[Fwd: Election Results]

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at glezos.com
Fri Mar 2 02:10:42 UTC 2007

O/H Karsten Wade έγραψε:
> Thanks to all of you who voted.  The top four vote receivers hold their
> seats (voluntarily) for twelve months.  The next three have their seats
> up for re-election in six months; they of course may run for their seat
> again at that time.
> After the next election in six months, we can review as a group if we
> like to do twice-yearly or yearly elections for FDSCo.
> Nominees -- thanks again for stepping up.  You rock.  Keep up the good
> work you know that you do.

Thanks to all for the vote of confidence. :-)

In case someone has missed it, Karsten has recently written some thoughts [1]
about the elections that (at least) I, found very nice:

  [1]: http://iquaid.livejournal.com/14413.html

Keep up the good work everyone! Lets see those plans [2] get implemented right
away. :)

  [2]: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/SteeringCommittee/Nominations


> - Karsten
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Results for the Fedora Documentation Steering Committee February 2007
> Votes | Candidate
> ------+----------------------------
> 20    | Paul W. Frields pfrields
> 18    | Karsten Wade kwade
> 17    | Dimitris Glezos glezos
> 16    | Robert 'Bob' Jensen bjensen
> 14    | John Babich jmbabich
> 10    | Pawel Sadowski mcgiwer
> 10    | Bart Couvreur couf
>  7    | Gavin Henry ghenry

Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at jabber.org, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

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