EPEL quick epel7 update

Jim Perrin jperrin at centos.org
Mon Jun 16 22:59:31 UTC 2014

On 06/16/2014 02:49 PM, Simone Caronni wrote:

> In previous releases CentOS was inserting in the distribution all the
> packages that make up the full spectrum of RHEL variants, so in version 6
> it included for example the Workstation channel and a full Workstation was
> installable for CentOS 6 (in fact all the content never fit into 1 dvd). As
> far as I know they are not changing this policy.

We aren't.

> By using CentOS as the basis and not RHEL 7 we could have all the channels
> that are not used at the moment for building.

As much as I'd like to see CentOS as the basis for *everything* (I may
be a bit biased here), I don't think this is a good idea.

RHEL packages by their very nature will come out first. This puts EPEL
in a position to work with them immediately, and to remain impartial
across the rebuilding community (springdale/puias, centos, SL, that
database company, etc). If CentOS lags behind for some unforseen reason,
why put everyone else out until we get our act together? Same with every
other rebuild. We know RHEL packages will be out on time every time
because they're the ones delivering them.

To me, the only current time it would make sense for CentOS to be the
base repo would be for something RHEL doesn't ship, such as x86 or other

Jim Perrin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
twitter: @BitIntegrity | GPG Key: FA09AD77

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