gtk2/gtk2-engines changed tooltip colors in F7

Matthias Clasen mclasen at
Thu Jun 7 16:26:45 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-06-07 at 12:00 -0400, Will Woods wrote:
> We should probably change the default theme to preserve the normal
> tooltip color until upstream sorts it out. 

Sure, we could do that. 

> Our default theme inherits from Clearlooks, so that's the theme we need
> to change. For some reason, while Clearlooks is included in the
> gnome-themes SRPM, it's removed during packaging - gtk2-engines is the
> package that actually provides Clearlooks. Confusing!

No, not confusing. Every engine comes with a default theme; for the
clearlooks engine, thats the Clearlooks theme.

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