[fedora-java] mod_jk

Nicolas Mailhot Nicolas.Mailhot at laPoste.net
Thu Mar 17 07:00:07 UTC 2005

Le mercredi 16 mars 2005 à 21:43 -0800, Kenneth Porter a écrit :
> --On Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:34 PM -0800 Anthony Green 
> <green at redhat.com> wrote:
> > I just noticed that we don't build jk (from tomcat5) or package mod_jk
> > (or should that be jk2/mod_jk2?).  It seems weird to package tomcat5,
> > but not the Apache httpd connector.  Is it too late to squeeze into FC4?
> FC2 included mod_jk2, which is now deprecated.

But jk1 should be fine - it survived several rewrite attempts, the
latest being jk2.

jk1 is still actively developed and maintained, with regular releases.

Never understood why FC went for jk2 myself.


Nicolas Mailhot
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