Package for mingw64-pdcurses

Erik van Pienbroek erik at
Sat Dec 10 18:40:02 UTC 2011

Christophe GRENIER schreef op di 06-12-2011 om 14:02 [+0100]:
> Hello
> Using the spec file for mingw32-pdcurses, I have tried to
> create a mingw64 version. It compiles but the generated binaries
> crashes... Do you have any experience with it ?
> Thanks,
>  	Christophe

Hi Christophe,

Please send any questions regarding the Fedora MinGW toolchain (and the
mingw-w64 testing repo) to the mailing list
mingw at That way other people can also help you
with these kind of questions. I've CC'ed this message to the mailing
list for now.

The general method to debug crashes in binaries is by using gdb. For
win64 we've got the mingw64-gdb package available in the mingw-w64
testing repo. You can copy the gdb.exe from that package to a win64
environment (some additional dll's may be required) and try to reproduce
the crash inside of gdb. I won't fully explain how you can use gdb as
there's already enough info available online about that subject.

It's quite possible that these kind of crashes (where the win32 version
works fine and the win64 version crashes) are caused by the assumption
that sizeof(long) == 8 bytes on 64bit platforms while in reality it is
only 4 bytes on win64. To be able to find out if this is also the case
for the crash you're seeing you'd have to catch the crash using gdb
first and look at the code involved.

Kind regards,

Erik van Pienbroek

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