Wikipidia - Goodbye Red Hat and Fedora

Greg Dekoenigsberg gdk at
Fri Oct 10 13:30:45 UTC 2008

On Fri, 10 Oct 2008, Steven Moix wrote:

> On Fri, 2008-10-10 at 09:42 -0300, Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira wrote:
>> Hello Guys!
>> Read this bad news:
>> This is happening frequently. I think we will have to revise some things
>> within the project, particularly the creation of a Legacy project or a
>> Fedora LTS.
>> The brazilian government, one of the biggest Fedora Case of the world is
>> changing from Fedora/ Red Hat to Ubuntu/Debian.
>> We need to think and create a solution to give support by a long time or
>> the fedora user will decrease!
>> My 0,02
> Frankly, that's what RHEL/CentOS are for. Taking Fedora as a long term
> server solution was a mistake in their side IMO. Fedora Legacy exited
> and died due to a lack of interest.

To me, this is not a change that is just "decided upon".  The admins there 
are plenty smart and know how to mix and match CentOS, Fedora or RHEL to 
suit them.

This feels like a targeted "customer acquisition" by Canonical.  If you 
read the press release, it reads like a classic "customer success story". 
"Gee whiz, look at how much easier it is to manage Ubuntu!"

Which is hogwash, of course.  But kudos to Canonical for picking a good 
high-profile project to take away from us.


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