Shipping QGTKStyle with F10 ?

Colin Walters walters at
Thu Nov 13 15:43:39 UTC 2008

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Matthias Clasen <mclasen at> wrote:
>  Really, all this Qt-theme-for-GTK+ GTK+-theme-for-Qt stuff is just a
>  horrendously bad idea. A vale of tears. What needs to be done is to
>  write a toolkit-independent theme engine system, hopefully less baroque,
>  strange, and broken then what we ended up for GTK+, and write themes
>  for that.

I guess what might make this in particular different is that it's
coming from Trolltech and that implies some willingness to support it
(the Labs moniker notwithstanding).

However the real question isn't whether the Fedora GNOME desktop
should ship qgtkstyle, it's whether the KDE spin is willing to support
it.  They're the ones who will be getting the bug reports against
Amarok or whatever when run under Fedora GNOME desktop.

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