[fedora-java] mod_jk

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Thu Mar 17 05:43:23 UTC 2005

--On Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:34 PM -0800 Anthony Green 
<green at redhat.com> wrote:

> I just noticed that we don't build jk (from tomcat5) or package mod_jk
> (or should that be jk2/mod_jk2?).  It seems weird to package tomcat5,
> but not the Apache httpd connector.  Is it too late to squeeze into FC4?

FC2 included mod_jk2, which is now deprecated.

>From <http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/faq/connectors.html>:

>#  jk2 is a refactoring of mod_jk and uses the Apache Portable Runtime
>#  (apr). But due to lack of developer interest, it is unsupported. The
>#  alternative is mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp. mod_jk is great and should be
># used for production. It is getting fixes as needed (which is now rare).

>From <http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/jk2/>:

> JK2 has been put in maintainer mode and no further development will take
> place. The reason for shutting down JK2 development was the lack of
> developers interest. Other reason was lack of users interest in adopting
> JK2, caused by configuration complexity when compared to JK.
> JK2 will have it's successor within core Apache2.1/2.2 distribution. We
> have developed new proxy_ajp that is an addition to the mod_proxy and
> uses Tomcat's AJP protocol stack. It is developped in httpd-2.1 and
> integrated in it. We have also developed a new proxy_balancer module for
> load balancing http and ajp protocol stacks.
> JK will be fully supported for all other web servers. The next JK release
> is planned for the end of November. Lots of code from JK2 has been ported
> to JK

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