[fedora-java] Fedora vs JPackage naming

David Walluck david at zarb.org
Fri Feb 17 10:10:29 UTC 2012

On 02/17/2012 04:53 AM, Aleksandar Kurtakov wrote:
> I would even say that this is the only viable solution for the maven
> and friends and this doesn't interfere with the other buildsystems so
> everyone that cares about Maven - Join Carlo and help him achieve
> that

I discussed this on IRC with sochotni recently. I thought the idea was
to do a normal maven deploy with altDeploymentRepository set to

But there are two caveats:

1.) We can't leave the real files at this location because other tools
need access, too. So I would say move it to %__javadir and symlink it
back to the repo location. Others may have a better idea.

2.) Fedora wants to support (only) unversioned files. The question is
how to handle the version since in a normal deploy the version will be
harcoded in both the directory and file names. It's possible somehow to
handle this with the proper settings.xml so we could remove all (or
most) of our patches to maven.

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