[fedora-java] Eclipse 3.4

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Thu Aug 7 18:49:59 UTC 2008


I don't think waiting to push 3.4 to rawhide is helping testing so I'm
going to push the SDK, Mylyn, CDT, ChangeLog, PyDev, and the specfile
editor to rawhide today.

I have updated patches for the other packages.  I've emailed the owners
individually.  I was mistaken earlier when I said that everything should
go into %{_libdir}.  Obviously if a package is noarch it should go into
%{_datadir} so I added a dropins directory there.

Note that you *may* (and I emphasize may since it's not every time that
I've hit this) run into issues if you install, remove, and then
re-install a few times, starting up in between each step of the cycles.
I'm still tracking down the root cause of this but will work with the
upstream p2 developers once I have a test case.

Hopefully tomorrow (2008-08-08)'s rawhide push will include stuff
allowing you to:

  yum --enablerepo=rawhide install eclipse-pde

getting 3.4!  If there are issues upgrading from 3.3.2 in Fedora 9, I'd
appreciate bugs filed at bugzilla.redhat.com.  The only major issue I'm
aware of at this time is the help system not starting [1] which I'd
appreciate help on if someone has time :)




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