Encouraging the use of multiple packaging systems on one systems, and the resulting problems

Davide Bolcioni db-fedora at 3di.it
Fri Oct 21 16:34:35 UTC 2005

Mike MacCana wrote:

> Why should Fedora and Red Hat encourage installing software in a
> non-standard method?

Forgetting about autopackage for a moment, /usr/local *is* a
traditional place for administrator-installed software. It
does not sound inappropriate to take it into account in the overall
system setup; even if the typical system administrator might be well
able to do that by himself, he's likely to appreciate the effort

In my opinion, the problem of third-party (meaning not provided by
the distribution) applications is supposed to be solved by /opt, but
the suppport for /opt across distributions is arguably even less
developed than for /usr/local. So maybe the real answer is "provide
support for /usr/local and /opt integration".

Just my $0.02

Davide Bolcioni
Paranoia is a survival asset.

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