for 386 installs: should the x86_64 kernel be installed?

John Poelstra poelstra at
Thu Feb 26 01:29:29 UTC 2009

Bill Nottingham wrote:
> sean darcy (seandarcy2 at said: 
>> As I read the new architecture stuff, x86_64 compatible machines will  
>> use the x86_64 kernel even if it's an i386 (  586) install.
>> Does this mean it's now time to go to the x86_64 repo and get the  
>> kernel? kernel-headers? Will we need to set up the x86_64 yum repo?
> The work for this bit of that feature has not been done yet.
> Bill

Will it be ready at feature freeze (2009-03-03) and in the F11 beta?


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