Events FAD -- comments on our status

Mel Chua mel at
Sun Jan 31 08:09:04 UTC 2010

First things first: hotel checkout is at noon, so in the late morning 
we're going to check the status of the road and our flights and each 
person will decide what they want to do with regards to their departure. 
Everyone's listed as flying out within 5 minutes of 6pm, except for 
Chris who has a flight at 5.

Regardless of transit status, we'll be winding down the FAD at 2pm and 
spending an hour on personal reflections/notes (read: blog posts, etc) 
before officially ending at 3. People might be continuing work past 
then, but it'll be post-FAD stuff. ;-)

> I've taken a look at most of the active threads and pages that we worked
> on today, and tried to assess current status and remaining TODOS.

The group of us remaining had a couple quick discussions, and based on 
that, here's what I think people are working on wrapping up for 
tomorrow. When multiple names are listed, the first name is Sunday's 
whip-cracker for that series of tasks. ;-)

(chris, mel)
* fudcon howto doc completed

(paul, clint, dennis)
* freeseer core packaged
* do something with the front end

* AVBox

(dennis, max, rodrigo)

* FAD followup

(yaakov, mel)
* fudcon live survey analysis
* fudcon live doc

* make sure all docs are finished

Paul, David, and Yaakov had already gone to sleep for the night by the 
time we had this conversation, so I want to make sure that this list 
jives with theirs. People can (and will!) work outside the things 
they're written down for in the above list, but I believe that this is 
what each person is aiming for. Corrections, patches, etc. welcome.


PS: My own schedule for tomorrow looks like this:

9am: lurk in #fedora-fad to listen to Max, Dennis, and Rodrigo talk as I 
gear up for the last day of the FAD.
9:30: finish fudcon howto with Chris.
11:30: fudcon live survey analysis
noon: lunch, check-in with Jon on FAD followup and sprint a little.
1pm: finish fudcon live docs
2pm: reflection/docs time
3pm: FAD ends - make sure everyone has a way to get safely home
...and then I'm sure I'll be continuing to work past that time, we'll 
see how things turn out. ;-)

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