tagline change proposal

Chaoyi Zha cydrobolt at
Tue Oct 13 22:23:34 UTC 2015

Hi all!

As we are redesigning the current website, I am suggesting
that we change the main tagline located on the front page of gf.o. It
currently reads "Fedora is now more focused", but it has been a while since
we've split off into three distinct products, and it may be time to pitch
it a little differently. The current tagline implies that we were
previously not focused or that our product is unpolished.

I think something like "one distribution for the workstation, server, and
cloud" would work as a nice new tagline. However, we've discussed this
and it seems like explaining the usecases and avoiding Linux jargon may be
better for newer users.

@mattdm: We could possibly go with "one OS for the workstation, server, and
cloud", while explaining the use cases in more detail in the subtext below.
I don't think extending the tagline with our use cases embedded in them
would create a succinct statement, but I absolutely think we should try to
appeal to newer users by avoiding "distribution" :)

Any ideas are welcome!
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