[Fedora-r-devel-list] collaborating on ggplot2 ?

Tom "spot" Callaway tcallawa at redhat.com
Wed Sep 2 15:03:42 UTC 2009

On 08/28/2009 10:10 PM, Jack Tanner wrote:
> quantreg <http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/quantreg/index.html>

I took a shot at this one (and its depends/suggests), and I ran into
SparseM. It claims to be GPL on its CRAN page, but that is not entirely
true, as its LICENSE file admits:


All R code and documentation in this package is licensed under the terms
of the GPL license -- see COPYING in the top level of the R directory
tree for further details.

All fortran and C code in the src directory, with the exception of
cholesky.f is also licensed on the GPL license, see


for explicit stipulation for sparskit.f.  The code in cholesky.f  is a
modified version of code originally written by Esmond Ng and Barry
Peyton.  The modified version is distributed as part of PCx by Czyzyk,
Mehrotra, Wagner, and Wright and is copywrite by the University
of Chicago.  The PCx distribution makes the following stipulation:

        This software discloses material protectable under copyright
        laws of the United States. Permission is hereby granted to use,
        reproduce, prepare derivative works, and redistribute to others
        at no charge, provided that the original PCx copyright notice,
        Government license and disclaimer are retained and any changes
        are clearly documented; however, any entity desiring permission
        to use this software within a commercial organization or to
        incorporate this software or a work based on the software into
        a product for sale must contact Paul Betten at the Industrial
        Technology Development Center, Argonne National Laboratory.

                PAUL BETTEN
                betten at anl.gov
                Industrial Technology Development Center,
                Argonne National Laboratory,
                Argonne, IL 60439
                (630) 252-4962
                FAX: (630) 252-5230

== EOF ==

That PCx license from ANL is non-free, due to its commercial use
restriction clause. That license is also incompatible with the GPL, so
the entire work is almost certainly not redistributable when compiled

In order to include this package in Fedora, we would need to get
permission from Paul Betten to use that file under a GPL compatible
license (or the GPL itself). I have sent an email to Mr. Betten, and I
am hopeful that he is still at ANL, and that he is willing/able to
resolve this licensing issue.


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