EMEA Ambassadors meeting 2012-05-16 minutes

Jiri Eischmann jeischma at redhat.com
Wed May 16 22:19:46 UTC 2012

Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-05-16/emea_ambassadors.2012-05-16-20.09.html
Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-05-16/emea_ambassadors.2012-05-16-20.09.txt
Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-05-16/emea_ambassadors.2012-05-16-20.09.log.html

Meet you again next week
        Wednesday, May 30th
        at 20:00 UTC 
        in #fedora-meeting!

Jiří Eischmann

#fedora-meeting: EMEA Ambassadors 2012-05-16

Meeting started by sesivany_ at 20:09:07 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Announcements  (sesivany_, 20:12:14)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections   (sesivany_,

* Ambassadors Schedule  (sesivany_, 20:17:18)

* Events  (sesivany_, 20:24:41)
  * if you're planning to organize a release party, add it to the list:
    http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F17_release_events  (sesivany_,
  * CfP for FrOSCon closes next week, submit your talk soon, if you want
    to have a special for Fedora tell cwickert or gnokii  (sesivany_,
  * if you're going to LinuxTag and want to get a free ticket, ask
    gnokii, he might get one for you.  (sesivany_, 20:36:14)

* EMEA F17 media production  (sesivany_, 20:38:46)
  * if you want to get F17 media, file a ticket at
    https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ and assign it to eischmann. Don't
    forget to include your phone number (besides address)!  (sesivany_,

* Action items from previous meetings  (sesivany_, 20:47:14)
  * ACTION: cwickert to figure out how/when we can get the final images
    (sesivany_, 20:49:30)
  * ACTION: cwickert to create a wiki page for FrOSCon  (sesivany_,
  * ACTION: giallu to create a wiki page for EuroPython  (sesivany_,
  * ACTION: rbergeron to ship case badges and stickers to Sesivany at
    the Brno office  (sesivany_, 20:58:48)
  * LINK:
    (shaiton_, 21:01:28)
  * ACTION: jreznik will ask the vendor for quotes on tablecloth (2-5
    pieces).  (sesivany_, 21:05:53)
  * ACTION: everybody try to figure out if there is a kind of "prepaid
    card" for your local postal service  (sesivany_, 21:28:04)
  * ACTION: sesivany will create a wiki page to gather info on prepaid
    cards in emea  (sesivany_, 21:28:41)

* Open Floor  (sesivany_, 21:29:52)
  * LINK:
    (shaiton_, 21:35:45)
  * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_meeting_channel
    (gholms, 21:51:45)
  * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Africa/Meetings
    (shaiton_, 21:55:39)

Meeting ended at 22:00:59 UTC.

Action Items
* cwickert to figure out how/when we can get the final images
* cwickert to create a wiki page for FrOSCon
* giallu to create a wiki page for EuroPython
* rbergeron to ship case badges and stickers to Sesivany at the Brno
* jreznik will ask the vendor for quotes on tablecloth (2-5 pieces).
* everybody try to figure out if there is a kind of "prepaid card" for
  your local postal service
* sesivany will create a wiki page to gather info on prepaid cards in

Action Items, by person
* giallu
  * giallu to create a wiki page for EuroPython
* jreznik
  * jreznik will ask the vendor for quotes on tablecloth (2-5 pieces).
* rbergeron
  * rbergeron to ship case badges and stickers to Sesivany at the Brno
  * cwickert to figure out how/when we can get the final images
  * cwickert to create a wiki page for FrOSCon
  * everybody try to figure out if there is a kind of "prepaid card" for
    your local postal service
  * sesivany will create a wiki page to gather info on prepaid cards in

People Present (lines said)
* sesivany_ (139)
* shaiton_ (53)
* rbergeron (50)
* gnokii (23)
* giallu (15)
* gholms (12)
* thunderbirdtr (10)
* zodbot (8)
* jreznik (8)
* nirik (2)
* adamw (2)
* t2hot (1)
* inode0 (1)

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