F14 LXDE spin lxdm-greeter does not go anywhere....

Ranjan Maitra maitra at iastate.edu
Tue Nov 2 15:17:28 UTC 2010


Just installed Fedora 14 LXDE spin on my trusty IBM T61 Thinkpad laptop.

It was a clean install, however after install, I can not get beyond the
login screen.

Here is what happens:

I input my user name for the Username:  
hit enter
and then my password next to Password:

Both go away, but the big Login screen does not. (Basically nothing
happens). Hitting the quit button to reboot/shutdown causes a flashback
to the first login screen (and then the above process is repeated with
amazing regularity). 

Going in to console mode and logging in shows lxdm-greeter as a process
running. Nothing else is out of the ordinary. 

Any suggestions?


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