Unity For Fedora (As in OpenSUSE or Arch)

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Thu Feb 2 19:11:27 UTC 2012

Florian Müllner wrote:
> I actually agree to that - if we used the notifier spec in the top bar,
> we would either compromise on the intended experience, or provide a
> crappy implementation. Or in other words: the spec is a poor fit for
> what we try to achieve, so it makes sense to not use it.

How is the current experience any better? Both kdelibs and libappindicator 
fall back to the legacy XEmbed system tray spec if the desktop does not 
implement the status notifier spec, so the icons will not only be hidden 
(due to your bad UI design), but also look crappy. (The status notifier spec 
was written for a reason, XEmbed is just a horrible way to implement this 

        Kevin Kofler

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