DVD installation experience

Sebastian Vahl deadbabylon at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 24 12:14:53 UTC 2009


Due to a discussion in the german forum I've tried a DVD installation of F11 
today to see what happens if someone installs KDE instead of GNOME as desktop 
(and don't touch the other groups).
The result was a bit frustrating: For many tasks there are now two 
applications installed. One package from @kde-desktop, one (gnome) package 
from the corresponding group (@internet, @sound-and-video etc).
In my eyes this might be a bit confusing to new users, especially if they are 
familiar with KDE.

So is there a way we can change this? Or was this already discussed (and 
rejected) in the past? Or should we simply advice KDE users to use the live 
images and avoid the DVD?

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