Shipping QGTKStyle with F10 ?

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Thu Nov 13 17:10:24 UTC 2008

Colin Walters wrote:

> I guess what might make this in particular different is that it's
> coming from Trolltech and that implies some willingness to support it
> However the real question isn't whether the Fedora GNOME desktop
> should ship qgtkstyle, it's whether the KDE sig is willing to support
> it. 

It's my understanding that qgtkstyle will be included in qt-4.5, so it should be a reasonably supportable option.

Once that question is out of the way, how to get this installed, especially since this pkg makes the most sense on non-kde desktops.

Brainstorming on irc a bit, the options we came up with so far:

1.  use conditional comps magic, 
<packagereq type="conditional" requires="qt-x11">qgtkstyle</packagereq>
2.  add to qt-x11, Requires: qgtkstyle  . 
3. ???
99.  profit!

-- Rex

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