for 386 installs: should the x86_64 kernel be installed?

Mike Chambers mike at
Thu Feb 26 03:22:15 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 18:37 -0500, sean darcy wrote:
> As I read the new architecture stuff, x86_64 compatible machines will 
> use the x86_64 kernel even if it's an i386 (  586) install.
> Does this mean it's now time to go to the x86_64 repo and get the 
> kernel? kernel-headers? Will we need to set up the x86_64 yum repo?
> Or will this all happen automagically with yum upgrade sometime in the 
> future?

Don't think it's ready yet for that.  But I would *think* the 64bit
kernel (and deps) would be in the same path and therefore wouldn't need
to enable the 64bit repo. What if your installing via DVD?  You wouldn't
or at least shouldn't need both DVD versions/arches would you?  

Mike Chambers
Fedora Project - Bug Zapper, Tester, User, etc..
mikec302 at

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