F23 Final release notes

Matthias Clasen mclasen at redhat.com
Thu Oct 15 14:45:22 UTC 2015

On Wed, 2015-10-14 at 15:57 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> I started making notes for the F23 Final release of Workstation here:
> <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F23_Final_release_announcement#Fedora
> _Workstation>
> I started with Beta notes, but one thing I did was to revise the text
> to be more user-centric.  Rather than talking about technology, app
> or
> library changes as the topic of the sentence, concentrate on what the
> user experiences or can do as a result.
> Matthias, if you get the tasklist in order as to what is done, I may
> be able to pull out some more features.  What would help me most is
> if
> the summaries there reflect what's done for F23:
> <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Tasklist>

I'm still working on that. 

So far, I have these comments:

We don't have any UI yet for the metered connection setting in
NetworkManager, and gnome-software doesn't use the information yet
either. I wouldn't mention it here. We'll have it all hooked up in f24.

For Wayland, you can at least mention mixed hi-dpi support.

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