promoting Docs/Beats as relnotes for test3

Karsten Wade kwade at
Fri Mar 2 16:26:03 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 01:37 +0000, Dimitris Glezos wrote:
> O/H Karsten Wade έγραψε:
> > Since test3 is also going to be a one-sheet for release notes, how does
> > this idea sound?
> I'm +1 on this.
> Do we already send a reminder on -maintainers every time a release is about to
> come? If not, we should schedule it to urge maintainers put content. This
> reminder could be embedded in Jesse Keating's freeze reminder or could shortly
> follow it.


We need more to it than that, obviously.  The workflow step hopefully
reminds us.  Probably want to get the URL into a template that Jesse
uses, and discuss if we want to/can automate nagmail. :)

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, RHCE, 108 Editor    ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
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