Requirements for us using externally hosted services

Ricky Zhou ricky at
Thu Feb 3 21:03:18 UTC 2011

At today's meeting, we started a discussion of what kind of requirements
we should have for moving some services to externally hosted versions
(like Transifex to or Wordpress blogs to

Here's are some initial items that we came up with at the meeting.
While it's often still useful to consider these on a case-by-case basis,
let's get a good list of requirements to talk about when looking at
hosted services.

1) Some level of freeness (unclear where we draw the line)
2) Configuration management
3) Backups
4) Ability to get data out
5) authn/authz
6) Level of support (for managed hosting like wordpress/tx)
7) Cost (compared to our own maintenance costs)

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