[fedora-java] Re: blueMarine and openJDK -- second attempt

Fabrizio Giudici Fabrizio.Giudici at tidalwave.it
Mon Aug 4 06:19:35 UTC 2008

Matej Cepl <mcepl at ...> writes:

> Hi,
> I was trying once already to use blueMarine image cataloging 
> program with IcedTea (which was then still too raw; 
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.java/2311). Now 
> when the OpenJDK was officially certified to be a Java, I tried 
> again, and I wasn't that much successfull either. Could anyboyd 
> who actually understands Java and Fedora, could join a thread on
> http://bluemarine.tidalwave.it/forum/posts/list/1179.page and 
> something useful there, please?
> Thanks a lot,
> Matěj

The first bug I was talking of has been fixed, but another has been detected
later in the boot sequence. I've create an "umbrella issue" for all bugs related
with OpenJDK here:


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