Mono-Zeroconf and bundled NDesk.DBus

Michel Alexandre Salim salimma at
Thu Oct 22 23:25:07 UTC 2009

Hi Aaron,

Just noticed that Mono-Zeroconf bundles NDesk.DBus (I'm not the Fedora
maintainer for it, and just noticed since due to a glibc bug, we're
having to turn off all but the AvahiDBus transport).

Since this, unfortunately, is not allowed (without special approval)
in our packages, I'm thinking of updating our system NDesk.DBus to
incorporate your patches. Do you happen to know who maintains
NDesk.DBus right now? The copyright notice is unfortunately totally
out of date (2006!)

Also, is there any compatibility problem (beyond ABI changes)
introduced by your changes?

I guess we'd have to think up a new version number too..


Michel Alexandre Salim

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