Proposal to reduce anti-bundling requirements

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Fri Sep 11 14:44:37 UTC 2015

Am 11.09.2015 um 16:31 schrieb Zdenek Kabelac:
> Dne 11.9.2015 v 15:47 Reindl Harald napsal(a):
>> don't tell me rpmfusion could not easily make that fully automated
>>> This Fedora plan simply puts too much work at everyone's hands.
>>> Sure - people who care about safety might have some option - like  I
>>> always want to have ONLY the latest lib - and drop everything else, but
>>> there are still lot of users who could live with   older libs quite
>>> happilly  (and especially in the case they do not use the library in
>>> question AT ALL - which is the maint point here)
>> you said "every one has tons of free time" - well - and who would
>> maintain the
>> dozen of versions of libraries packages?
> You miss few important points:
> 1.)
> If you have  and - it may need far more work then
> just running  rpmbuild   - so far away from 'fully automated'.

do we now build distributions backed by "may" and "possible"

in most cases it is just a "rpmbuild" like the mass-build on koji and 
the exceptions need some handwork, no big drama

> 2.)
> What maintaining time are we talking about - since Fedora breaks working
> thing in the first place for no good reason and force massive
> maintenance time on every user of new library in 'short' time for some
> potential 'security' fixes - but you may on the other hand put in dozed
> of new security breaks anyway  - and when I see how frequently i.e. gtk
> libs  may break whole distro -  it would be far more pleasant to see
> just couple broken apps at time - instead of rendering whole  rawhide
> unusable....

just because you don't understand or agree with the reasons don't mean 
they are not good

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