[fedora-java] Default java.library.path in Fedora

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Mon Mar 28 11:08:31 UTC 2011

On 26/03/11 18:34, Mat Booth wrote:
> In F14's OpenJDK, the default java.library.path currently does not
> include /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64 so if a third party JNI
> library installs itself into one of those directories then the JVM
> will not know about it.
> Is this a bug? I think it would be appropriate if /usr/local/lib and
> /usr/local/lib64 were included in the default java.library.path

I wouldn't have thought so.  /usr/local/lib isn't really standard for
anything.  Even if we could patch OpenJDK to do this, the third party
apps would immediately break with any other JRE.

Doesn't it make more sense for the app to know where its native library
is, and load it from the right place?


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