RFC: kde stability proposal (redux)

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Thu Mar 11 12:57:22 UTC 2010

Eelko Berkenpies wrote:
> * KIO full support (cookies, cache, proxy, network)

Does kio_gopher work? :-)

And does it support KParts such as the OkularPart?

> Their plan is to become the default browser for KDE by version 0.6.

But that doesn't depend only on them. Several people think it shouldn't be 
the default app as long as they insist on not using a menu bar, and I'd tend 
to agree with them. Somewhat relatedly, it's also missing many of 
Konqueror's features (which is why they can get away with no menu bar). 
(Plus, I don't see what's wrong with Konqueror and KHTML, IMHO QtWebKit and 
kdewebkit are reinventing the wheel.)

        Kevin Kofler

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