AppData questions

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Wed Nov 6 19:43:25 UTC 2013

On 6 November 2013 10:41, Michael Schwendt <mschwendt at> wrote:
>   # rpm -qf /usr/share/app-info/xmls/fedora-20.xml.gz
>   gnome-software-3.10.3-1.fc20.x86_64
> does.

It's AppStream metadata.

> For "Audacious" it specifies several details, such as an icon included
> in the gnome-software package and MIME types. How to update or override
> those details? The file contains a summary "Listen to music". So far, I'm
> unable to install an AppData file for Audacious that would be recognised
> by gnome-software. The installed file validates fine. Still, gnome-software
> only displays "Listen to music". Is there a hidden cache file in some place?
> Or a remote database that is updated from time to time?

I'm manually creating the metadata on my machine until we get all the
bits we need to do this on koji after each build, but the installed
appdata should be used in preference to the cached metadata there.

> What is the recommended procedure to test new .appdata.xml files?

Install them to /usr/share/appdata/ -- i've not tested this with
Fedora 20, but I know it works if you're using the rawhide package.

> Is a screenshot mandatory? The current test-update for Audacious includes
> an .appdata.xml file where the screenshot section is commented out. Is that
> permitted?

It's not mandatory, but highly reccomended. See for

> I've noticed an AppData file has been contributed to Soundconverter upstream.
> Since the Fedora packages of Soundconverter lead to many changes upstream,
> I've merged the file, but the specified screenshot does not display. The
> validator finds a problem:

GNOME 3.10 not show screenshots yet, that's a GNOME 3.12 feature.

>   /usr/share/appdata/soundconverter.appdata.xml 1 problems detected:
>   • attribute invalid     : <screenshot> width was too small
> The contributed file does not set any attributes width or height.

How large is the actual screenshot in pixels? If you run
"appdata-validate -v foo.appdata.xml" it'll tell you the parameters
it's using for validation.


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