[Fedora-livecd-list] Persistance

ToddAndMargo ToddAndMargo at zoho.com
Fri Apr 4 20:01:39 UTC 2014

Hi All,

Scientific Linux 6.5, 64 bit (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 clone)

$ rpm -qa \*livecd-tools\*

I love my Fedora Live USB a little too much.  Can't get enough
space to add everything I want to it.

Do you know of a way to overcome the 4GB persistent
storage restriction?  ("overlay-live-xxxxx" I presume.)

I am trying to do this:

livecd-iso-to-disk --overlay-size-mb 7194 
/home/kvm/Fedora-Live-Xfce-x86_64-20-1.iso  /dev/sdc1

But get told overlay can only be 2048 max.

I have Googled my rear end off with not luck.  Closest
I have come was


But it does not work with Fedora Live USB.

I am presuming the problem is that fat32 does not allow files larger
than ~4 GB.  Is there any way to point the persistent file
to a second EXT4 partition on the stick?

Many thanks,

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what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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