Wikipidia - Goodbye Red Hat and Fedora

Oliver Falk oliver at
Fri Oct 10 13:03:11 UTC 2008

Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira wrote:
> Hello Guys!
> Read this bad news:
> This is happening frequently. I think we will have to revise some things
> within the project, particularly the creation of a Legacy project or a
> Fedora LTS.
> The brazilian government, one of the biggest Fedora Case of the world is
> changing from Fedora/ Red Hat to Ubuntu/Debian.
> We need to think and create a solution to give support by a long time or
> the fedora user will decrease!

Wikipedia could just as easily have made the switchover to all Red Hat, 
but that would have cost more money, he said. "It would seem to me that 
if money weren't an issue here, there wouldn't be anything keeping them 
from upgrading everything to Red Hat."

Hm. And why then not to Fedora? Or CentOS (sorry!).

Who also thinks, that they will face the same problem (multiple 
versions) with Ubunto in a few years (again)?

If they still had Red Hat 9 servers, they are simply having a problem 
with their operating system life cycle...

my 0.2


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