Neville A. Cross nacross at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 14:07:11 UTC 2010

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:20 AM, Karsten Wade <kwade at redhat.com> wrote:
> "And now, with the Fedora Marketing report, Karsten Wade."
> "Thanks Kami.  The Marketing Beat is written by Neville A. Cross.
> Blah blah blah ..."
> Of course, what really happens is this:  FWN comes out, I open
> Audacity and read out the Marketing beat, starting with an opening
> reply back to you.  (We can even arrange call/response or jokes so I
> just give the response as I start.)
> This doesn't really save much time at the start of doing it this way.
> You save in reading time but give up in editing time.  But it creates
> something that others can contribute to and help keep afloast so it's
> not all on your shoulders.
> Just a thought.  Not that I secretly harbor a desire to be a
> broadcaster or anything, oh no ...
> One final note -- I reckon we would need some auditions and criteria
> for readers.  Ideally most are trainable, but most won't come trained.

Wow, I am on the spot light!
When I am speaking I can use a very sophisticated accent, good pauses,
rhythm, not much spikes on the audio line and very understandable
pronunciation. The only catch is that I can only do that in Spanish.
My English is not that good for just audio.

I have been involved in a podcast, and when audio is recorded at
different places or different computers, make difficult to balance the
output for a even quality. But difficult it is not impossible. I like
the idea.

Linux User # 473217

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