[FAmSCo] Current Tasks

Giannis Konstantinidis giannis at konstantinidis.cc
Tue Mar 8 01:17:59 UTC 2016

Hello everyone,

based on the status updated given during the last meeting, here are a few things
we should currently focus on:

1. Final appointment of chair and vice-chair

Potty had previously announced his withdrawal as a chair candidate. This made me
the only candidate left. Cristoph has had concerns over this and claims that
there was another nomination which was not considered. Do you think we should
keep the FAmSCo leadership the way it is (chair is giannisk, vice-chair is
potty) or conduct another round of elections. And why?

2. Fudcon LATAM

Request has been reviewed by the council. Normally, we should have had it
reviewed and then pass it over to the council, but we failed to do so in time.


3. Fudcon APAC

To be reviewed by FAmSCo, then to be forwarded to the council. Please vote in
the ticket below.


4. Mentor nominations / cleaning-up inactive mentors

Should be brought into discussion.

5. Transition to FOSCo

Likewise, needs to be discussed. Gnokii mentioned that he posted on the list,
but his mail is still stuck in the moderation queue. Personally, I do not have
admin rights to the list and have not made a request to obtain these, as there
are still concerns related to the chair elections.

Giannis Konstantinidis

giannis at konstantinidis.cc
giannisk on irc.freenode.net
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