EPEL Retire Zabbix 1.4 in EL5

Volker Fröhlich volker27 at gmx.at
Sun Jan 5 01:16:23 UTC 2014

Dear list readers!

I sent a very similar message to fedora-devel a while ago:

Zabbix 1.4 is no longer maintained upstream as of 2011. Therefore I'd 
like to mark the EL5 branch of zabbix as retired and block the builds. 
EL5 users willing to upgrade can use Zabbix 2.0, which ships as zabbix20 
in EL5 and 6.

EL6 ships version 1.8 as "zabbix". I plan to retire that one too, once 
support runs out. As far as the naming is concerned, I'd like to stick 
to the versioned names for EL7. The reason is, that there are certain 
version constraints between Zabbix components that can be installed on 
different systems of your IT infrastructure. If you run EL5 to 7, having 
different major versions under the same name is confusing otherwise.


Volker Fröhlich

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