Duffy duffy at fedoraproject.org
Thu Nov 14 12:34:02 UTC 2013

On 11/14/2013 06:41 AM, Adam Saunders wrote:
> While we could use different colours to differentiate the products, I
> think sticking with the same/similar shades of blue of the Fedora logo
> could be more effective. It might better illustrate that the products
> are all part of the Fedora project.

I think this is definitely worth a try, to give each a distinctive look
while keep blue the common color - we can see if it works.

> The Ford example also sounds good; Ford cars all have a common logo with
> differentiating sublogos. However, there can be striking differences
> between those sublogos: the Ford Mustang's is a galloping stallion,
> while the Ford Taurus's is a sharp word mark. While the Starbucks visual
> brand language has many clear commonalities, Ford automobile sublogos
> look very different from each other.

Well, the galloping stallion is actually a mark / badge / insignia, not
the logo. On the website and official brochures (I can speak to the
latter because I own a Ford and was recently at the dealer for a tune up
:) ) the 'MUSTANG' logo is written out in the same font as the other
cars' logos. But I am glad you pointed that out because that might be a
point of confusion in our analogy; we might need to find a better one
when explaining this.

We definitely want clear commonalities between any marks or visual
identity graphics we create for the different products!

> I guess my point is: I think we should add these questions to the list
> to ask the working groups:
> 	(5) To what extent is your product different from 	
> 	the other products in the Fedora.next initiative?
> 	(6) To what extent is your product similar to the other 	
> 	products in the Fedora.next initiative?
> These may be somewhat trivial-sounding questions, but getting a sense of
> how the working groups see their product in relation to the other
> Fedora.next products could help to better establish a common branding
> framework.

This is a good point; I think though, we'll probably find the
differences clear through the answers to their other questions maybe?
Mainly, the 'what problem does it solve' question should differentiate
them enough do you think?


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