Confusion about using CVS

Tommy Reynolds Tommy.Reynolds at
Sat Mar 4 16:23:35 UTC 2006

Uttered Hugo Cisneiros <hugo at>, spake thus:

> I'm asking this because when I tried to build, I got this error:

> po2xml en/ArchSpecificPPC.xml po/pt_BR.po >pt_BR/ArchSpecificPPC.xml
> can't find
> After using Open<emphasis role="strong"></emphasis>Firmware to boot the 
> CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit installer.
> in
> After using Open<emphasis role='strong'></emphasis>Firmware to boot the 
> CD, the bootloader (yaboot) should automatically boot the 64-bit 
> installer. </para>
> make: *** [pt_BR/ArchSpecificPPC.xml] Error 1


There appear to be problems with the way that the build tools, or
"docs-common/Makefile.common", use the .PO file and the ${PRI_LANG}
XML files to generate the "pt_BR/foo.xml" files.

There are two tools, "xml2po" and "po2xml", that claim to perform
this function, but neither one is working correctly for me.

If you look into your "docs-common/Makefile.common" file at about
line 832, you should see something like this:

#	${XML2PO} -k -p po/${1}.po ${2} >$$@
	${PO2XML} ${2} po/${1}.po >$$@

At as trial, comment out the ${PO2XML} line and uncomment the
${XML2PO{ line, so that it looks like this:

	${XML2PO} -k -p po/${1}.po ${2} >$$@
#	${PO2XML} ${2} po/${1}.po >$$@

The try your "make html-pt_BR" command again.  On my system the
${PO2XML} line gives the error you are seeing, but the ${XML2PO} file
gives different errors.  However, the ${XML2PO} errors may, repeat
_may_, be caused by some other part of the toolchain.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but we're working on this.

By the way, have you any experience using the tools from the intltool
RPM?  They could be my third alternative...

I'm already an anomaly, I shall soon be an anachronism, and I have
every intention of dying an abuse!
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