Confusion about using CVS

Hugo Cisneiros hugo at
Sat Mar 4 06:50:31 UTC 2006


I finished the translation of the CVS' pt_BR.po for the release notes, 
as you have noted by the cvs commits. But I'm a little confused about 
using the CVS for release notes right now. For this reason, I'm sending 
this email.

First I was told to get a updated and clean tree for docs-common and 
release notes with:

$ cvs co docs-common release-notes

Then grab the translation freeze tag to begin translation:

$ cvs up -r release-notes-FC-5-ISO-trans-freeze \
   docs-common release-notes

Then I created the po/pt_BR copying from the po/RELEASE-NOTES.pot and 
began translating. I finished in the past two days. Then I changed the 
Makefile to add the pt_BR target for building.

I commited the changes to a Non-Tagged version. So the modifications 
will go to the updated and current tree. Is this right? Or Am I doing 
something wrong?

I'm asking this because when I tried to build, I got this error:

$ make html-pt_BR
mkdir -p pt_BR
po2xml en/ArchSpecific.xml po/pt_BR.po >pt_BR/ArchSpecific.xml
mkdir -p pt_BR
po2xml en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml po/pt_BR.po >pt_BR/ArchSpecificPPC.xml

can't find

After using Open<emphasis role="strong"></emphasis>Firmware to boot the 
CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer.


After using Open<emphasis role='strong'></emphasis>Firmware to boot the 
CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit 
installer. </para>

make: *** [pt_BR/ArchSpecificPPC.xml] Error 1

And I don't have any idea what to do. What are the procedures?

And just to finish this message, I corrected some minor speling and 
grammar errors in the Wiki Beats, so based in the Wiki changes the 
responsables (Bob?) could commit to cvs.

Thanks and sorry for the incovenience!

"Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds

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