Dropping i686 media for F24

Matthew Miller mattdm at fedoraproject.org
Thu Aug 20 18:13:11 UTC 2015

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 02:45:48PM +0100, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> use 32 bits CPUs. In terms of Fedora being adopted and useful for these
> people I do worry that just not bothering with those is going to constraint
> the possibilities of promoting Fedora Workstation for a certain audience in
> the mid run.

This is always the case. The question is: with our limited resources,
do we do greater good spreading ourselves thin, or focusing that same
time and effort on improving something that covers a more directed

And it's not a trick question with one right answer, or which has to
always go 100% in one direction -- it's a question where we can
reevaluate and tweak the balance as we go.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at fedoraproject.org>
Fedora Project Leader

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