Encouraging the use of multiple packaging systems on one systems, and the resulting problems

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Fri Oct 21 17:47:50 UTC 2005

Le vendredi 21 octobre 2005 à 18:34 +0200, Davide Bolcioni a écrit :

> In my opinion, the problem of third-party (meaning not provided by
> the distribution) applications is supposed to be solved by /opt, but
> the suppport for /opt across distributions is arguably even less
> developed than for /usr/local. So maybe the real answer is "provide
> support for /usr/local and /opt integration".

No one disagrees on this. What people disagree on are bits like
"Encouraging the use of multiple packaging systems" and all the
marketing handwaving that's been advanced to justify it.

/usr/local and /opt will be supported to provide a dumping ground for
the quick hacks people need to do now and then. Not because generalising
these hacks is a good idea, and certainly not because it will make them
"first class citizens". If the requirement to use a single packaging
system was obvious fluff as we're asked to believe you'd have several
major distributions using multiple packaging systems on the market
today. Certainly the Linux market is "fragmented" enough for people to
prove the ideas they believe in.

And now I'll shut up.

Nicolas Mailhot
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