gtk2/gtk2-engines changed tooltip colors in F7

Will Woods wwoods at
Thu Jun 7 16:00:30 UTC 2007

So, it appears that gtk2-2.10.12-2.fc7 or gtk2-engines-2.10.2-1.fc7
changes the default background color for tooltips. If you're running F7
updates-testing you've probably noticed that your tooltips are now gray
instead of yellow. Check the upstream GNOME bug that caused this change:

We should probably change the default theme to preserve the normal
tooltip color until upstream sorts it out. 

Our default theme inherits from Clearlooks, so that's the theme we need
to change. For some reason, while Clearlooks is included in the
gnome-themes SRPM, it's removed during packaging - gtk2-engines is the
package that actually provides Clearlooks. Confusing!

Anyway - attached is a patch for gtk2-engines that preserves the old
tooltip colors. Patch can be applied in the spec with -p1, or on your
system with:

cd /usr/share/themes
sudo patch -p2 < ~/gtk-engines-2.10.2-keep-default-tooltip-color.patch

Hope that helps.


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