banshee crashs and mono-zeroconf update

Christian Krause chkr at
Fri Oct 23 22:14:59 UTC 2009

Hi Michel,

Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:
> OK, an update:
> - mono-zeroconf's AvahiDBus provider uses a bundled copy of ndesk-dbus, that
>   Aaron Brockover patched a few months after the latest stable release
> - there has been no ndesk-dbus release since (and SUSE actually ships an older
>   version than we do!)
> - I've backported Aaron's changes, and they seem to be safe (F-spot
> still works).
> I'm currently chain-building an ndesk-dbus/zeroconf/banshee update for
> Rawhide (F-13); if nothing breaks I'll build them for F-12 and try and
> get them manually pushed. A bit annoying as we are dealing with three
> packages here...

I've tried your packages in a fully updated F12 (still rawhide) system
and they work so far without any problems.

Since more and more bug reports about the banshee crash are coming in it
would be good to get the new builds into F12.

ndesk-dbus and mono-zeroconf are used by some more applications:


(These are just the ones I've installed - I don't know how I can search
for all packages in the complete repository which needs a specific

Once the builds of ndesk-dbus and zeroconf are done for F12, we should
make sure that we test also the mentioned dependencies before asking
rel-eng for inclusion... But I'm sure that's manageable and so I still
vote for inclusion in F12. ;-) Just give me a hint once they are built
and I'll help testing...

Best regards,

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