Introducing pyp2rpm - A python package to rpm specfile convertor

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at
Wed May 23 06:48:34 UTC 2012

On 05/23/2012 04:30 PM, Bohuslav Kabrda wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On 23/05/12 08:16, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>> How does this compare to Tarek Ziade's existing pypi2rpm project?
>>> From a quick look, the main difference appears to be that pyp2rpm
>>> creates a spec file only, while pypi2rpm creates the RPM directly.
>> Pyp2rpm supports a packager to create an initial spec.
>> Using pypi2rpm there's IMHO no way to get produced rpms into fedora.
>> (because of missing srpm)
>> If you don't care about that, I guess, pypi2rpm will be good enough.
> Yes, it is exactly as Matthias says.
> pyp2rpm is a tool for packager, it creates an rpm specfile, which is prefilled with the automatically extractable data.
> pypi2rpm is a tool for user who wants to create binary rpms, but it can't produce specfile nor srpm in any form.

Thanks, that makes sense - I hadn't really looked closely at pypi2rpm
until today (it had only been on my "learn more about this" list) so I
hadn't noticed the limitation. I'd previously tried using py2pack to
create SPEC files, and they required a lot of subsequent tweaking to
bring them up to something I considered acceptable (and that wasn't even
trying to get them up to full Fedora packaging standards).

Perhaps having "spec" or "srpm" in the name would make the difference
more obvious?

Regarding pyp2rpm itself, running "pip install pyp2rpm" (or
"easy_install pyp2rpm") on my Fedora 16 workstation gives me a traceback
with "RuntimeError: That compression method is not supported".


Nick Coghlan
Red Hat Infrastructure Engineering & Development, Brisbane

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