Plan for F22 KDE updates after F23 release?

P. Gueckel pgueckel at
Sun Oct 4 16:53:23 UTC 2015

Reindl Harald wrote:

> and in more than 10 years you did never dig deeper
> in your system?

I'd be years younger, if I hadn't ;-)

I can't tell you how much time I spent poring over man 
and info, reading online manuals and forum posts, hand 
editing config files hidden in sub-sub directories, 
etc. I know lots about the system. I do most of the 
maintenance tasks on the command line. I've written my 
own scripts to do a lot of stuff, too (I took two 
years at university in Computer Science in the mid- to 
late '80s, where I learned Assembly Language, Fortran, 
Pascal, C and Lisp, as well as lots about machine 
architecture, discrete mathematics and more---and I've 
forgotten most of it, but I still know enough to feel 
at home poking around in the system).

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