[gridsite] fix for the httpd24 patch

Devresse adev at fedoraproject.org
Tue Jun 4 14:31:57 UTC 2013

commit 5f23540e83d6ce6104453348648628705c402101
Author: Adrien Devresse <Adrien.Devresse at cern.ch>
Date:   Tue Jun 4 16:31:39 2013 +0200

     fix for the httpd24 patch

 gridsite-httpd24.patch    |   66 -
 gridsite-httpd24_v2.patch | 4677 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gridsite.spec             |    8 +-
 3 files changed, 4681 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gridsite-httpd24_v2.patch b/gridsite-httpd24_v2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..973c506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gridsite-httpd24_v2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,4677 @@
+diff -urpN org.gridsite.core-ORIG/src/mod_gridsite.c org.gridsite.core/src/mod_gridsite.c
+--- org.gridsite.core-ORIG/src/mod_gridsite.c	2013-06-04 15:30:31.000000000 +0200
++++ org.gridsite.core/src/mod_gridsite.c	2013-06-04 16:11:38.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2075,7 +2075,7 @@ static const char *mod_gridsite_take2_cm
+     if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteUserGroup") == 0)
+     {
+-      if (!(unixd_config.suexec_enabled))
++      if (!(ap_unixd_config.suexec_enabled))
+           return "Using GridSiteUserGroup will "
+                  "require rebuilding Apache with suexec support!";
+@@ -3050,9 +3050,9 @@ static int mod_gridsite_perm_handler(req
+     /* finally add IP credential */
+-    if (r->connection->remote_ip)
++    if (r->connection->client_ip)
+       {
+-        cred = GRSTgaclCredCreate("ip:", r->connection->remote_ip);
++        cred = GRSTgaclCredCreate("ip:", r->connection->client_ip);
+         GRSTgaclCredSetNotAfter(cred, GRST_MAX_TIME_T);
+         if (user == NULL) user = GRSTgaclUserNew(cred);
+@@ -3576,7 +3576,7 @@ int GRST_ssl_callback_SSLVerify_CRL(int 
+          * Log information about CRL
+          * (A little bit complicated because of ASN.1 and BIOs...)
+          */
+-        if (s->loglevel >= APLOG_DEBUG) {
++        if (s->log.level >= APLOG_DEBUG) {
+             char buff[512]; /* should be plenty */
+             BIO *bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
+@@ -3673,7 +3673,7 @@ int GRST_ssl_callback_SSLVerify_CRL(int 
+             ASN1_INTEGER *sn = revoked->serialNumber;
+             if (!ASN1_INTEGER_cmp(sn, X509_get_serialNumber(cert))) {
+-                if (s->loglevel >= APLOG_DEBUG) {
++                if (s->log.level >= APLOG_DEBUG) {
+                     char *cp = X509_NAME_oneline(issuer, NULL, 0);
+                     char *serial = i2s_ASN1_INTEGER(NULL,sn);
+@@ -3724,7 +3724,7 @@ int GRST_callback_SSLVerify_wrapper(int 
+     /*
+      * Log verification information
+      */
+-    if (s->loglevel >= APLOG_DEBUG) 
++    if (s->log.level >= APLOG_DEBUG) 
+       {
+         X509 *cert  = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx);
+         char *sname = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), NULL, 0);
+@@ -4438,7 +4438,7 @@ static int mod_gridsite_server_post_conf
+             SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, ctx->verify_mode, 
+                                GRST_callback_SSLVerify_wrapper);
+-            if (main_server->loglevel >= APLOG_DEBUG)
++            if (main_server->log.level >= APLOG_DEBUG)
+                  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
+                       "Set mod_ssl verify callbacks to GridSite wrappers");
+           }
+@@ -4448,7 +4448,7 @@ static int mod_gridsite_server_post_conf
+    path = ap_server_root_relative(pPool, sessionsdir);
+    apr_dir_make_recursive(path, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE, pPool);
+-   chown(path, unixd_config.user_id, unixd_config.group_id);
++   chown(path, ap_unixd_config.user_id, ap_unixd_config.group_id);
+    return OK;
+ }
+diff -urpN org.gridsite.core-ORIG/src/mod_gridsite.c.orig org.gridsite.core/src/mod_gridsite.c.orig
+--- org.gridsite.core-ORIG/src/mod_gridsite.c.orig	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ org.gridsite.core/src/mod_gridsite.c.orig	2012-11-20 14:05:02.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,4604 @@
++   Copyright (c) 2003-10, Andrew McNab, Shiv Kaushal, Joseph Dada,
++   and Yibiao Li, University of Manchester. All rights reserved.
++   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
++   without modification, are permitted provided that the following
++   conditions are met:
++     o Redistributions of source code must retain the above
++       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
++       disclaimer. 
++     o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
++       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
++       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
++       provided with the distribution. 
++   This program includes code from dav_parse_range() from Apache mod_dav.c,
++   and associated code contributed by  David O Callaghan
++   Copyright 2000-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as
++   applicable.
++   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
++   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
++   You may obtain a copy of the License at
++        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
++   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
++   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
++   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
++   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
++   limitations under the License.
++   This work has been partially funded by the EU Commission (contract 
++   INFSO-RI-222667) under the EGEE-III collaboration.
++ * This program is part of GridSite: http://www.gridsite.org/       *
++ *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++#ifndef VERSION
++#define VERSION "x.x.x"
++#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
++#include <apr_strings.h>
++#include <apr_tables.h>
++#include <apr_network_io.h>
++#include <ap_config.h>
++#include <httpd.h>
++#include <http_config.h>
++#include <http_core.h>
++#include <http_log.h>
++#include <http_protocol.h>
++#include <http_request.h>
++#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20051115,0)
++#include <unixd.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <sys/types.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>              
++#include <netdb.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <dirent.h>
++#include <ctype.h>
++#include <time.h>
++#include <sys/select.h> 
++#include <sys/socket.h> 
++#include <netinet/in.h> 
++#include <arpa/inet.h> 
++#include <libxml/parser.h>
++#include <libxml/tree.h>
++#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
++#include "mod_ssl-private.h"
++#include "gridsite.h"
++#ifdef  IPV6_JOIN_GROUP
++#ifndef UNSET
++#define UNSET -1
++#define GRST_SESSIONS_DIR "/var/www/sessions"
++module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA gridsite_module;
++struct sitecast_group
++   { char *address; int port; };
++struct sitecast_alias
++   { const char *sitecast_url; const char *scheme; int port; 
++     const char *local_path; const char *local_hostname; };
++/* Globals, defined by main server directives in httpd.conf  
++   These are assigned default values in create_gridsite_srv_config() */
++int gridhttpport = 0; /* set by create_gridsite_srv_config, used as flag */
++char                    *sessionsdir = NULL;
++char			*sitecastdnlists = NULL;
++char 			*ocspmodes = NULL;
++struct sitecast_group	sitecastgroups[GRST_SITECAST_GROUPS+1];
++struct sitecast_alias	sitecastaliases[GRST_SITECAST_ALIASES];
++ /* This global records whether the SSLSrvConfigRec struct will have 
++    the extra  BOOL insecure_reneg  member */
++int                     mod_ssl_with_insecure_reneg = 0;
++struct sitecast_sockets {
++    fd_set fds;
++    int max_fd;
++} sitecast_sockets;
++#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20051115,0)
++/* SSL_app_data2_idx is private in Apache 2.2 mod_ssl but can be
++   determined at init time, and then recorded here */
++int GRST_SSL_app_data2_idx = -1;
++typedef struct
++   int			auth;
++   int                  autopasscode;
++   int			requirepasscode;
++   int			zoneslashes;
++   int			envs;
++   int			format;
++   int			indexes;
++   char			*indexheader;
++   int			gridsitelink;
++   char			*adminfile;
++   char			*adminuri;
++   char			*helpuri;
++   char			*loginuri;
++   char			*dnlists;
++   char			*dnlistsuri;
++   char			*adminlist;
++   int			gsiproxylimit;
++   char			*unzip;
++   char			*methods;
++   char			*editable;
++   char			*headfile;
++   char			*footfile;
++   int			gridhttp;
++   char			*aclformat;
++   char			*aclpath;
++   char			*execmethod;
++   char			*delegationuri;
++   ap_unix_identity_t	execugid;
++   apr_fileperms_t	diskmode;
++}  mod_gridsite_dir_cfg; /* per-directory config choices */
++ *   parse_content_range() is loosely 
++ *   based on modules/dav/main/mod_dav.c from Apache
++ */
++int parse_content_range(request_rec *r, apr_off_t *range_start, 
++                        apr_off_t *range_end, apr_off_t *range_length)
++// this all needs verifying to be ok for large (>2GB, >4GB) files 
++    const char *range_c;
++    char *range;
++    char *dash;
++    char *slash;
++    range_c = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "content-range");
++    if (range_c == NULL) return 0;
++    range = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, range_c);
++    if ((strncasecmp(range, "bytes ", 6) != 0) ||
++        ((dash = ap_strchr(range, '-')) == NULL) ||
++        ((slash = ap_strchr(range, '/')) == NULL)) 
++      {        
++        return 0; /* malformed header. ignore it (per S14.16 of RFC2616) */
++      }
++    *dash = *slash = '\0';
++    // Check for GridSite-specific Content-Range: bytes *-*/LENGTH form
++    if ((range[6] == '*') && (dash[1] == '*'))
++      {
++        if (slash[1] == '*') return 0; /* invalid truncation length */
++        *range_length = apr_atoi64(&slash[1]);
++        *range_start  = 0;
++        *range_end    = 0;
++        return 1; /* a valid (truncation) length */
++      }          
++    *range_length = 0;
++    *range_start  = apr_atoi64(&range[6]);
++    *range_end    = apr_atoi64(&dash[1]);
++    if ((*range_end < *range_start) || 
++        ((slash[1] != '*') && (apr_atoi64(&slash[1]) <= *range_end)))
++            return 0; /* ignore invalid ranges */
++    /* we now have a valid range */
++    return 1;
++char *html_escape(apr_pool_t *pool, char *s)
++    int    htmlspecials, i;
++    char  *escaped, *p;
++    for (htmlspecials=0,p=s; *p != '\0'; ++p) 
++      if ((*p == '<') || (*p == '>') || (*p == '&') || (*p == '"')) 
++          ++htmlspecials;
++    escaped = apr_palloc(pool, strlen(s) + htmlspecials * 6 + 1);
++    for (i=0,p=s; *p != '\0'; ++p)
++       {
++             if      (*p == '<') 
++                { 
++                  strcpy(&escaped[i], "&lt;");
++                  i += 4;
++                }
++            else if (*p == '>') 
++                {
++                  strcpy(&escaped[i], "&gt;");
++                  i += 4;
++                }
++            else if (*p == '&') 
++                {
++                  strcpy(&escaped[i], "&amp;");
++                  i += 5;
++                }
++            else if (*p == '"') 
++                {
++                  strcpy(&escaped[i], "&quot;");
++                  i += 6;
++                }
++            else 
++                {
++                  escaped[i] = *p;
++                  ++i;
++                }                  
++       }
++    escaped[i] = '\0';
++    return escaped;
++char *make_admin_footer(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf,
++                        int isdirectory)
++    make string holding last modified text and admin links
++    char     *out, *https, *p, *dn = NULL, *file = NULL, *permstr = NULL, 
++             *temp, modified[99], *dir_uri, *grst_cred_auri_0 = NULL;
++    GRSTgaclPerm  perm = GRST_PERM_NONE;
++    struct tm mtime_tm;
++    time_t    mtime_time;
++    https = (char *) apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, "HTTPS");
++    dir_uri = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->uri);
++    p = rindex(dir_uri, '/');
++    if (p == NULL) return "";
++    file = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, &p[1]);
++    p[1] = '\0';
++    /* dir_uri always gets both a leading and a trailing slash */
++    out = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "<p>\n");
++    if (!isdirectory)
++      {
++        mtime_time = apr_time_sec(r->finfo.mtime);
++        localtime_r(&mtime_time, &mtime_tm);
++        strftime(modified, sizeof(modified), 
++                 "%a&nbsp;%e&nbsp;%B&nbsp;%Y", &mtime_tm);    
++        temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool,"<hr><small>Last modified %s\n", modified);
++        out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++        if ((conf->adminuri != NULL) &&
++            (conf->adminuri[0] != '\0') &&
++            (conf->adminfile != NULL) &&
++            (conf->adminfile[0] != '\0') &&
++            (strncmp(file, GRST_HIST_PREFIX, sizeof(GRST_HIST_PREFIX)-1) != 0))
++          {
++            temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++                            ". <a href=\"%s?cmd=history&amp;file=%s\">"
++                            "View&nbsp;page&nbsp;history</a>\n",
++                            conf->adminfile, file);
++            out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++          }
++        out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, "</small>", NULL);
++      }
++    out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, "<hr><small>", NULL);
++    if (r->connection->notes != NULL)
++      {
++        grst_cred_auri_0 = (char *) 
++                  apr_table_get(r->notes, "GRST_CRED_AURI_0");
++      }                       
++    if ((grst_cred_auri_0 != NULL) && 
++        (strncmp(grst_cred_auri_0, "dn:", 3) == 0))
++      {
++         dn = GRSThttpUrlDecode(&grst_cred_auri_0[3]);
++         if (dn[0] == '\0') 
++           {
++             free(dn);
++             dn = NULL;
++           }         
++      }
++    if (dn != NULL) 
++      {
++        temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++                            "You are %s<br>\n", html_escape(r->pool,dn));
++        out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++        if (r->notes != NULL)
++                permstr = (char *) apr_table_get(r->notes, "GRST_PERM");
++        if ((permstr != NULL) &&
++            (conf->adminuri != NULL) &&
++            (conf->adminuri[0] != '\0') &&
++            (conf->adminfile != NULL) &&
++            (conf->adminfile[0] != '\0'))
++          {
++            sscanf(permstr, "%d", &perm);
++            if (!isdirectory &&
++                GRSTgaclPermHasWrite(perm) &&
++                (strncmp(file, GRST_HIST_PREFIX,
++                         sizeof(GRST_HIST_PREFIX) - 1) != 0))
++              {
++                temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++                     "<a href=\"%s?cmd=edit&amp;file=%s\">"
++                     "Edit&nbsp;page</a> .\n", conf->adminfile, file);
++                out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++              }
++            if (GRSTgaclPermHasList(perm) || GRSTgaclPermHasWrite(perm))
++              {
++                temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++                 "<a href=\"%s%s?cmd=managedir\">Manage&nbsp;directory</a> .\n",
++                 dir_uri, conf->adminfile);
++                out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++              }                 
++          }
++        free(dn);
++      }
++    if ((https != NULL) && (strcasecmp(https, "on") == 0))
++         temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                   "<a href=\"http://%s%s\">Switch&nbsp;to&nbsp;HTTP</a> \n", 
++                   r->server->server_hostname, r->unparsed_uri);
++    else temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                   "<a href=\"https://%s%s\">Switch&nbsp;to&nbsp;HTTPS</a> \n",
++                   r->server->server_hostname, r->unparsed_uri);
++    out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++    if ((conf->loginuri != NULL) && (conf->loginuri[0] != '\0'))
++      {
++        temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                   ". <a href=\"%s%s\">Login/Logout</a>\n", 
++                   conf->loginuri, r->unparsed_uri);
++        out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++      }
++    if ((conf->helpuri != NULL) && (conf->helpuri[0] != '\0'))
++      {
++        temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                   ". <a href=\"%s\">Website&nbsp;Help</a>\n", conf->helpuri);
++        out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++      }
++    if ((!isdirectory) &&
++        (conf->adminuri != NULL) &&
++        (conf->adminuri[0] != '\0') &&
++        (conf->adminfile != NULL) &&
++        (conf->adminfile[0] != '\0'))
++      {
++        temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool, ". <a href=\"%s?cmd=print&amp;file=%s\">"
++               "Print&nbsp;View</a>\n", conf->adminfile, file);
++        out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++      }
++    if (conf->gridsitelink)
++      {
++        temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++           ". Built with <a href=\"http://www.gridsite.org/\">"
++           "GridSite</a>&nbsp;%s\n", VERSION);
++        out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, temp, NULL);
++      }
++    out = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, out, "\n</small>\n", NULL);
++    return out;
++void delegation_header(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++  apr_table_add(r->headers_out,
++                apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Proxy-Delegation-Service"),
++                apr_psprintf(r->pool,"https://%s%s", r->hostname, conf->delegationuri));
++  return;
++int html_format(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++    try to do GridSite formatting of .html files (NOT .shtml etc)
++    int    i, fd, errstatus;
++    char  *buf, *p, *file, *s, *head_formatted, *header_formatted,
++          *body_formatted, *admin_formatted, *footer_formatted;
++    size_t length;
++    struct stat statbuf;
++    apr_file_t *fp;
++    if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_NOFILE) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
++    if (apr_file_open(&fp, r->filename, APR_READ, 0, r->pool) != 0)
++                                     return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++    /* Put in Delegation service header if required */
++    if (conf->delegationuri) delegation_header(r, conf);
++    file = rindex(r->uri, '/');
++    if (file != NULL) ++file; /* file points to name without path */
++    buf = apr_palloc(r->pool, (size_t)(r->finfo.size + 1));
++    length = r->finfo.size;
++    apr_file_read(fp, buf, &length);
++    buf[r->finfo.size] = '\0';
++    apr_file_close(fp);
++    /* **** try to find a header file in this or parent directories **** */
++    fd = -1;
++    if (conf->headfile[0] == '/') /* try absolute */
++      {
++        fd = open(conf->headfile, O_RDONLY);
++      }
++    else /* try relative */
++      {
++        /* first make a buffer big enough to hold path names we want to try */
++        s = apr_palloc(r->pool, 
++                       strlen(r->filename) + strlen(conf->headfile) + 1);
++        strcpy(s, r->filename);
++        for (;;)
++           {
++             p = rindex(s, '/');
++             if (p == NULL) break; /* failed to find one */
++             p[1] = '\0';
++             strcat(p, conf->headfile);
++             fd = open(s, O_RDONLY);
++             if (fd != -1) break; /* found one */
++             *p = '\0';
++           }
++      }
++    if (fd == -1) /* not found, so set up not to output one */
++      {
++        head_formatted   = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "");
++        header_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "");
++        body_formatted   = buf;
++      }
++    else /* found a header file, so set up head and body to surround it */
++      {
++        fstat(fd, &statbuf);
++        header_formatted = apr_palloc(r->pool, statbuf.st_size + 1);
++        read(fd, header_formatted, statbuf.st_size);
++        header_formatted[statbuf.st_size] = '\0';
++        close(fd);
++        p = strstr(buf, "<body");
++        if (p == NULL) p = strstr(buf, "<BODY");
++        if (p == NULL) p = strstr(buf, "<Body");
++        if (p == NULL)
++          {
++            head_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "");
++            body_formatted = buf;
++          }
++        else
++          {
++            *p = '\0';
++            head_formatted = buf;
++            ++p;
++            while ((*p != '>') && (*p != '\0')) ++p;
++            if (*p == '\0')
++              {
++                body_formatted = p;
++              }
++            else
++              {
++                *p = '\0';
++                ++p;
++                body_formatted = p;
++              }
++          }
++      }
++    /* **** remove closing </body> tag from body **** */
++    p = strstr(body_formatted, "</body");
++    if (p == NULL) p = strstr(body_formatted, "</BODY");
++    if (p == NULL) p = strstr(body_formatted, "</Body");
++    if (p != NULL) *p = '\0';
++    /* **** set up dynamic part of footer to go at end of body **** */
++    admin_formatted = make_admin_footer(r, conf, FALSE);
++    /* **** try to find a footer file in this or parent directories **** */
++    fd = -1;
++    if (conf->footfile[0] == '/') /* try absolute */
++      {
++        fd = open(conf->footfile, O_RDONLY);
++      }
++    else /* try relative */
++      {
++        /* first make a buffer big enough to hold path names we want to try */
++        s = apr_palloc(r->pool, 
++                       strlen(r->filename) + strlen(conf->footfile) + 1);
++        strcpy(s, r->filename);
++        for (;;)
++           {
++             p = rindex(s, '/');
++             if (p == NULL) break; /* failed to find one */
++             p[1] = '\0';
++             strcat(p, conf->footfile);
++             fd = open(s, O_RDONLY);
++             if (fd != -1) break; /* found one */
++             *p = '\0';
++           }
++       }
++    if (fd == -1) /* failed to find a footer, so set up empty default */
++      {
++        footer_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "");
++      }
++    else /* found a footer, so set up to use it */
++      {
++        fstat(fd, &statbuf);
++        footer_formatted = apr_palloc(r->pool, statbuf.st_size + 1);
++        read(fd, footer_formatted, statbuf.st_size);
++        footer_formatted[statbuf.st_size] = '\0';
++        close(fd);
++      }
++    /* **** can now calculate the Content-Length and output headers **** */
++    length = strlen(head_formatted) + strlen(header_formatted) +
++             strlen(body_formatted) + strlen(admin_formatted)  +
++             strlen(footer_formatted);
++    ap_set_content_length(r, length);
++    ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
++    /* ** output the HTTP body (HTML Head+Body) ** */
++    ap_rputs(head_formatted,   r);
++    ap_rputs(header_formatted, r);
++    ap_rputs(body_formatted,   r);
++    ap_rputs(admin_formatted,  r);
++    ap_rputs(footer_formatted, r);
++    return OK;
++int html_dir_list(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++    output HTML directory listing, with level of formatting controlled
++    by GridSiteHtmlFormat/conf->format
++    int    i, fd, n, nn;
++    char  *buf, *p, *s, *head_formatted, *header_formatted,
++          *body_formatted, *admin_formatted, *footer_formatted, *temp,
++           modified[999], *d_namepath, *indexheaderpath, *indexheadertext,
++           *encoded, *escaped;
++    size_t length;
++    struct stat statbuf;
++    struct tm   mtime_tm;
++    struct dirent **namelist;
++    if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_NOFILE) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
++    /* Put in Delegation service header if required */
++    if (conf->delegationuri) delegation_header(r, conf);
++    head_formatted = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++      "<head><title>Directory listing %s</title></head>\n", r->uri);
++    if (conf->format)
++      {
++        /* **** try to find a header file in this or parent directories **** */
++        /* first make a buffer big enough to hold path names we want to try */
++        fd = -1;
++        s = apr_palloc(r->pool, 
++                       strlen(r->filename) + strlen(conf->headfile) + 1);
++        strcpy(s, r->filename);
++        for (;;)
++           {
++             p = rindex(s, '/');
++             if (p == NULL) break; /* failed to find one */
++             p[1] = '\0';
++             strcat(p, conf->headfile);
++             fd = open(s, O_RDONLY);
++             if (fd != -1) break; /* found one */
++             *p = '\0';
++           }
++        if (fd == -1) /* not found, so set up to output sensible default */
++          {
++            header_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "<body bgcolor=white>");
++          }
++        else /* found a header file, so set up head and body to surround it */
++          {
++            fstat(fd, &statbuf);
++            header_formatted = apr_palloc(r->pool, statbuf.st_size + 1);
++            read(fd, header_formatted, statbuf.st_size);
++            header_formatted[statbuf.st_size] = '\0';
++            close(fd);
++          }
++      }
++    else header_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "<body bgcolor=white>");
++    body_formatted = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++      "<h1>Directory listing %s</h1>\n", r->uri);
++    if (conf->indexheader != NULL)
++      {
++        indexheaderpath = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s/%s", r->filename, 
++                                                         conf->indexheader);
++        fd = open(indexheaderpath, O_RDONLY);
++        if (fd != -1)
++          {
++            fstat(fd, &statbuf);
++            indexheadertext = apr_palloc(r->pool, statbuf.st_size + 1);
++            read(fd, indexheadertext, statbuf.st_size);
++            indexheadertext[statbuf.st_size] = '\0';
++            close(fd);
++            body_formatted = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, body_formatted,
++                                         indexheadertext, NULL);
++          }
++      }
++    body_formatted = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, body_formatted, "<p><table>\n", NULL);
++    if (r->unparsed_uri[1] != '\0')
++     body_formatted = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, body_formatted, 
++        "<tr><td colspan=3>[<a href=\"../\">Parent directory</a>]</td></tr>\n", 
++         NULL);
++    nn = scandir(r->filename, &namelist, 0, versionsort);
++    for (n=0; n < nn; ++n)
++         {
++           if ((namelist[n]->d_name[0] != '.') && 
++               ((conf->indexheader == NULL) || 
++                (strcmp(conf->indexheader, namelist[n]->d_name) != 0)))
++             {
++               d_namepath = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s/%s", r->filename,
++                                                  namelist[n]->d_name);
++               stat(d_namepath, &statbuf);
++               localtime_r(&(statbuf.st_mtime), &mtime_tm);
++               strftime(modified, sizeof(modified), 
++              "<td align=right>%R</td><td align=right>%e&nbsp;%b&nbsp;%y</td>",
++                        &mtime_tm);    
++               encoded = GRSThttpUrlEncode(namelist[n]->d_name);
++               escaped = html_escape(r->pool, namelist[n]->d_name);
++               if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
++                    temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++                      "<tr><td><a href=\"%s/\" content-length=\"%ld\" "
++                      "last-modified=\"%ld\">"
++                      "%s/</a></td>"
++                      "<td align=right>%ld</td>%s</tr>\n", 
++                      encoded, statbuf.st_size, statbuf.st_mtime,
++                      escaped, 
++                      statbuf.st_size, modified);
++               else temp = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++                      "<tr><td><a href=\"%s\" content-length=\"%ld\" "
++                      "last-modified=\"%ld\">"
++                      "%s</a></td>"
++                      "<td align=right>%ld</td>%s</tr>\n", 
++                      encoded, statbuf.st_size, statbuf.st_mtime,
++                      escaped, 
++                      statbuf.st_size, modified);
++               free(encoded);
++               /* escaped done with pool so no free() */
++               body_formatted = apr_pstrcat(r->pool,body_formatted,temp,NULL);
++             }
++           free(namelist[n]);
++         }
++    free(namelist);
++    body_formatted = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, body_formatted, "</table>\n", NULL);
++    if (conf->format)
++      {
++        /* **** set up dynamic part of footer to go at end of body **** */
++        admin_formatted = make_admin_footer(r, conf, TRUE);
++        /* **** try to find a footer file in this or parent directories **** */
++        /* first make a buffer big enough to hold path names we want to try */
++        fd = -1;
++        s = apr_palloc(r->pool, 
++                       strlen(r->filename) + strlen(conf->footfile) + 1);
++        strcpy(s, r->filename);
++        for (;;)
++           {
++             p = rindex(s, '/');
++             if (p == NULL) break; /* failed to find one */
++             p[1] = '\0';
++             strcat(p, conf->footfile);
++             fd = open(s, O_RDONLY);
++             if (fd != -1) break; /* found one */
++             *p = '\0';
++           }
++        if (fd == -1) /* failed to find a footer, so use standard default */
++          {
++            footer_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "</body>");
++          }
++        else /* found a footer, so set up to use it */
++          {
++            fstat(fd, &statbuf);
++            footer_formatted = apr_palloc(r->pool, statbuf.st_size + 1);
++            read(fd, footer_formatted, statbuf.st_size);
++            footer_formatted[statbuf.st_size] = '\0';
++            close(fd);
++          }
++      }
++    else
++      {
++        admin_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "");
++        footer_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "</body>");
++      }
++    /* **** can now calculate the Content-Length and output headers **** */
++    length = strlen(head_formatted) + strlen(header_formatted) + 
++             strlen(body_formatted) + strlen(admin_formatted)  +
++             strlen(footer_formatted);
++    ap_set_content_length(r, length);
++    ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
++    /* ** output the HTTP body (HTML Head+Body) ** */
++    ap_rputs(head_formatted,   r);
++    ap_rputs(header_formatted, r);
++    ap_rputs(body_formatted,   r);
++    ap_rputs(admin_formatted,  r);
++    ap_rputs(footer_formatted, r);
++    return OK;
++char *make_passcode_file(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf, 
++                         char *path, apr_time_t expires_time)
++    int           i;
++    char         *filetemplate, *notename_i, *grst_cred_i, *cookievalue=NULL;
++    apr_uint64_t  gridauthcookie;
++    apr_table_t  *env;
++    apr_file_t   *fp;
++    /* create random for use in GRIDHTTP_PASSCODE cookies and file name */
++    if (apr_generate_random_bytes((char *) &gridauthcookie, 
++                                  sizeof(gridauthcookie))
++         != APR_SUCCESS) return NULL;
++    filetemplate = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s/passcode-%016lxXXXXXX", 
++     ap_server_root_relative(r->pool,
++     sessionsdir),
++     gridauthcookie);
++    if (apr_file_mktemp(&fp, 
++                        filetemplate, 
++                        APR_CREATE | APR_WRITE | APR_EXCL,
++                        r->pool)
++                      != APR_SUCCESS) return NULL;
++    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++               "Created passcode file %s", filetemplate);
++    if (expires_time > 0) apr_file_printf(fp, "expires=%lu\n",
++                                      (time_t) apr_time_sec(expires_time));
++    apr_file_printf(fp, "domain=%s\npath=%s\n", r->hostname, path);
++    for (i=0; ; ++i)
++       {
++         notename_i = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d", i);
++         if (grst_cred_i = (char *)
++                           apr_table_get(r->connection->notes, notename_i))
++           {
++             apr_file_printf(fp, "%s=%s\n", notename_i, grst_cred_i);
++           }
++         else break; /* GRST_CRED_AURI_i are numbered consecutively */
++         notename_i = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d", i);
++         if (grst_cred_i = (char *)
++                           apr_table_get(r->connection->notes, notename_i))
++           {
++             apr_file_printf(fp, "%s=%s\n", notename_i, grst_cred_i);
++           }
++         else break; /* GRST_CRED_VALID_i are numbered consecutively */
++       }
++    if (apr_file_close(fp) != APR_SUCCESS) 
++      {
++        apr_file_remove(filetemplate, r->pool); /* try to clean up */
++        return NULL;
++      }
++    cookievalue = rindex(filetemplate, '-');
++    if (cookievalue != NULL) 
++      {
++        ++cookievalue;
++        return cookievalue;
++      }
++    else return NULL;
++int http_gridhttp(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++    char        *httpurl, *cookievalue, expires_str[APR_RFC822_DATE_LEN];
++    apr_time_t   expires_time;
++    /* passcode cookies are valid for only 5 mins! */
++    expires_time = apr_time_now() + apr_time_from_sec(300);
++    /* try to generate passcode and make passcode file */
++    cookievalue = make_passcode_file(r, conf, r->uri, expires_time);
++    if (cookievalue == NULL) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++    /* send redirection header back to client */
++    apr_rfc822_date(expires_str, expires_time);
++    apr_table_add(r->headers_out, 
++                  apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Set-Cookie"),
++                  apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                  "GRIDHTTP_PASSCODE=%s; "
++                  "expires=%s; "
++                  "domain=%s; "
++                  "path=%s",
++                  cookievalue, expires_str, r->hostname, r->uri));
++    if (gridhttpport != DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT)
++         httpurl = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "http://%s:%d%s", r->hostname,
++                                gridhttpport, ap_escape_uri(r->pool, r->uri));
++    else httpurl = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "http://", r->hostname,
++                                ap_escape_uri(r->pool, r->uri), NULL);
++    apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Location"), httpurl);
++    r->status = HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY;  
++    return OK;
++int http_put_method(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++  char        buf[2048], *filename, *dirname, *basename;
++  const char  *p;
++  size_t      block_length, length_sent;
++  int         retcode, stat_ret;
++  apr_file_t *fp;
++  struct stat statbuf;
++  int       has_range = 0, is_done = 0;
++  apr_off_t range_start, range_end, range_length, length_to_send, length = 0;
++  /* ***  check if directory creation: PUT /.../  *** */
++  if ((r->unparsed_uri    != NULL) && 
++      (r->unparsed_uri[0] != '\0') &&
++      (r->unparsed_uri[strlen(r->unparsed_uri) - 1] == '/'))
++    {
++      if (apr_dir_make(r->filename, 
++                       conf->diskmode 
++                       | APR_UEXECUTE | APR_GEXECUTE | APR_WEXECUTE, 
++                       r->pool) != 0) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++      /* we force the permissions, rather than accept any existing ones */
++      apr_file_perms_set(r->filename, conf->diskmode
++                             | APR_UEXECUTE | APR_GEXECUTE | APR_WEXECUTE);
++      ap_set_content_length(r, 0);
++      ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
++      return OK;
++    }
++  /* ***  otherwise assume trying to create a regular file *** */
++  stat_ret = stat(r->filename, &statbuf);
++  /* find if a range is specified */
++  has_range = parse_content_range(r, &range_start, &range_end, &range_length);
++  if (has_range)
++    {
++       if ((range_start == 0) && (range_end == 0)) /* truncate? */
++         {
++           if (stat_ret != 0) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
++           if (truncate(r->filename, range_length) != 0)
++                return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++           else return OK;
++         }
++       filename = r->filename;
++       if (apr_file_open(&fp, filename, APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE | APR_BUFFERED,
++            conf->diskmode, r->pool) != 0) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++    }
++  else /* use temporary file if not a partial transfer */ 
++    {
++      dirname = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename);
++      basename = rindex(dirname, '/');
++      if (basename == NULL) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++      *basename = '\0';
++      ++basename;
++      filename = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                             "%s/.grsttmp-%s-XXXXXX", dirname, basename);
++      if (apr_file_mktemp(&fp, filename,
++                    APR_CREATE | APR_WRITE | APR_BUFFERED | APR_EXCL, r->pool)
++                    != APR_SUCCESS) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++      p = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Content-Length");
++      if (p != NULL) 
++        {
++          length = (apr_off_t) atol(p);
++          if (length > 16384)
++            {
++              if (apr_file_seek(fp, APR_SET, &length) == 0)
++                {
++                  block_length = 1;
++                  apr_file_write(fp, "0", &block_length);
++                }
++              apr_file_seek(fp, APR_SET, 0);
++            }
++        }
++    }
++  /* we force the permissions, rather than accept any existing ones */
++  apr_file_perms_set(filename, conf->diskmode);
++  if (has_range)
++    {
++      if (apr_file_seek(fp, APR_SET, &range_start) != 0) 
++        {
++          retcode = HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++          return retcode;
++        }
++      length_to_send = range_end - range_start + 1;
++    }
++  retcode = ap_setup_client_block(r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK);
++  if (retcode == OK)
++    {
++      if (has_range) length_sent = 0;
++      if (ap_should_client_block(r))
++          while ((block_length = ap_get_client_block(r, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
++            {
++              if (has_range && (length_sent + block_length > length_to_send))
++                {
++                  block_length = length_to_send - length_sent;
++                  is_done = 1;
++                }
++              if (apr_file_write(fp, buf, &block_length) != 0) 
++                {
++                  retcode = HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++                  break;
++                }
++              if (has_range)
++                {
++                  if (is_done) break;
++                  else length_sent += block_length;
++                }
++            }
++      ap_set_content_length(r, 0);
++      ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
++    }
++  if ((apr_file_close(fp) != 0) || (retcode == HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))
++    {
++      if (strcmp(filename, r->filename) != 0) remove(filename);
++    }
++  if ((strcmp(filename, r->filename) != 0) &&
++      (apr_file_rename(filename, r->filename, r->pool) != 0))
++      return HTTP_FORBIDDEN; /* best guess as to the problem ... */
++  if ((retcode == OK) && (stat_ret != 0))
++    {
++      retcode = HTTP_CREATED;
++      ap_custom_response(r, HTTP_CREATED, "");
++    }
++  return retcode;
++int http_delete_method(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++               "Try remove(%s)", r->filename);
++  if (remove(r->filename) != 0) return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
++  ap_set_content_length(r, 0);
++  ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
++  return OK;
++int http_move_method(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++  char *destination_translated = NULL;
++  if (r->notes != NULL) destination_translated = 
++            (char *) apr_table_get(r->notes, "GRST_DESTINATION_TRANSLATED");
++  if (destination_translated == NULL) return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
++  if (strcmp(r->filename, destination_translated) == 0)
++                                      return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
++  if (apr_file_rename(r->filename, destination_translated, r->pool) != 0)
++                                                       return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
++  ap_set_content_length(r, 0);
++  ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
++  return OK;
++static int mod_gridsite_dir_handler(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++   handler switch for directories
++    /* *** is this a write method? only possible if  GridSiteAuth on *** */
++    if (conf->auth)
++      {
++        if ((r->method_number == M_PUT) && 
++            (conf->methods != NULL) &&
++            (strstr(conf->methods, " PUT "   ) != NULL))
++                                           return http_put_method(r, conf);
++        if ((r->method_number == M_DELETE) &&
++            (conf->methods != NULL) &&
++            (strstr(conf->methods, " DELETE ") != NULL)) 
++                                           return http_delete_method(r, conf);
++      }
++    /* *** directory listing? *** */
++    if ((r->method_number == M_GET) && (conf->indexes))       
++                       return html_dir_list(r, conf); /* directory listing */
++    return DECLINED; /* *** nothing to see here, move along *** */
++static int mod_gridsite_nondir_handler(request_rec *r, mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++   one big handler switch for everything other than directories, since we 
++   might be responding to MIME * / * for local PUT, MOVE, COPY and DELETE, 
++   and GET inside ghost directories.
++    char *upgradeheader, *upgradespaced, *p;
++    const char *https_env;
++    /* *** is this a write method or GridHTTP HTTPS->HTTP redirection? 
++           only possible if  GridSiteAuth on *** */
++    if (conf->auth)
++      {
++        if ((conf->gridhttp) &&
++            ((r->method_number == M_GET) || 
++             ((r->method_number == M_PUT) && 
++              (strstr(conf->methods, " PUT ") != NULL))) &&
++            ((upgradeheader = (char *) apr_table_get(r->headers_in,
++                                                     "Upgrade")) != NULL) &&
++            ((https_env=apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env,"HTTPS")) != NULL) &&
++            (strcasecmp(https_env, "on") == 0))
++          {
++            upgradespaced = apr_psprintf(r->pool, " %s ", upgradeheader);
++            for (p=upgradespaced; *p != '\0'; ++p)
++             if ((*p == ',') || (*p == '\t')) *p = ' ';
++// TODO: what if we're pointing at a CGI or some dynamic content???
++            if (strstr(upgradespaced, " GridHTTP/1.0 ") != NULL)
++                                            return http_gridhttp(r, conf);
++          }
++        if ((r->method_number == M_PUT) && 
++            (conf->methods != NULL) &&
++            (strstr(conf->methods, " PUT "   ) != NULL))
++                                           return http_put_method(r, conf);
++        if ((r->method_number == M_DELETE) &&
++            (conf->methods != NULL) &&
++            (strstr(conf->methods, " DELETE ") != NULL)) 
++                                           return http_delete_method(r, conf);
++        if ((r->method_number == M_MOVE) &&
++            (conf->methods != NULL) &&
++            (strstr(conf->methods, " MOVE ") != NULL)) 
++                                           return http_move_method(r, conf);
++      }
++    /* *** check if a special ghost admin CGI *** */
++    if (conf->adminfile && conf->adminuri &&
++        (strlen(r->filename) > strlen(conf->adminfile) + 1) &&
++        (strcmp(&(r->filename[strlen(r->filename) - strlen(conf->adminfile)]),
++                                                    conf->adminfile) == 0) &&
++        (r->filename[strlen(r->filename)-strlen(conf->adminfile)-1] == '/') &&
++        ((r->method_number == M_POST) ||
++         (r->method_number == M_GET))) 
++      {
++        ap_internal_redirect(conf->adminuri, r);
++        return OK;
++      }
++    /* *** finally look for .html files that we should format *** */
++    if ((conf->format) &&  /* conf->format set by  GridSiteHtmlFormat on */ 
++        (strlen(r->filename) > 5) &&
++        (strcmp(&(r->filename[strlen(r->filename)-5]), ".html") == 0) &&
++        (r->method_number == M_GET)) return html_format(r, conf);
++    return DECLINED; /* *** nothing to see here, move along *** */
++static void recurse4dirlist(char *dirname, time_t *dirs_time,
++                             char *fulluri, int fullurilen,
++                             char *encfulluri, int enclen,
++                             request_rec *r, char **body,
++                             int recurse_level)
++/* try to find DN Lists in dir[] and its subdirs that match the fulluri[]
++   prefix. add blobs of HTML to body as they are found. */
++   char          *unencname, modified[99], *oneline, *d_namepath,
++                 *mildencoded;
++   DIR           *oneDIR;
++   struct dirent *onedirent;
++   struct tm      mtime_tm;
++   size_t         length;
++   struct stat    statbuf;
++   if ((stat(dirname, &statbuf) != 0) ||
++       (!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) ||
++       ((oneDIR = opendir(dirname)) == NULL)) return;
++   if (statbuf.st_mtime > *dirs_time) *dirs_time = statbuf.st_mtime;
++   while ((onedirent = readdir(oneDIR)) != NULL)
++        {
++          if (onedirent->d_name[0] == '.') continue;
++          d_namepath = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s/%s", dirname, onedirent->d_name);
++          if (stat(d_namepath, &statbuf) != 0) continue;
++          if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
++            {
++              if (recurse_level < GRST_RECURS_LIMIT)
++                 recurse4dirlist(d_namepath, dirs_time, fulluri,
++                                 fullurilen, encfulluri, enclen, 
++                                 r, body, recurse_level + 1);
++            }
++          else if ((strncmp(onedirent->d_name, encfulluri, enclen) == 0) &&
++                   (onedirent->d_name[strlen(onedirent->d_name) - 1] != '~'))
++            {
++              unencname = GRSThttpUrlDecode(onedirent->d_name);
++              if (strncmp(unencname, fulluri, fullurilen) == 0)
++                {
++                  if (statbuf.st_mtime > *dirs_time) 
++                                                *dirs_time = statbuf.st_mtime;
++                  localtime_r(&(statbuf.st_mtime), &mtime_tm);
++                  strftime(modified, sizeof(modified), 
++              "<td align=right>%R</td><td align=right>%e&nbsp;%b&nbsp;%y</td>",
++                       &mtime_tm);
++                  mildencoded = GRSThttpUrlMildencode(&unencname[fullurilen]);
++                  oneline = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                                     "<tr><td><a href=\"%s\" "
++                                     "content-length=\"%ld\" "
++                                     "last-modified=\"%ld\">"
++                                     "%s</a></td>"
++                                     "<td align=right>%ld</td>%s</tr>\n", 
++                                     mildencoded, statbuf.st_size, 
++                                     statbuf.st_mtime, 
++                                     html_escape(r->pool, unencname), 
++                                     statbuf.st_size, modified);
++                  free(mildencoded);
++                  *body = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, *body, oneline, NULL);
++                }      
++              free(unencname); /* libgridsite doesnt use pools */
++            }
++        }
++   closedir(oneDIR);
++static int mod_gridsite_dnlistsuri_dir_handler(request_rec *r, 
++                                               mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++    virtual DN-list file lister: make all DN lists on the dn-lists
++    path of this server appear to be in the dn-lists directory itself
++    (ie where they appear in the DN lists path doesnt matter, as long
++    as their name matches)
++    int            enclen, fullurilen, fd;
++    char          *fulluri, *encfulluri, *dn_list_ptr, *dirname, *unencname,
++                  *body, *oneline, *p, *s,
++                  *head_formatted, *header_formatted, *footer_formatted,
++                  *permstr = NULL;
++    struct stat    statbuf;
++    size_t         length;
++    time_t         dirs_time = 0;
++    GRSTgaclPerm   perm = GRST_PERM_NONE;
++    if (r->notes != NULL)
++           permstr = (char *) apr_table_get(r->notes, "GRST_PERM");
++    if (permstr != NULL) sscanf(permstr, "%d", &perm);
++    fulluri = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "https://%s%s",
++                                    r->hostname, conf->dnlistsuri);
++    fullurilen = strlen(fulluri);
++    encfulluri = GRSThttpUrlEncode(fulluri);
++    enclen     = strlen(encfulluri);
++    if (conf->dnlists != NULL) p = conf->dnlists;
++    else p = getenv("GRST_DN_LISTS");
++    if (p == NULL) p = GRST_DN_LISTS;
++    dn_list_ptr = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, p);
++    head_formatted = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++      "<head><title>Directory listing %s</title></head>\n", r->uri);
++    if (conf->format)
++      {
++        /* **** try to find a header file in this or parent directories **** */
++        fd = -1;
++        if (conf->headfile[0] == '/') /* try absolute */
++          {
++            fd = open(conf->headfile, O_RDONLY);
++          }
++        else /* try relative */
++          {
++            /* first make a buffer big enough to hold path names we want to try */
++            s = malloc(strlen(r->filename) + strlen(conf->headfile) + 1);
++            strcpy(s, r->filename);
++            for (;;)
++               {
++                 p = rindex(s, '/');
++                 if (p == NULL) break; /* failed to find one */
++                 p[1] = '\0';
++                 strcat(p, conf->headfile);
++                 fd = open(s, O_RDONLY);
++                 if (fd != -1) break; /* found one */
++                 *p = '\0';
++               }
++             free(s);
++           }
++        if (fd == -1) /* not found, so set up to output sensible default */
++          {
++            header_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "<body bgcolor=white>");
++          }
++        else /* found a header file, so set up head and body to surround it */
++          {
++            fstat(fd, &statbuf);
++            header_formatted = apr_palloc(r->pool, statbuf.st_size + 1);
++            read(fd, header_formatted, statbuf.st_size);
++            header_formatted[statbuf.st_size] = '\0';
++            close(fd);
++          }
++      }
++    else header_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "<body bgcolor=white>");
++    body = apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++      "<h1>Directory listing %s</h1>\n<table>", r->uri);
++    if ((r->uri)[1] != '\0')
++     body = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, body, 
++       "<tr><td>[<a href=\"../\">Parent directory</a>]</td></tr>\n",
++       NULL);
++    while ((dirname = strsep(&dn_list_ptr, ":")) != NULL)
++        recurse4dirlist(dirname, &dirs_time, fulluri, fullurilen,
++                                 encfulluri, enclen, r, &body, 0);
++    p = (char *) apr_table_get(r->subprocess_env, "HTTPS");
++    if ((p != NULL) && (strcmp(p, "on") == 0))
++      {
++        oneline = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++           "<form action=\"%s%s\" method=post>\n"
++           "<input type=hidden name=cmd value=managednlists>"
++           "<tr><td colspan=4 align=center><small><input type=submit "
++           "value=\"Manage DN lists\"></small></td></tr></form>\n",
++           r->uri, conf->adminfile);
++        body = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, body, oneline, NULL);
++      }
++    body = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, body, "</table>\n", NULL);
++    free(encfulluri); /* libgridsite doesnt use pools */
++    if (conf->format)
++      {
++        /* **** try to find a footer file in this or parent directories **** */
++        fd = -1;
++        if (conf->headfile[0] == '/') /* try absolute */
++          {
++            fd = open(conf->headfile, O_RDONLY);
++          }
++        else /* try relative */
++          {
++            /* first make a buffer big enough to hold path names we want to try */
++            s  = malloc(strlen(r->filename) + strlen(conf->footfile));
++            strcpy(s, r->filename);
++            for (;;)
++               {
++                 p = rindex(s, '/');
++                 if (p == NULL) break; /* failed to find one */
++                 p[1] = '\0';
++                 strcat(p, conf->footfile);
++                 fd = open(s, O_RDONLY);
++                 if (fd != -1) break; /* found one */
++                 *p = '\0';
++               }
++            free(s);
++          }
++        if (fd == -1) /* failed to find a footer, so use standard default */
++          {
++            footer_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "</body>");
++          }
++        else /* found a footer, so set up to use it */
++          {
++            fstat(fd, &statbuf);
++            footer_formatted = apr_palloc(r->pool, statbuf.st_size + 1);
++            read(fd, footer_formatted, statbuf.st_size);
++            footer_formatted[statbuf.st_size] = '\0';
++            close(fd);
++          }
++      }
++    else footer_formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "</body>");
++    /* **** can now calculate the Content-Length and output headers **** */
++    length = strlen(head_formatted) + strlen(header_formatted) + 
++             strlen(body) + strlen(footer_formatted);
++    ap_set_content_length(r, length);
++    r->mtime = apr_time_from_sec(dirs_time);
++    ap_set_last_modified(r);
++    ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html");
++    /* ** output the HTTP body (HTML Head+Body) ** */
++    ap_rputs(head_formatted,   r);
++    ap_rputs(header_formatted, r);
++    ap_rputs(body,		   r);
++    ap_rputs(footer_formatted, r);
++    return OK;
++static char *recurse4file(char *dir, char *file, apr_pool_t *pool, 
++                          int recurse_level)
++/* try to find file[] in dir[]. try subdirs if not found.
++   return full path to first found version or NULL on failure */
++    char          *fullfilename, *fulldirname;
++    struct stat    statbuf;
++    DIR           *dirDIR;
++    struct dirent *file_ent;
++    /* try to find in current directory */
++    fullfilename = apr_psprintf(pool, "%s/%s", dir, file);
++    if (stat(fullfilename, &statbuf) == 0) return fullfilename;
++    /* maybe search in subdirectories */
++    if (recurse_level >= GRST_RECURS_LIMIT) return NULL;
++    dirDIR = opendir(dir);
++    if (dirDIR == NULL) return NULL;
++    while ((file_ent = readdir(dirDIR)) != NULL)
++       {
++         if (file_ent->d_name[0] == '.') continue;
++         fulldirname = apr_psprintf(pool, "%s/%s", dir, file_ent->d_name);
++         if ((stat(fulldirname, &statbuf) == 0) &&
++             S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) &&
++             ((fullfilename = recurse4file(fulldirname, file,
++                                           pool, recurse_level + 1)) != NULL))
++           {
++             closedir(dirDIR);
++             return fullfilename;
++           }
++       }
++    closedir(dirDIR);
++    return NULL;
++static int mod_gridsite_dnlistsuri_handler(request_rec *r, 
++                                           mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf)
++    virtual DN-list file generator
++    int          fd;
++    char        *fulluri, *encfulluri, *dn_list_ptr, *filename, *dirname, *p,
++                *buf;
++    struct stat  statbuf;
++    /* *** check if a special ghost admin CGI *** */
++    if (conf->adminfile && conf->adminuri &&
++        (strlen(r->filename) > strlen(conf->adminfile) + 1) &&
++        (strcmp(&(r->filename[strlen(r->filename) - strlen(conf->adminfile)]),
++                                                    conf->adminfile) == 0) &&
++        (r->filename[strlen(r->filename)-strlen(conf->adminfile)-1] == '/') &&
++        ((r->method_number == M_POST) ||
++         (r->method_number == M_GET))) 
++      {
++        ap_internal_redirect(conf->adminuri, r);
++        return OK;
++      }
++    if (r->uri[strlen(r->uri) - 1] == '/') 
++      {
++        apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Location"), 
++                                       apr_pstrdup(r->pool, conf->dnlistsuri));
++        r->status = HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY;
++        return OK;                   
++      }
++    fulluri = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "https://%s%s", 
++                                    r->hostname, r->uri);
++    encfulluri = GRSThttpUrlEncode(fulluri);
++    if (conf->dnlists != NULL) p = conf->dnlists;
++    else p = getenv("GRST_DN_LISTS");
++    if (p == NULL) p = GRST_DN_LISTS;
++    dn_list_ptr = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, p);
++    while ((dirname = strsep(&dn_list_ptr, ":")) != NULL)
++       {
++         filename = recurse4file(dirname, encfulluri, r->pool, 0);
++         if (filename == NULL) continue;
++         fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
++         if (fd == -1) continue;
++         fstat(fd, &statbuf);         
++         ap_set_content_length(r, (apr_off_t) statbuf.st_size);
++         r->mtime = apr_time_from_sec(statbuf.st_mtime);
++         ap_set_content_type(r, "text/plain");
++         ap_set_last_modified(r);
++         buf = apr_palloc(r->pool, statbuf.st_size + 1);
++         read(fd, buf, statbuf.st_size);
++         buf[statbuf.st_size] = '\0';
++         ap_rputs(buf, r);
++         close(fd);
++         return OK;
++       }
++    return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
++static void *create_gridsite_srv_config(apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *s)
++    int i;
++    /* only run once (in base server) */
++    if (!(s->is_virtual) && (gridhttpport == 0))
++      {
++        gridhttpport = GRST_HTTP_PORT;
++        sessionsdir = apr_pstrdup(p, GRST_SESSIONS_DIR);
++                                      /* GridSiteSessionsDir dir-path   */
++        sitecastdnlists = NULL;
++        sitecastgroups[0].port  = GRST_HTCP_PORT;
++                                      /* GridSiteCastUniPort udp-port */
++        for (i=1; i <= GRST_SITECAST_GROUPS; ++i)
++           {
++             sitecastgroups[i].port = 0; /* GridSiteCastGroup mcast-list */
++           }
++        for (i=0; i <= GRST_SITECAST_ALIASES; ++i)
++           {
++             sitecastaliases[i].sitecast_url   = NULL;
++             sitecastaliases[i].port           = 0;
++             sitecastaliases[i].scheme         = NULL;
++             sitecastaliases[i].local_path     = NULL;
++             sitecastaliases[i].local_hostname = NULL;
++           }                              /* GridSiteCastAlias url path */
++      }
++    return NULL;
++static void *create_gridsite_dir_config(apr_pool_t *p, char *path)
++    mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf = apr_palloc(p, sizeof(*conf));
++    if (path == NULL) /* set up document root defaults */
++      {
++        conf->auth          = 0;     /* GridSiteAuth          on/off       */
++        conf->autopasscode  = 1;     /* GridSiteAutoPasscode  on/off       */
++        conf->requirepasscode = 0;   /* GridSiteRequirePasscode on/off     */
++        conf->zoneslashes   = 1;     /* GridSiteZoneSlashes   number       */
++        conf->envs          = 1;     /* GridSiteEnvs          on/off       */
++        conf->format        = 0;     /* GridSiteHtmlFormat    on/off       */
++        conf->indexes       = 0;     /* GridSiteIndexes       on/off       */
++        conf->indexheader   = NULL;  /* GridSiteIndexHeader   File-value   */
++        conf->gridsitelink  = 1;     /* GridSiteLink          on/off       */
++        conf->adminfile     = apr_pstrdup(p, GRST_ADMIN_FILE);
++                                /* GridSiteAdminFile      File-value   */
++        conf->adminuri      = NULL;  /* GridSiteAdminURI      URI-value    */
++        conf->helpuri       = NULL;  /* GridSiteHelpURI       URI-value    */
++        conf->loginuri      = NULL;  /* GridSiteLoginURI      URI-value    */
++        conf->dnlists       = NULL;  /* GridSiteDNlists       Search-path  */
++        conf->dnlistsuri    = NULL;  /* GridSiteDNlistsURI    URI-value    */
++        conf->adminlist     = NULL;  /* GridSiteAdminList     URI-value    */
++        conf->gsiproxylimit = 1000;  /* GridSiteGSIProxyLimit number       */
++        conf->unzip         = NULL;  /* GridSiteUnzip         file-path    */
++        conf->methods    = apr_pstrdup(p, " GET ");
++                                        /* GridSiteMethods      methods    */
++        conf->editable = apr_pstrdup(p, " txt shtml html htm css js php jsp ");
++                                        /* GridSiteEditable     types   */
++        conf->headfile = apr_pstrdup(p, GRST_HEADFILE);
++        conf->footfile = apr_pstrdup(p, GRST_FOOTFILE);
++               /* GridSiteHeadFile and GridSiteFootFile  file name */
++        conf->gridhttp      = 0;     /* GridSiteGridHTTP      on/off       */
++	conf->aclformat     = apr_pstrdup(p, "GACL");
++                                     /* GridSiteACLFormat     gacl/xacml   */
++	conf->aclpath       = NULL;  /* GridSiteACLPath       acl-path     */
++	conf->delegationuri = NULL;  /* GridSiteDelegationURI URI-value    */
++	conf->execmethod    = NULL;
++               /* GridSiteExecMethod  nosetuid/suexec/X509DN/directory */
++        conf->execugid.uid     = 0;	/* GridSiteUserGroup User Group */
++        conf->execugid.gid     = 0;	/* ditto */
++        conf->execugid.userdir = 0;	/* ditto */
++        conf->diskmode	= APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE; 
++              /* GridSiteDiskMode group-mode world-mode
++                 GroupNone | GroupRead | GroupWrite   WorldNone | WorldRead */
++      }
++    else
++      {
++        conf->auth          = UNSET; /* GridSiteAuth          on/off       */
++        conf->autopasscode  = UNSET; /* GridSiteAutoPasscode  on/off       */
++        conf->requirepasscode = UNSET; /* GridSiteRequirePasscode on/off   */
++        conf->zoneslashes   = UNSET; /* GridSiteZoneSlashes   number       */
++        conf->envs          = UNSET; /* GridSiteEnvs          on/off       */
++        conf->format        = UNSET; /* GridSiteHtmlFormat    on/off       */
++        conf->indexes       = UNSET; /* GridSiteIndexes       on/off       */
++        conf->indexheader   = NULL;  /* GridSiteIndexHeader   File-value   */
++        conf->gridsitelink  = UNSET; /* GridSiteLink          on/off       */
++        conf->adminfile     = NULL;  /* GridSiteAdminFile     File-value   */
++        conf->adminuri      = NULL;  /* GridSiteAdminURI      URI-value    */
++        conf->helpuri       = NULL;  /* GridSiteHelpURI       URI-value    */
++        conf->loginuri      = NULL;  /* GridSiteLoginURI      URI-value    */
++        conf->dnlists       = NULL;  /* GridSiteDNlists       Search-path  */
++        conf->dnlistsuri    = NULL;  /* GridSiteDNlistsURI    URI-value    */
++        conf->adminlist     = NULL;  /* GridSiteAdminList     URI-value    */
++        conf->gsiproxylimit = UNSET; /* GridSiteGSIProxyLimit number       */
++        conf->unzip         = NULL;  /* GridSiteUnzip         file-path    */
++        conf->methods       = NULL;  /* GridSiteMethods       methods      */
++        conf->editable      = NULL;  /* GridSiteEditable      types        */
++        conf->headfile      = NULL;  /* GridSiteHeadFile      file name    */
++        conf->footfile      = NULL;  /* GridSiteFootFile      file name    */
++        conf->gridhttp      = UNSET; /* GridSiteGridHTTP      on/off       */
++	conf->aclformat     = NULL;  /* GridSiteACLFormat     gacl/xacml   */
++	conf->aclpath       = NULL;  /* GridSiteACLPath       acl-path     */
++	conf->delegationuri = NULL;  /* GridSiteDelegationURI URI-value    */
++	conf->execmethod    = NULL;  /* GridSiteExecMethod */
++        conf->execugid.uid     = UNSET;	/* GridSiteUserGroup User Group */
++        conf->execugid.gid     = UNSET; /* ditto */
++        conf->execugid.userdir = UNSET; /* ditto */
++        conf->diskmode	    = UNSET; /* GridSiteDiskMode group world */
++      }
++    return conf;
++static void *merge_gridsite_dir_config(apr_pool_t *p, void *vserver,
++                                                      void *vdirect)
++/* merge directory with server-wide directory configs */
++    mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf, *server, *direct;
++    server = (mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) vserver;
++    direct = (mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) vdirect;
++    conf = apr_palloc(p, sizeof(*conf));
++    if (direct->auth != UNSET) conf->auth = direct->auth;
++    else                       conf->auth = server->auth;
++    if (direct->autopasscode != UNSET) conf->autopasscode = direct->autopasscode;
++    else                               conf->autopasscode = server->autopasscode;
++    if (direct->requirepasscode != UNSET) conf->requirepasscode = direct->requirepasscode;
++    else                               conf->requirepasscode = server->requirepasscode;
++    if (direct->zoneslashes != UNSET) conf->zoneslashes = direct->zoneslashes;
++    else                              conf->zoneslashes = server->zoneslashes;
++    if (direct->envs != UNSET) conf->envs = direct->envs;
++    else                       conf->envs = server->envs;
++    if (direct->format != UNSET) conf->format = direct->format;
++    else                         conf->format = server->format;
++    if (direct->indexes != UNSET) conf->indexes = direct->indexes;
++    else                          conf->indexes = server->indexes;
++    if (direct->gridsitelink != UNSET) conf->gridsitelink=direct->gridsitelink;
++    else                               conf->gridsitelink=server->gridsitelink;
++    if (direct->indexheader != NULL) conf->indexheader = direct->indexheader;
++    else                             conf->indexheader = server->indexheader;
++    if (direct->adminfile != NULL) conf->adminfile = direct->adminfile;
++    else                           conf->adminfile = server->adminfile;
++    if (direct->adminuri != NULL) conf->adminuri = direct->adminuri;
++    else                          conf->adminuri = server->adminuri;
++    if (direct->helpuri != NULL) conf->helpuri = direct->helpuri;
++    else                         conf->helpuri = server->helpuri;
++    if (direct->loginuri != NULL) conf->loginuri = direct->loginuri;
++    else                          conf->loginuri = server->loginuri;
++    if (direct->dnlists != NULL) conf->dnlists = direct->dnlists;
++    else                         conf->dnlists = server->dnlists;
++    if (direct->dnlistsuri != NULL) conf->dnlistsuri = direct->dnlistsuri;
++    else                            conf->dnlistsuri = server->dnlistsuri;
++    if (direct->adminlist != NULL) conf->adminlist = direct->adminlist;
++    else                           conf->adminlist = server->adminlist;
++    if (direct->gsiproxylimit != UNSET)
++                         conf->gsiproxylimit = direct->gsiproxylimit;
++    else                 conf->gsiproxylimit = server->gsiproxylimit;
++    if (direct->unzip != NULL) conf->unzip = direct->unzip;
++    else                       conf->unzip = server->unzip;
++    if (direct->methods != NULL) conf->methods = direct->methods;
++    else                         conf->methods = server->methods;
++    if (direct->editable != NULL) conf->editable = direct->editable;
++    else                          conf->editable = server->editable;
++    if (direct->headfile != NULL) conf->headfile = direct->headfile;
++    else                          conf->headfile = server->headfile;
++    if (direct->footfile != NULL) conf->footfile = direct->footfile;
++    else                          conf->footfile = server->footfile;
++    if (direct->gridhttp != UNSET) conf->gridhttp = direct->gridhttp;
++    else                           conf->gridhttp = server->gridhttp;
++    if (direct->aclformat != NULL) conf->aclformat = direct->aclformat;
++    else                           conf->aclformat = server->aclformat;
++    if (direct->aclpath != NULL)   conf->aclpath = direct->aclpath;
++    else                           conf->aclpath = server->aclpath;
++    if (direct->delegationuri != NULL) conf->delegationuri = direct->delegationuri;
++    else                               conf->delegationuri = server->delegationuri;
++    if (direct->execmethod != NULL) conf->execmethod = direct->execmethod;
++    else                            conf->execmethod = server->execmethod;
++    if (direct->execugid.uid != UNSET)
++      { conf->execugid.uid = direct->execugid.uid;
++        conf->execugid.gid = direct->execugid.gid;
++        conf->execugid.userdir = direct->execugid.userdir; }
++    else
++      { conf->execugid.uid = server->execugid.uid;
++        conf->execugid.gid = server->execugid.gid;
++        conf->execugid.userdir = server->execugid.userdir; }
++    if (direct->diskmode != UNSET) conf->diskmode = direct->diskmode;
++    else                            conf->diskmode = server->diskmode;
++    return conf;
++static const char *mod_gridsite_take1_cmds(cmd_parms *a, void *cfg,
++                                           const char *parm)
++    int   n, i;
++    char *p;
++    if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteSessionsDir") == 0)
++    {
++      if (a->server->is_virtual)
++       return "GridSiteSessionsDir cannot be used inside a virtual server";
++      sessionsdir = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++/* GridSiteOnetimesDir is deprecated in favour of GridSiteSessionsDir */
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteOnetimesDir") == 0)
++    {
++      if (a->server->is_virtual)
++       return "GridSiteOnetimesDir cannot be used inside a virtual server";
++      sessionsdir = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteZoneSlashes") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->zoneslashes = atoi(parm);
++      if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->zoneslashes < 1)
++       return "GridSiteZoneSlashes must be greater than 0";
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteGridHTTPport") == 0)
++    {
++      gridhttpport = atoi(parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteCastDNlists") == 0)
++    {
++      if (a->server->is_virtual)
++       return "GridSiteDNlists cannot be used inside a virtual server";
++      sitecastdnlists = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteCastUniPort") == 0)
++    {
++      if (a->server->is_virtual)
++       return "GridSiteCastUniPort cannot be used inside a virtual server";
++      if (sscanf(parm, "%d", &(sitecastgroups[0].port)) != 1)
++        return "Failed parsing GridSiteCastUniPort numeric value";
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteCastGroup") == 0)
++    {
++      if (a->server->is_virtual)
++       return "GridSiteCastGroup cannot be used inside a virtual server";
++      for (i=1; i <= GRST_SITECAST_GROUPS; ++i)
++         {
++           if (sitecastgroups[i].port == 0) /* a free slot */
++             {
++               sitecastgroups[i].port = GRST_HTCP_PORT;
++               if (sscanf(parm, "%s:%d",
++                          &(sitecastgroups[i].address), 
++                          &(sitecastgroups[i].port)) < 1)
++                 return "Failed parsing GridSiteCastGroup";
++               break;
++             }
++         }
++      if (i > GRST_SITECAST_GROUPS)
++                     return "Maximum GridSiteCastGroup groups reached";
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteAdminFile") == 0)
++    {
++      if (index(parm, '/') != NULL) 
++           return "/ not permitted in GridSiteAdminFile";
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminfile =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteAdminURI") == 0)
++    {
++      if (*parm != '/') return "GridSiteAdminURI must begin with /";
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminuri =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteHelpURI") == 0)
++    {
++      if (*parm != '/') return "GridSiteHelpURI must begin with /";
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->helpuri =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteDNlists") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlists =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteDNlistsURI") == 0)
++    {
++      if (*parm != '/') return "GridSiteDNlistsURI must begin with /";
++      if ((*parm != '\0') && (parm[strlen(parm) - 1] == '/'))
++       ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++      else
++       ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri =
++        apr_pstrcat(a->pool, parm, "/", NULL);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteAdminList") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminlist =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteGSIProxyLimit") == 0)
++    {
++      n = -1;
++      if ((sscanf(parm, "%d", &n) == 1) && (n >= 0)) {
++		  if (n == 0)
++		      n = 1000; /* thousand is an African for "unlimited" */
++                  ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->gsiproxylimit = n;
++      }
++      else return "GridSiteGSIProxyLimit must be a number >= 0";     
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteUnzip") == 0)
++    {
++      if (*parm != '/') return "GridSiteUnzip must begin with /";
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->unzip =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteMethods") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->methods =
++        apr_psprintf(a->pool, " %s ", parm);
++      for (p = ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->methods;
++           *p != '\0';
++           ++p) if (*p == '\t') *p = ' ';
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteOCSP") == 0)
++    {
++      ocspmodes = apr_psprintf(a->pool, " %s ", parm);
++      for (p = ocspmodes; *p != '\0'; ++p)
++               if (*p == '\t') *p = ' ';
++               else *p = tolower(*p);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteEditable") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->editable =
++        apr_psprintf(a->pool, " %s ", parm);
++      for (p = ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->editable;
++           *p != '\0';
++           ++p) if (*p == '\t') *p = ' ';
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteHeadFile") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->headfile =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteFootFile") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->footfile =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }  
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteIndexHeader") == 0)
++    {
++      if (index(parm, '/') != NULL) 
++           return "/ not permitted in GridSiteIndexHeader";
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->indexheader =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteACLFormat") == 0)
++    {
++      if ((strcasecmp(parm,"GACL") != 0) &&
++          (strcasecmp(parm,"XACML") != 0))
++          return "GridsiteACLFormat must be either GACL or XACML";
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclformat = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteACLPath") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclpath = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteDelegationURI") == 0)
++    {
++      if (*parm != '/') return "GridSiteDelegationURI must begin with /";
++      if (*parm != '\0')
++       ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->delegationuri =
++        apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteExecMethod") == 0)
++    {
++      if (strcasecmp(parm, "nosetuid") == 0)
++        {
++          ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->execmethod = NULL;
++          return NULL;
++        }
++      if ((strcasecmp(parm, "suexec")    != 0) &&
++          (strcasecmp(parm, "X509DN")    != 0) &&
++          (strcasecmp(parm, "directory") != 0))
++          return "GridsiteExecMethod must be nosetuid, suexec, X509DN or directory";
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->execmethod = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm);
++    }
++    return NULL;
++static const char *mod_gridsite_take2_cmds(cmd_parms *a, void *cfg,
++                                       const char *parm1, const char *parm2)
++    int   i;
++    char *p, *q, buf[APRMAXHOSTLEN + 1] = "localhost";
++    if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteUserGroup") == 0)
++    {
++      if (!(unixd_config.suexec_enabled))
++          return "Using GridSiteUserGroup will "
++                 "require rebuilding Apache with suexec support!";
++      /* NB ap_uname2id/ap_gname2id are NOT thread safe - but OK
++         as long as not used in .htaccess, just at server start time */
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->execugid.uid = ap_uname2id(parm1);
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->execugid.gid = ap_gname2id(parm2);
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->execugid.userdir = 0;
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteDiskMode") == 0)
++    {
++      if ((strcasecmp(parm1, "GroupNone" ) != 0) &&
++          (strcasecmp(parm1, "GroupRead" ) != 0) &&
++          (strcasecmp(parm1, "GroupWrite") != 0))
++        return "First parameter of GridSiteDiskMode must be "
++               "GroupNone, GroupRead or GroupWrite!";
++      if ((strcasecmp(parm2, "WorldNone" ) != 0) &&
++          (strcasecmp(parm2, "WorldRead" ) != 0))
++        return "Second parameter of GridSiteDiskMode must be "
++               "WorldNone or WorldRead!";
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->diskmode = 
++       | ( APR_GREAD               * (strcasecmp(parm1, "GroupRead") == 0))
++       | ((APR_GREAD | APR_GWRITE) * (strcasecmp(parm1, "GroupWrite") == 0))
++       | ((APR_GREAD | APR_WREAD)  * (strcasecmp(parm2, "WorldRead") == 0));
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteCastAlias") == 0)
++    {
++      if ((parm1[strlen(parm1)-1] != '/') || (parm2[strlen(parm2)-1] != '/'))
++        return "GridSiteCastAlias URL and path must end with /";
++      for (i=0; i < GRST_SITECAST_ALIASES; ++i) /* look for free slot */
++         {
++           if (sitecastaliases[i].sitecast_url == NULL)
++             {
++               sitecastaliases[i].scheme = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm1);
++               if (((p = index(sitecastaliases[i].scheme, ':')) == NULL)
++                   || (p[1] != '/') || (p[2] != '/'))
++                 return "GridSiteCastAlias URL must begin with scheme (http/https/gsiftp/...) and ://";
++               *p = '\0';
++               ++p;
++               while (*p == '/') ++p;
++               if ((q = index(p, '/')) == NULL)
++                return "GridSiteCastAlias URL must be of form scheme://domain:port/dirs";
++               *q = '\0';
++               p = index(p, ':');
++               if (p == NULL)
++                 {
++                   return "GridSiteCastAlias URL must include the port number";
++                 }
++               if (sscanf(p, ":%d", &(sitecastaliases[i].port)) != 1)
++                 return "Unable to parse numeric port number in GridSiteCastAlias";
++               sitecastaliases[i].sitecast_url   = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm1);
++               sitecastaliases[i].local_path     = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, parm2);
++               if (a->server->server_hostname == NULL)
++                 {
++                   apr_gethostname(buf, APRMAXHOSTLEN + 1, a->pool);
++                   sitecastaliases[i].local_hostname = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, buf);
++                 }
++               else sitecastaliases[i].local_hostname = apr_pstrdup(a->pool, 
++                                                   a->server->server_hostname);
++               break;
++             }
++         }
++    }
++    return NULL;
++static const char *mod_gridsite_flag_cmds(cmd_parms *a, void *cfg,
++                                      int flag)
++    if      (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteAuth") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->auth = flag;
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteAutoPasscode") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->autopasscode = flag;
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteRequirePasscode") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->requirepasscode = flag;
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteEnvs") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->envs = flag;
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteHtmlFormat") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->format = flag;
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteIndexes") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->indexes = flag;
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteLink") == 0)
++    {
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->gridsitelink = flag;
++    }
++    else if (strcasecmp(a->cmd->name, "GridSiteGridHTTP") == 0)
++    {
++// TODO: return error if try this on non-HTTPS virtual server
++      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->gridhttp = flag;
++    }
++    return NULL;
++static const command_rec mod_gridsite_cmds[] =
++// TODO: need to check and document valid contexts for each command!
++    AP_INIT_FLAG("GridSiteAuth", mod_gridsite_flag_cmds, 
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "on or off"),
++    AP_INIT_FLAG("GridSiteAutoPasscode", mod_gridsite_flag_cmds,
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "on or off"),
++    AP_INIT_FLAG("GridSiteRequirePasscode", mod_gridsite_flag_cmds,
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "on or off"),
++    AP_INIT_FLAG("GridSiteEnvs", mod_gridsite_flag_cmds, 
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "on or off"),
++    AP_INIT_FLAG("GridSiteHtmlFormat", mod_gridsite_flag_cmds, 
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "on or off"),
++    AP_INIT_FLAG("GridSiteIndexes", mod_gridsite_flag_cmds, 
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "on or off"),
++    AP_INIT_FLAG("GridSiteLink", mod_gridsite_flag_cmds, 
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "on or off"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteAdminFile", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "Ghost per-directory admin CGI"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteAdminURI", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "URI of real gridsite-admin.cgi"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteHelpURI", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "URI of Website Help pages"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteLoginURI", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "URI prefix of login/logout page"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteDNlists", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "DN Lists directories search path"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteDNlistsURI", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "URI of published DN lists"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteAdminList", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "URI of admin DN List"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteGSIProxyLimit", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "Max level of GSI proxy validity"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteUnzip", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "Absolute path to unzip command"),
++    AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS("GridSiteMethods", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "permitted HTTP methods"),
++    AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS("GridSiteOCSP", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Set OCSP lookups"),
++    AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS("GridSiteEditable", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "editable file extensions"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteHeadFile", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "filename of HTML header"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteFootFile", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "filename of HTML footer"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteIndexHeader", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "filename of directory header"),
++    AP_INIT_FLAG("GridSiteGridHTTP", mod_gridsite_flag_cmds,
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "on or off"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteGridHTTPport", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                   NULL, RSRC_CONF, "GridHTTP port"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteSessionsDir", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, RSRC_CONF, "directory with GridHTTP passcodes and SSL session creds"),
++/* GridSiteOnetimesDir is deprecated in favour of GridSiteSessionsDir */
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteOnetimesDir", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, RSRC_CONF, "directory with GridHTTP passcodes"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteZoneSlashes", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "number of slashes in passcode cookie paths"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteCastDNlists", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, RSRC_CONF, "DN Lists directories search path for SiteCast"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteCastUniPort", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, RSRC_CONF, "UDP port for unicast/replies"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteCastGroup", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, RSRC_CONF, "multicast group[:port] to listen for HTCP on"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE2("GridSiteCastAlias", mod_gridsite_take2_cmds,
++                 NULL, RSRC_CONF, "URL and local path mapping"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteACLFormat", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "format to save access control lists in"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteACLPath", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "explicit location of access control file"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteDelegationURI", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "URI of the delegation service CGI"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE1("GridSiteExecMethod", mod_gridsite_take1_cmds,
++                 NULL, OR_FILEINFO, "execution strategy used by gsexec"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE2("GridSiteUserGroup", mod_gridsite_take2_cmds, 
++                  NULL, OR_FILEINFO,
++                  "user and group of gsexec processes in suexec mode"),
++    AP_INIT_TAKE2("GridSiteDiskMode", mod_gridsite_take2_cmds, 
++                  NULL, OR_FILEINFO,
++                  "group and world file modes for new files/directories"),
++    {NULL}
++/*  Blank unset these HTTP headers, to prevent injection attacks.
++    This is run before mod_shib's check_user_id hook, which may
++    legitimately create such headers.                           */
++static int mod_gridsite_check_user_id(request_rec *r)
++    apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "User-Distinguished-Name");
++#if 0
++    apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "User-Distinguished-Name-2");
++    apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "Nist-LoA");
++    apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "LoA");
++    apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "VOMS-Attribute");
++    return DECLINED; /* ie carry on processing request */
++static int mod_gridsite_first_fixups(request_rec *r)
++    mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf;
++    if (r->finfo.filetype != APR_DIR) return DECLINED;
++    conf = (mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *)
++                    ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &gridsite_module);
++    /* we handle DN Lists as regular files, even if they also match
++       directory names  */
++    if ((conf != NULL) &&
++        (conf->dnlistsuri != NULL) &&
++        (strncmp(r->uri, conf->dnlistsuri, strlen(conf->dnlistsuri)) == 0) &&
++        (strcmp(r->uri, conf->dnlistsuri) != 0))
++      {
++        r->finfo.filetype = APR_REG; 
++      }
++    return DECLINED;
++int GRST_get_session_id(SSL *ssl, char *session_id, size_t len)
++   int          i;
++   SSL_SESSION *session;
++   if (((session = SSL_get_session(ssl)) == NULL) ||
++       (session->session_id_length == 0)) return GRST_RET_FAILED;
++   if (2 * session->session_id_length + 1 > len) return GRST_RET_FAILED;
++   for (i=0; i < (int) session->session_id_length; ++i)
++    sprintf(&(session_id[i*2]), "%02X", (unsigned char) session->session_id[i]);
++   session_id[i*2] = '\0';
++   return GRST_RET_OK;
++int GRST_load_ssl_creds(SSL *ssl, conn_rec *conn)
++   char session_id[(SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH+1)*2+1], *sessionfile = NULL,
++        line[512], *p;
++   apr_file_t  *fp = NULL;
++   int i;
++   if (GRST_get_session_id(ssl, session_id, sizeof(session_id)) != GRST_RET_OK)
++     return GRST_RET_FAILED;
++   sessionfile = apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "%s/sslcreds-%s",
++                         ap_server_root_relative(conn->pool, sessionsdir),
++                         session_id);
++   if (apr_file_open(&fp, sessionfile, APR_READ, 0, conn->pool) != APR_SUCCESS)
++       return GRST_RET_FAILED;
++   while (apr_file_gets(line, sizeof(line), fp) == APR_SUCCESS)
++        {
++          if (sscanf(line, "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d=", &i) == 1)
++            {
++              if ((p = index(line, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0';              
++              p = index(line, '=');
++              apr_table_setn(conn->notes,
++                         apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d", i),
++                         apr_pstrdup(conn->pool, &p[1]));
++            }
++          else if (sscanf(line, "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d=", &i) == 1)
++            {
++              if ((p = index(line, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0';              
++              p = index(line, '=');
++              apr_table_setn(conn->notes,
++                         apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d", i),
++                         apr_pstrdup(conn->pool, &p[1]));
++            }
++          else if (sscanf(line, "GRST_OCSP_URL_%d=", &i) == 1)
++            {
++              if ((p = index(line, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0';              
++              p = index(line, '=');
++              apr_table_setn(conn->notes,
++                         apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "GRST_OCSP_URL_%d", i),
++                         apr_pstrdup(conn->pool, &p[1]));
++            }
++        }
++   apr_file_close(fp);
++   /* connection notes created by GRST_save_ssl_creds() are now reloaded */
++   apr_table_set(conn->notes, "GRST_save_ssl_creds", "yes");
++   return GRST_RET_OK;
++    Save result of AURIs and validity info from chain into connection notes,
++    and write out in an SSL session creds file.
++void GRST_save_ssl_creds(conn_rec *conn, GRSTx509Chain *grst_chain)
++   int          i, lastcred, lowest_voms_delegation = 65535;
++   char         envname[14], *tempfile = NULL, *encoded,
++               *sessionfile, session_id[(SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH+1)*2];
++   apr_file_t  *fp = NULL;
++   SSL         *ssl;
++   SSLConnRec  *sslconn;
++   GRSTx509Cert  *grst_cert = NULL;
++   /* check if already done */
++   if ((grst_chain != NULL) && (conn->notes != NULL) &&
++       (apr_table_get(conn->notes, "GRST_save_ssl_creds") != NULL)) return;
++   /* we at least need to say we've been run - even if creds not save-able*/
++   apr_table_set(conn->notes, "GRST_save_ssl_creds", "yes");
++   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, conn->base_server,
++                                            "set GRST_save_ssl_creds");
++   sslconn = (SSLConnRec *)ap_get_module_config(conn->conn_config,&ssl_module);
++   if ((sslconn != NULL) && 
++       ((ssl = sslconn->ssl) != NULL) &&
++       (GRST_get_session_id(ssl,session_id,sizeof(session_id)) == GRST_RET_OK))
++     {
++       sessionfile = apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "%s/sslcreds-%s",
++                         ap_server_root_relative(conn->pool, sessionsdir),
++                         session_id);
++       tempfile = apr_pstrcat(conn->pool, 
++                          ap_server_root_relative(conn->pool, sessionsdir), 
++                          "/tmp-XXXXXX", NULL);
++       if ((tempfile != NULL) && (tempfile[0] != '\0'))
++               apr_file_mktemp(&fp, tempfile, 
++                               APR_CREATE | APR_WRITE | APR_EXCL, conn->pool);
++     }
++   i=0;
++   for (grst_cert = grst_chain->firstcert;
++        grst_cert != NULL; grst_cert = grst_cert->next)
++      {
++        if (grst_cert->errors) continue;
++        if (grst_cert->type == GRST_CERT_TYPE_VOMS)
++          {
++            /* want to record the delegation level 
++               of the last proxy with VOMS attributes */
++            lowest_voms_delegation = grst_cert->delegation;
++          }
++        else if ((grst_cert->type == GRST_CERT_TYPE_EEC) ||
++                 (grst_cert->type == GRST_CERT_TYPE_PROXY))
++          {
++            encoded = GRSThttpUrlMildencode(grst_cert->dn);
++            apr_table_setn(conn->notes,
++                   apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d", i),
++                   apr_pstrcat(conn->pool, "dn:", encoded, NULL));
++            if (fp != NULL) apr_file_printf(fp, "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d=dn:%s\n",
++                                                i, encoded);
++            apr_table_setn(conn->notes,
++                   apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d", i),
++                   apr_psprintf(conn->pool, 
++                      "notbefore=%ld notafter=%ld delegation=%d nist-loa=%d", 
++                      grst_cert->notbefore,
++                      grst_cert->notafter,
++                      grst_cert->delegation, 0));
++            if (fp != NULL) apr_file_printf(fp, 
++  "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d=notbefore=%ld notafter=%ld delegation=%d nist-loa=%d\n",
++                                            i, grst_cert->notbefore,
++                                               grst_cert->notafter, 
++                                               grst_cert->delegation, 0);
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, conn->base_server,
++                      "store GRST_CRED_AURI_%d=dn:%s", i, encoded);
++            free(encoded);
++            ++i;
++          }
++      }
++   for (grst_cert = grst_chain->firstcert; 
++        grst_cert != NULL; grst_cert = grst_cert->next)
++      {
++        if (grst_cert->errors) continue;
++        if ((grst_cert->type == GRST_CERT_TYPE_VOMS) &&
++            (grst_cert->delegation == lowest_voms_delegation))
++          {
++            /* only export attributes from the last proxy to contain them */
++            encoded = GRSThttpUrlMildencode(grst_cert->value);
++            apr_table_setn(conn->notes,
++                   apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d", i),
++                   apr_pstrcat(conn->pool, "fqan:", encoded, NULL));
++            if (fp != NULL) apr_file_printf(fp, "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d=fqan:%s\n",
++                                                i, encoded);
++            apr_table_setn(conn->notes,
++                   apr_psprintf(conn->pool, "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d", i),
++                   apr_psprintf(conn->pool, 
++                      "notbefore=%ld notafter=%ld delegation=%d nist-loa=%d", 
++                      grst_cert->notbefore,
++                      grst_cert->notafter, 
++                      grst_cert->delegation, 0));
++            if (fp != NULL) apr_file_printf(fp, 
++  "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d=notbefore=%ld notafter=%ld delegation=%d nist-loa=%d\n",
++                                            i, grst_cert->notbefore,
++                                               grst_cert->notafter,
++                                               grst_cert->delegation, 0);
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, conn->base_server,
++                      "store GRST_CRED_AURI_%d=fqan:%s", i, encoded);
++            free(encoded);
++            ++i;
++          }
++      }
++   /* this needs to be merged into grst_x509? */
++#if 0
++   if (ocspmodes != NULL)
++   {
++     int   j;
++     const char *ex_sn;
++     char s[80];
++     X509 *cert;     
++     X509_EXTENSION *ex;
++     for (j=sk_X509_num(certstack)-1; j >= 0; --j)
++        {
++          cert = sk_X509_value(certstack, j);
++          for (i=0; i < X509_get_ext_count(cert); ++i)
++             {
++               ex = X509_get_ext(cert, i);
++               OBJ_obj2txt(s, sizeof(s), X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ex), 0);
++               if (strcmp(s, "authorityInfoAccess") == 0) /* OCSP */
++                 {
++                   apr_table_setn(conn->notes, "GRST_OCSP_URL",
++                                  (const char *) X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ex));
++                   /* strategy is to remove what has been checked, 
++                      for this connnection */
++                   apr_table_set(conn->notes, "GRST_OCSP_UNCHECKED",
++                                 ocspmodes);
++                   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, conn->base_server,
++                "store GRST_OCSP_URL_%d=%s", i, X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ex));
++                   if (fp != NULL) apr_file_printf(fp, "GRST_OCSP_URL_%d=%s\n",
++                                             i, X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ex));
++                 }
++             }
++        }   
++   }
++   /* end of bit that needs to go into grst_x509 */
++   if (fp != NULL)
++     {
++       apr_file_close(fp);
++       apr_file_rename(tempfile, sessionfile, conn->pool);
++     }
++static char *get_aclpath_component(request_rec *r, int n)
++    Get the nth component of REQUEST_URI, or component 0
++    which is the server name.
++    int ii, i, nn;
++    if (n == 0) return r->server->server_hostname;
++    if (r->uri == NULL) return NULL; /* some kind of internal error? */
++    i  = 1; /* start of first component */
++    nn = 1;
++    for (ii=1; r->uri[ii] != '\0'; ++ii) /* look for this component */
++       {
++         if (r->uri[ii] == '/') /* end of a component */
++           {
++             if (nn == n) break;
++             ++nn;
++             i = ii + 1;
++           }
++         else if ((r->uri[ii] == '.') && (r->uri[ii+1] == '.'))
++           {
++             return NULL; /* can this happen? dont allow anyway */
++           }         
++       }
++    if (nn != n) return NULL; /* no component for this number */
++    return apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%.*s", ii - i, &(r->uri[i]));
++static char *make_aclpath(request_rec *r, char *format)
++    int i, n;
++    char *formatted, *p;
++    formatted = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, format);
++    while (1)
++         {
++           for (i=0; (formatted[i] != '\0') && (formatted[i] != '%'); ++i) ;
++           if (formatted[i] == '\0') break;
++           if ((formatted[i] == '%') && (formatted[i+1] == '%')) 
++             {
++               ++i;
++               continue;
++             }
++           if (sscanf(&formatted[i+1], "%d", &n) != 1)
++             {
++               return NULL; /* not %% or %0,%1,... */
++             }
++           formatted[i] = '\0';
++           for (i++; isdigit(formatted[i]); ++i) ;
++           if ((p = get_aclpath_component(r, n)) == NULL) return NULL;
++           formatted = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, formatted, p, &formatted[i],NULL);                                   
++           i += strlen(p);
++         }
++    return ap_server_root_relative(r->pool, formatted);
++static int mod_gridsite_perm_handler(request_rec *r)
++    Do authentication/authorization here rather than in the normal module
++    auth functions since the results of mod_ssl are available.
++    We also publish environment variables here if requested by GridSiteEnv.
++    int          retcode = DECLINED, i, j, n, file_is_acl = 0, cc_delegation,
++                 destination_is_acl = 0, ishttps = 0, nist_loa, delegation,
++                 from_cookie = 0;
++    char        *dn, *p, *q, envname1[30], envname2[30], 
++                *grst_cred_auri_0 = NULL, *dir_path,
++                *remotehost, s[99], *grst_cred_auri_i, *cookies, *file, *https,
++                *cookiefile, oneline[1025], *key_i, *decoded,
++                *destination = NULL, *destination_uri = NULL, *querytmp, 
++                *destination_prefix = NULL, *destination_translated = NULL,
++                *aclpath = NULL, *grst_cred_valid_0 = NULL, *grst_cred_valid_i,
++                *gridauthpasscode = NULL;
++    const char  *content_type;
++    time_t       now, notbefore, notafter;
++    apr_table_t *env;
++    apr_finfo_t  cookiefile_info;
++    apr_file_t  *fp;
++    request_rec *destreq;
++    GRSTgaclCred    *cred = NULL, *cred_0 = NULL;
++    GRSTgaclUser    *user = NULL;
++    GRSTgaclPerm     perm = GRST_PERM_NONE, destination_perm = GRST_PERM_NONE;
++    GRSTgaclAcl     *acl = NULL;
++    mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *cfg;
++    SSLConnRec      *sslconn;
++    STACK_OF(X509)  *certstack;
++    X509	    *peercert;
++    cfg = (mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *)
++                    ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &gridsite_module);
++    if (cfg == NULL) return DECLINED;
++    if ((cfg->auth == 0) && (cfg->envs == 0))
++               return DECLINED; /* if not turned on, look invisible */
++    env = r->subprocess_env;
++    p = (char *) apr_table_get(env, "HTTPS");
++    if ((p != NULL) && (strcmp(p, "on") == 0)) ishttps = 1;
++    delegation = ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->gsiproxylimit + 1;
++    /* reload per-connection (SSL) cred variables? (TO CONNECTION) */
++    sslconn = (SSLConnRec *) ap_get_module_config(r->connection->conn_config, 
++                                                  &ssl_module);
++    if ((user == NULL) &&
++        (sslconn != NULL) && 
++        (sslconn->ssl != NULL) &&
++        (sslconn->ssl->session != NULL) &&
++        (r->connection->notes != NULL) &&
++        (apr_table_get(r->connection->notes, "GRST_save_ssl_creds") == NULL))
++      {
++        if (GRST_load_ssl_creds(sslconn->ssl, r->connection) == GRST_RET_OK)
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                         "Restored SSL session data from session cache file");
++      }
++    /* look for GRIDHTTP_PASSCODE in QUERY_STRING ie after ? */
++    if ((r->parsed_uri.query != NULL) && (r->parsed_uri.query[0] != '\0'))
++      {
++        querytmp = apr_pstrcat(r->pool,"&",r->parsed_uri.query,"&",NULL);
++        gridauthpasscode = strstr(querytmp, "&GRIDHTTP_PASSCODE=");
++        if (gridauthpasscode != NULL)
++          {
++            gridauthpasscode = &gridauthpasscode[19];
++            for (p = gridauthpasscode; (*p != '\0') && (*p != '&'); ++p)
++                                                if (!isalnum(*p)) *p = '\0';
++          }
++      }
++    /* then look for GRIDHTTP_PASSCODE cookie */
++    if ((gridauthpasscode == NULL) &&
++        ((q = (char *) apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Cookie")) != NULL))
++      {
++        cookies = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, " ", q, NULL);
++        gridauthpasscode = strstr(cookies, " GRIDHTTP_PASSCODE=");
++        if (gridauthpasscode != NULL)
++          {
++            gridauthpasscode = &gridauthpasscode[19];
++            for (p = gridauthpasscode; 
++                 (*p != '\0') && (*p != ';'); ++p)
++                                      if (!isalnum(*p)) *p = '\0';
++            if (gridauthpasscode[0] != '\0') from_cookie = 1;
++          }
++      }
++    /* try to load user structure from passcode file */
++    if ((user == NULL) && 
++        (gridauthpasscode != NULL) &&
++        (gridauthpasscode[0] != '\0'))
++      {
++        cookiefile = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s/passcode-%s",
++                 ap_server_root_relative(r->pool,
++                 sessionsdir),
++                 gridauthpasscode);
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                             "Opening GridHTTP passcode file %s", cookiefile);
++        if ((apr_stat(&cookiefile_info, cookiefile, 
++                          APR_FINFO_TYPE, r->pool) == APR_SUCCESS) &&
++            (cookiefile_info.filetype == APR_REG) &&
++            (apr_file_open(&fp, cookiefile, APR_READ, 0, r->pool)
++                                                         == APR_SUCCESS))
++              {
++                ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                             "Reading GridHTTP passcode file %s", cookiefile);
++                i = -1;
++                cred = NULL;
++                while (apr_file_gets(oneline, 
++                                     sizeof(oneline), fp) == APR_SUCCESS)
++                     {
++                       p = index(oneline, '\n');
++                       if (p != NULL) *p = '\0';
++                       ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                                    "%s: %s", cookiefile, oneline);
++                       if ((strncmp(oneline, "expires=", 8) == 0) &&
++                           (apr_time_from_sec(atoll(&oneline[8])) < 
++                                                       apr_time_now()))
++                         {
++                           if (user != NULL) 
++                             {
++                               ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, 
++                                            r->server, "Bad expires");
++                               GRSTgaclUserFree(user);
++                               user = NULL;
++                             }
++                           break;
++                         }
++                       else if ((strncmp(oneline, "domain=", 7) == 0) &&
++                                (strcmp(&oneline[7], r->hostname) != 0))
++                         {
++                           if (user != NULL) 
++                             {
++                               ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, 
++                                            r->server, "Bad domain/host");
++                               GRSTgaclUserFree(user);
++                               user = NULL;
++                             }
++                           break;
++                         }
++                       else if (strncmp(oneline, "path=", 5) == 0)
++                         {
++                           /* count number of slashes in Request URI */
++                           for (n=0,p=r->uri; *p != '\0'; ++p)
++                                                     if (*p == '/') ++n;
++                           /* if too few slashes or path mismatch, then stop */
++                           if ((n < ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->zoneslashes) ||
++                               (strncmp(&oneline[5], r->uri, strlen(&oneline[5])) != 0))
++                             {
++                               if (user != NULL)
++                                 {
++                                   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, 
++                                            r->server, "Bad path");
++                                   GRSTgaclUserFree(user);
++                                   user = NULL;
++                                 }
++                               break;
++                             }
++                         }
++                       else if ((sscanf(oneline,"GRST_CRED_AURI_%d=",&j) == 1)
++                                && (j == i+1)
++                                && ((p = index(oneline, '=')) != NULL))
++                         {
++                           cred = GRSTgaclCredCreate(&p[1], NULL);
++                           if (cred != NULL) ++i;
++                           if (user == NULL) user = GRSTgaclUserNew(cred);
++                           else GRSTgaclUserAddCred(user, cred);                           
++                         }
++                       else if ((sscanf(oneline,"GRST_CRED_VALID_%d=",&j) == 1)
++                                && (j == i)
++                                && ((p = index(oneline, '=')) != NULL)
++                                && (sscanf(&p[1], 
++                       "notbefore=%ld notafter=%ld delegation=%d nist-loa=%d", 
++                                  &notbefore, &notafter, &delegation, 
++                                  &nist_loa) == 4))
++                         {
++                           if ((i == 0) && 
++             (delegation > ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->gsiproxylimit))
++                             {
++                               ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, 
++                                            r->server, "Bad delegation");
++                               if (user != NULL) GRSTgaclUserFree(user);
++                               user = NULL;
++                               break;
++                             }
++                           GRSTgaclCredSetNotBefore( cred, notbefore);
++                           GRSTgaclCredSetNotAfter(  cred, notafter);
++                           GRSTgaclCredSetDelegation(cred, delegation);
++                           if (delegation == 0) GRSTgaclCredSetNistLoa(cred, 3);
++                           else                 GRSTgaclCredSetNistLoa(cred, 2);
++                         }
++                     }
++                apr_file_close(fp);
++                /* delete passcode file if used over HTTP not HTTPS */
++                if (!ishttps) remove(cookiefile);
++                /* if successful and we got passcode from a cookie, then
++                   we put cookie value into environment variables, so
++                   can be used for double-submit cookie CSRF protection */
++                if ((user != NULL) && 
++                    from_cookie && 
++                    ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->envs)
++                        apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_PASSCODE_COOKIE",
++                                            gridauthpasscode);
++              }
++      }
++    /* 
++        if not succeeded from passcode file, try from connection notes
++        if a GSI Proxy or have  GridSiteAutoPasscode on  (the default)
++        If  GridSiteAutoPasscode off  and  GridSiteRequirePasscode on
++        then interactive websites must use a login script to make passcode
++        and file instead.
++    */
++    if ((user == NULL) && 
++        (r->connection->notes != NULL) &&
++        ((grst_cred_auri_0 = (char *) 
++         apr_table_get(r->connection->notes, "GRST_CRED_AURI_0")) != NULL) &&
++        (strncmp(grst_cred_auri_0, "dn:", 3) == 0) &&
++        ((grst_cred_valid_0 = (char *) 
++         apr_table_get(r->connection->notes, "GRST_CRED_VALID_0")) != NULL) &&
++        (sscanf(grst_cred_valid_0, 
++                "notbefore=%ld notafter=%ld delegation=%d nist-loa=%d", 
++                &notbefore, &notafter, &delegation, &nist_loa) == 4) &&
++        (delegation <= ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->gsiproxylimit) &&
++        ((delegation > 0) || 
++         ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->autopasscode ||
++         !(((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->requirepasscode)))
++      {
++        cred_0 = GRSTgaclCredCreate(grst_cred_auri_0, NULL);
++        if (cred_0 != NULL)
++          {
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                         "Using identity %s from SSL/TLS", grst_cred_auri_0);
++            GRSTgaclCredSetNotBefore( cred_0, notbefore);
++            GRSTgaclCredSetNotAfter(  cred_0, notafter);
++            GRSTgaclCredSetDelegation(cred_0, delegation);
++            if (delegation == 0) GRSTgaclCredSetNistLoa(cred_0, 3);
++            else                 GRSTgaclCredSetNistLoa(cred_0, 2);
++            user = GRSTgaclUserNew(cred_0);
++            /* check for VOMS etc in GRST_CRED_AURI_i too */
++            for (i=1; ; ++i)
++               {
++                 snprintf(envname1, sizeof(envname1), "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d", i);
++                 snprintf(envname2, sizeof(envname2), "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d", i);
++                 if ((grst_cred_auri_i = (char *) 
++                         apr_table_get(r->connection->notes,envname1)) &&
++                     (grst_cred_valid_i = (char *) 
++                         apr_table_get(r->connection->notes,envname2)))
++                   { 
++                     cred = GRSTgaclCredCreate(grst_cred_auri_i, NULL);
++                     if (cred != NULL) 
++                       {
++                         notbefore  = 0;
++                         notafter   = 0;
++                         delegation = 0;
++                         nist_loa   = 0;
++                         sscanf(grst_cred_valid_i, 
++                       "notbefore=%ld notafter=%ld delegation=%d nist-loa=%d", 
++                                &notbefore, &notafter, &delegation, &nist_loa);
++                         GRSTgaclCredSetNotBefore( cred, notbefore);
++                         GRSTgaclCredSetNotAfter(  cred, notafter);
++                         GRSTgaclCredSetDelegation(cred, delegation);
++                         GRSTgaclCredSetDelegation(cred, nist_loa);
++                         GRSTgaclUserAddCred(user, cred);
++                       }
++                   }
++                 else break; /* GRST_CRED_AURI_i are numbered consecutively */
++               }
++          }
++         /* if user from SSL ok and not a GSI Proxy and have 
++            GridSiteAutoPasscode on  we create passcode and file
++            automatically, and return cookie to client. 
++            (if  GridSiteAutoPasscode off  then the site must use
++            a login script to make passcode and file instead.) */
++         if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->autopasscode &&
++             (user != NULL) &&
++             (GRSTgaclCredGetDelegation(cred_0) == 0))
++           {
++             n = 0; /* number of slashes seen */
++             for (i=0; r->uri[i] != '\0'; ++i)
++                {
++                  if (n >= ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->zoneslashes) break;
++                  if (r->uri[i] == '/') ++n;
++                }
++             if ((n >= ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->zoneslashes)
++                 && (i > 0))
++               {
++                 p = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->uri);
++                 p[i] = '\0';
++                 /* try to generate passcode and make passcode file */
++                 gridauthpasscode = make_passcode_file(r, cfg, p, 0);
++                 if (gridauthpasscode != NULL)
++                   {
++                     apr_table_add(r->headers_out,
++                        apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Set-Cookie"),
++                        apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                        "GRIDHTTP_PASSCODE=%s; "
++                        "domain=%s; "
++                        "path=%s; "
++                        "secure", gridauthpasscode, r->hostname, p));
++                   }
++               }
++           }
++      }
++    /* 
++       GridSite passcode files don't include groups, IP or DNS so we add
++       them last so they're not written to passcode files by GridSite.
++       (site-supplied login scripts might create passcode files with 
++       optional or additional AURIs. for example, valid roles selected by
++       the user on the login page.)
++    */
++    /* first add groups from DN lists - ie non-optional attributes */
++    if ((user != NULL) && ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlists)
++          GRSTgaclUserLoadDNlists(user, ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlists);
++    /* then add DNS credential */
++    remotehost = (char *) ap_get_remote_host(r->connection,
++                                  r->per_dir_config, REMOTE_DOUBLE_REV, NULL);
++    if ((remotehost != NULL) && (*remotehost != '\0'))
++      {
++        cred = GRSTgaclCredCreate("dns:", remotehost);
++        GRSTgaclCredSetNotAfter(cred, GRST_MAX_TIME_T);
++        if (user == NULL) user = GRSTgaclUserNew(cred);
++        else              GRSTgaclUserAddCred(user, cred);
++      }
++    /* finally add IP credential */
++    if (r->connection->remote_ip)
++      {
++        cred = GRSTgaclCredCreate("ip:", r->connection->remote_ip);
++        GRSTgaclCredSetNotAfter(cred, GRST_MAX_TIME_T);
++        if (user == NULL) user = GRSTgaclUserNew(cred);
++        else              GRSTgaclUserAddCred(user, cred);
++      }
++    /* write contents of user to per-request environment variables */
++    if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->envs && (user != NULL))
++      {    
++        cred = user->firstcred;
++        /* old-style Compact Credentials have the same delegation level
++           for all credentials. eg Using EEC delegation=0; using 1st GSI
++           Proxy then delegation=1 for X509USER _and_ GSIPROXY credentials. 
++           So we remember the delegation level of any X509USER here */
++        if (cred != NULL) cc_delegation = cred->delegation;
++        for (i=0; (cred != NULL) && (cred->auri != NULL); ++i)
++             {                                    
++               if (strncmp(cred->auri, "dn:", 3) == 0)
++                 {
++                   decoded = GRSThttpUrlDecode(&(cred->auri[3]));
++                   apr_table_setn(env, 
++                                  apr_psprintf(r->pool, "GRST_CRED_%d", i),
++                                  apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++                                               "%s %ld %ld %d %s",
++                                               (i==0) ? "X509USER" : "GSIPROXY",
++                                               cred->notbefore,
++                                               cred->notafter,
++                                               cc_delegation, 
++                                               decoded));
++                   free(decoded);
++                 }
++               else if (strncmp(cred->auri, "fqan:", 5) == 0)
++                 {
++                   decoded = GRSThttpUrlDecode(&(cred->auri[5]));
++                   apr_table_setn(env, 
++                                  apr_psprintf(r->pool, "GRST_CRED_%d", i),
++                                  apr_psprintf(r->pool, 
++                                                  "VOMS %ld %ld 0 %s",
++                                                  notbefore, notafter, 
++                                                  decoded));
++                   free(decoded);
++                 }
++               apr_table_setn(env,
++                              apr_psprintf(r->pool, "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d", i),
++                              apr_pstrdup(r->pool, cred->auri));
++               apr_table_setn(env, 
++                              apr_psprintf(r->pool, "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d", i),
++                              apr_psprintf(r->pool,
++                       "notbefore=%ld notafter=%ld delegation=%d nist-loa=%d",
++                                           cred->notbefore,
++                                           cred->notafter,
++                                           cred->delegation,
++                                           cred->nist_loa));
++               cred = cred->next;
++             }    
++      }
++    /* check for Destination: header and evaluate if present */
++    if ((destination = (char *) apr_table_get(r->headers_in,
++                                              "Destination")) != NULL)
++      {
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                     "Destination header found, value=%s", destination);
++        destination_prefix = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "https://%s:%d/", 
++                         r->server->server_hostname, (int) r->server->port);
++        if (strncmp(destination_prefix, destination,
++                    strlen(destination_prefix)) == 0) 
++           destination_uri = &destination[strlen(destination_prefix)-1];
++        else if ((int) r->server->port == 443)
++          {
++            destination_prefix = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "https://%s/", 
++                                              r->server->server_hostname);
++            if (strncmp(destination_prefix, destination,
++                                strlen(destination_prefix)) == 0)
++              destination_uri = &destination[strlen(destination_prefix)-1];
++          }
++        if (destination_uri != NULL)
++          {
++            destreq = ap_sub_req_method_uri("GET", destination_uri, r, NULL);
++            if ((destreq != NULL) && (destreq->filename != NULL) 
++                                  && (destreq->path_info != NULL))
++              {
++                destination_translated = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, 
++                               destreq->filename, destreq->path_info, NULL);
++                apr_table_setn(r->notes, "GRST_DESTINATION_TRANSLATED", 
++                               destination_translated);
++                if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->envs)
++                        apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_DESTINATION_TRANSLATED", 
++                                                  destination_translated);
++                 p = rindex(destination_translated, '/');
++                 if ((p != NULL) && (strcmp(&p[1], GRST_ACL_FILE) == 0))
++                                                    destination_is_acl = 1;
++              }
++          }
++      }
++    if ((((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminlist != NULL) && (user != NULL))
++      {    
++        cred = user->firstcred;
++        while ((cred != NULL) && (cred->auri != NULL))
++             {
++               if (strcmp(((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminlist,
++                          cred->auri) == 0)
++                 {
++                   perm = GRST_PERM_ALL;
++                   if (destination_translated != NULL) 
++                          destination_perm = GRST_PERM_ALL;
++                   break;
++                 }
++               cred = cred->next;
++             }    
++      }
++    if (perm != GRST_PERM_ALL) /* cannot improve on perfection... */
++      {
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclpath != NULL)
++          {
++            aclpath = make_aclpath(r,((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclpath);
++            if (aclpath != NULL) 
++              {
++                ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                        "Examine ACL file %s (from ACL path %s)",
++                        aclpath, ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclpath);
++                acl = GRSTgaclAclLoadFile(aclpath);
++              }
++            else ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                        "Failed to make ACL file from ACL path %s, URI %s)",
++                        ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclpath, r->uri);
++          }
++        else if ((((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri == NULL) ||
++                 (strncmp(r->uri,
++                          ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri,
++                          strlen(((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri)) != 0) ||
++                 (strlen(r->uri) <= strlen(((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri)))
++          {
++            acl = GRSTgaclAclLoadforFile(r->filename);
++          }
++        if (acl != NULL) perm = GRSTgaclAclTestUser(acl, user);
++        GRSTgaclAclFree(acl);
++        if (destination_translated != NULL)
++          {
++            acl = GRSTgaclAclLoadforFile(destination_translated);
++            if (acl != NULL) destination_perm = GRSTgaclAclTestUser(acl, user);
++            GRSTgaclAclFree(acl);
++            apr_table_setn(r->notes, "GRST_DESTINATION_PERM",
++                              apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%d", destination_perm));
++            if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->envs)
++              apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_DESTINATION_PERM",
++                              apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%d", destination_perm));
++          }
++      }
++    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
++                 "After GACL/Onetime evaluation, GRST_PERM=%d", perm);
++    /* add permission and first AURI to request notes */
++    apr_table_setn(r->notes, "GRST_PERM", apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%d", perm));
++    cred = NULL;
++    if (user)
++	cred = user->firstcred;
++    if ((cred != NULL) && (strncmp(cred->auri, "dn:", 3) == 0))
++      {
++        apr_table_setn(r->notes, "GRST_CRED_AURI_0",
++                       apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s", cred->auri));
++      }
++    if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->envs)
++      {
++        /* copy any credentials from (SSL) connection to environment */
++        for (i=0; ; ++i) 
++           {
++             snprintf(envname1, sizeof(envname1), "GRST_CRED_AURI_%d",  i);
++             snprintf(envname2, sizeof(envname2), "GRST_CRED_VALID_%d", i);
++             if ((grst_cred_auri_i = (char *) 
++                         apr_table_get(r->connection->notes,envname1)) &&
++                 (grst_cred_valid_i = (char *) 
++                         apr_table_get(r->connection->notes,envname2)))
++               { 
++                 apr_table_setn(env,
++                                apr_psprintf(r->pool, "GRST_CONN_AURI_%d", i),
++                                apr_pstrdup(r->pool, grst_cred_auri_i));
++                 apr_table_setn(env,
++                                apr_psprintf(r->pool, "GRST_CONN_VALID_%d", i),
++                                apr_pstrdup(r->pool, grst_cred_valid_i));
++               }
++             else break;
++           }
++        apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_PERM", apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%d", perm));
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->requirepasscode == 0)
++             apr_table_set(env, "GRST_REQUIRE_PASSCODE", "off");
++        else apr_table_set(env, "GRST_REQUIRE_PASSCODE", "on");
++        if (((dir_path = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename)) != NULL) &&
++            ((p = rindex(dir_path, '/')) != NULL))
++          {
++            *p = '\0';
++            apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_DIR_PATH", dir_path);
++          }
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->helpuri != NULL)
++                  apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_HELP_URI",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->helpuri);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->loginuri != NULL)
++                  apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_LOGIN_URI",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->loginuri);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminfile != NULL)
++                  apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_ADMIN_FILE",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminfile);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->editable != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_EDITABLE",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->editable);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->headfile != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_HEAD_FILE",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->headfile);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->footfile != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_FOOT_FILE",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->footfile);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlists != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_DN_LISTS",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlists);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_DN_LISTS_URI",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminlist != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_ADMIN_LIST",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->adminlist);
++	apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_GSIPROXY_LIMIT",
++ 	                     apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%d",
++  	                           ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *)cfg)->gsiproxylimit));
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->unzip != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_UNZIP",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->unzip);
++        if (!(((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->gridsitelink))
++                  apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_NO_LINK", "1");
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclformat != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_ACL_FORMAT",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclformat);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclpath != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_ACL_PATH",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->aclpath);
++	if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->delegationuri != NULL)
++	          apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_DELEGATION_URI",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->delegationuri);
++        if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->execmethod != NULL)
++          {
++	    apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_EXEC_METHOD",
++                              ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->execmethod);
++            if ((strcasecmp(((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->execmethod,  
++                           "directory") == 0) && (r->filename != NULL))
++              {
++                if ((r->content_type != NULL) && 
++                    (strcmp(r->content_type, DIR_MAGIC_TYPE) == 0))
++                  apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_EXEC_DIRECTORY", r->filename);
++                else
++                  {
++                    file = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename);
++                    p = rindex(file, '/');
++                    if (p != NULL)
++                      {
++                        *p = '\0';
++                        apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_EXEC_DIRECTORY", file);
++                      }                    
++                  }                 
++              }
++          }
++        apr_table_setn(env, "GRST_DISK_MODE",
++ 	                     apr_psprintf(r->pool, "0x%04x",
++    	                      ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *)cfg)->diskmode));
++      }
++    if (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->auth)
++      {
++        /* *** Check HTTP method to decide which perm bits to check *** */
++        if ((r->filename != NULL) && 
++            ((p = rindex(r->filename, '/')) != NULL) &&
++            (strcmp(&p[1], GRST_ACL_FILE) == 0)) file_is_acl = 1;
++        content_type = r->content_type;
++        if ((content_type != NULL) &&
++            (strcmp(content_type, DIR_MAGIC_TYPE) == 0) &&
++            (((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri != NULL) &&
++            (strncmp(r->uri,
++                     ((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri,
++                     strlen(((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri)) == 0) &&
++            (strlen(r->uri) > strlen(((mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *) cfg)->dnlistsuri)))
++            content_type = "text/html";
++        if ( GRSTgaclPermHasNone(perm) ||
++            /* first two M_GET conditions make the subtle distinction
++               between .../ that maps to .../index.html (governed by
++               Read perm) or to dir list (governed by List perm);
++               third M_GET condition deals with typeless CGI requests */
++            ((r->method_number == M_GET) &&
++             !GRSTgaclPermHasRead(perm)  &&
++             (content_type != NULL)   &&
++             (strcmp(content_type, DIR_MAGIC_TYPE) != 0)) ||
++            ((r->method_number == M_GET) &&
++             !GRSTgaclPermHasList(perm)  &&
++             (content_type != NULL)   &&
++             (strcmp(content_type, DIR_MAGIC_TYPE) == 0)) ||
++            ((r->method_number == M_GET) &&
++             !GRSTgaclPermHasRead(perm)  &&
++             (content_type == NULL))      ||
++            ((r->method_number == M_POST) && !GRSTgaclPermHasRead(perm) ) ||
++            (((r->method_number == M_PUT) || 
++              (r->method_number == M_DELETE)) &&
++             !GRSTgaclPermHasWrite(perm) && !file_is_acl) ||
++            ((r->method_number == M_MOVE) &&
++             ((!GRSTgaclPermHasWrite(perm) && !file_is_acl) || 
++              (!GRSTgaclPermHasAdmin(perm) && file_is_acl)  ||
++              (!GRSTgaclPermHasWrite(destination_perm) 
++                                    && !destination_is_acl) || 
++              (!GRSTgaclPermHasAdmin(destination_perm) 
++                                     && destination_is_acl)) ) ||
++            (((r->method_number == M_PUT) || 
++              (r->method_number == M_DELETE)) &&
++             !GRSTgaclPermHasAdmin(perm) && file_is_acl) ||
++            /* for WebDAV/Subversion */
++            (((r->method_number == M_PROPFIND) ||
++              (r->method_number == M_REPORT)) &&
++             !GRSTgaclPermHasRead(perm)) ||
++            (((r->method_number == M_CHECKOUT) ||
++              (r->method_number == M_MERGE) ||
++              (r->method_number == M_MKACTIVITY) ||
++              (r->method_number == M_MKCOL) ||
++              (r->method_number == M_LOCK) ||
++              (r->method_number == M_UNLOCK)) &&
++             !GRSTgaclPermHasWrite(perm))
++             ) retcode = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
++      }
++    if (user != NULL) GRSTgaclUserFree(user);
++    return retcode;
++int GRST_X509_check_issued_wrapper(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, X509 *x, X509 *issuer)
++/* We change the default callback to use our wrapper and discard errors
++   due to GSI proxy chains (ie where users certs act as CAs) */
++    int ret;
++    ret = X509_check_issued(issuer, x);
++    if (ret == X509_V_OK)
++                return 1;
++    /* Non self-signed certs without signing are ok if they passed
++           the other checks inside X509_check_issued. Is this enough? */
++    if ((ret == X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN) &&
++        (X509_NAME_cmp(X509_get_subject_name(issuer),
++                           X509_get_subject_name(x)) != 0)) return 1;
++    /* If we haven't asked for issuer errors don't set ctx */
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00908000
++    if (!(ctx->flags & X509_V_FLAG_CB_ISSUER_CHECK)) return 0;
++    if (!(ctx->param->flags & X509_V_FLAG_CB_ISSUER_CHECK)) return 0;
++    ctx->error = ret;
++    ctx->current_cert = x;
++    ctx->current_issuer = issuer;
++    return ctx->verify_cb(0, ctx);
++/* Later OpenSSL versions add a second pointer ... */
++int GRST_verify_cert_wrapper(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, void *p)
++/* Earlier ones have a single argument ... */
++// int GRST_verify_cert_wrapper(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
++/* Before 0.9.7 we cannot change the check_issued callback directly in
++   the X509_STORE, so we must insert it in another callback that gets
++   called early enough */
++   ctx->check_issued = GRST_X509_check_issued_wrapper;
++   return X509_verify_cert(ctx);
++#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20051115,0)
++    Include this here until libgridsite functions can be used
++int GRST_ssl_callback_SSLVerify_CRL(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, conn_rec *c)
++    server_rec *s       = c->base_server;
++    SSLSrvConfigRec *sc = (SSLSrvConfigRec *) ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &ssl_module);
++    SSLConnRec *sslconn = (SSLConnRec *) ap_get_module_config(c->conn_config, &ssl_module);
++    modssl_ctx_t *mctx  = sslconn->is_proxy ? SSLSrvConfigRec_proxy(sc) : SSLSrvConfigRec_server(sc);
++    X509_OBJECT obj;
++    X509_NAME *subject, *issuer;
++    X509 *cert;
++    X509_CRL *crl;
++    EVP_PKEY *pubkey;
++    int i, n, rc;
++    /*
++     * Unless a revocation store for CRLs was created we
++     * cannot do any CRL-based verification, of course.
++     */
++    if (!mctx->crl) {
++        return ok;
++    }
++    /*
++     * Determine certificate ingredients in advance
++     */
++    cert    = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx);
++    subject = X509_get_subject_name(cert);
++    issuer  = X509_get_issuer_name(cert);
++    /*
++     * OpenSSL provides the general mechanism to deal with CRLs but does not
++     * use them automatically when verifying certificates, so we do it
++     * explicitly here. We will check the CRL for the currently checked
++     * certificate, if there is such a CRL in the store.
++     *
++     * We come through this procedure for each certificate in the certificate
++     * chain, starting with the root-CA's certificate. At each step we've to
++     * both verify the signature on the CRL (to make sure it's a valid CRL)
++     * and it's revocation list (to make sure the current certificate isn't
++     * revoked).  But because to check the signature on the CRL we need the
++     * public key of the issuing CA certificate (which was already processed
++     * one round before), we've a little problem. But we can both solve it and
++     * at the same time optimize the processing by using the following
++     * verification scheme (idea and code snippets borrowed from the GLOBUS
++     * project):
++     *
++     * 1. We'll check the signature of a CRL in each step when we find a CRL
++     *    through the _subject_ name of the current certificate. This CRL
++     *    itself will be needed the first time in the next round, of course.
++     *    But we do the signature processing one round before this where the
++     *    public key of the CA is available.
++     *
++     * 2. We'll check the revocation list of a CRL in each step when
++     *    we find a CRL through the _issuer_ name of the current certificate.
++     *    This CRLs signature was then already verified one round before.
++     *
++     * This verification scheme allows a CA to revoke its own certificate as
++     * well, of course.
++     */
++    /*
++     * Try to retrieve a CRL corresponding to the _subject_ of
++     * the current certificate in order to verify it's integrity.
++     */
++    memset((char *)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj));
++    {
++      X509_STORE_CTX pStoreCtx;
++      X509_STORE_CTX_init(&pStoreCtx, mctx->crl, NULL, NULL);
++      rc = X509_STORE_get_by_subject(&pStoreCtx, X509_LU_CRL, subject, &obj);
++      X509_STORE_CTX_cleanup(&pStoreCtx);
++    }
++    crl = obj.data.crl;
++    if ((rc > 0) && crl) {
++        /*
++         * Log information about CRL
++         * (A little bit complicated because of ASN.1 and BIOs...)
++         */
++        if (s->loglevel >= APLOG_DEBUG) {
++            char buff[512]; /* should be plenty */
++            BIO *bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
++            BIO_printf(bio, "CA CRL: Issuer: ");
++            X509_NAME_print(bio, issuer, 0);
++            BIO_printf(bio, ", lastUpdate: ");
++            ASN1_UTCTIME_print(bio, X509_CRL_get_lastUpdate(crl));
++            BIO_printf(bio, ", nextUpdate: ");
++            ASN1_UTCTIME_print(bio, X509_CRL_get_nextUpdate(crl));
++            n = BIO_read(bio, buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
++            buff[n] = '\0';
++            BIO_free(bio);
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s, "%s", buff);
++        }
++        /*
++         * Verify the signature on this CRL
++         */
++        pubkey = X509_get_pubkey(cert);
++        rc = X509_CRL_verify(crl, pubkey);
++        /* Only refcounted in OpenSSL */
++        if (pubkey)
++            EVP_PKEY_free(pubkey);
++        if (rc <= 0) {
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, s,
++                         "Invalid signature on CRL");
++            X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, X509_V_ERR_CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE);
++            X509_OBJECT_free_contents(&obj);
++            return FALSE;
++        }
++        /*
++         * Check date of CRL to make sure it's not expired
++         */
++        i = X509_cmp_current_time(X509_CRL_get_nextUpdate(crl));
++        if (i == 0) {
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, s,
++                         "Found CRL has invalid nextUpdate field");
++            X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx,
++                                     X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD);
++            X509_OBJECT_free_contents(&obj);
++            return FALSE;
++        }
++        if (i < 0) {
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, s,
++                         "Found CRL is expired - "
++                         "revoking all certificates until you get updated CRL");
++            X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, X509_V_ERR_CRL_HAS_EXPIRED);
++            X509_OBJECT_free_contents(&obj);
++            return FALSE;
++        }
++        X509_OBJECT_free_contents(&obj);
++    }
++    /*
++     * Try to retrieve a CRL corresponding to the _issuer_ of
++     * the current certificate in order to check for revocation.
++     */
++    memset((char *)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj));
++    {
++      X509_STORE_CTX pStoreCtx;
++      X509_STORE_CTX_init(&pStoreCtx, mctx->crl, NULL, NULL);
++      rc = X509_STORE_get_by_subject(&pStoreCtx, X509_LU_CRL, issuer, &obj);
++      X509_STORE_CTX_cleanup(&pStoreCtx);
++    }
++    crl = obj.data.crl;
++    if ((rc > 0) && crl) {
++        /*
++         * Check if the current certificate is revoked by this CRL
++         */
++        n = sk_X509_REVOKED_num(X509_CRL_get_REVOKED(crl));
++        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
++            X509_REVOKED *revoked =
++                sk_X509_REVOKED_value(X509_CRL_get_REVOKED(crl), i);
++//            ASN1_INTEGER *sn = X509_REVOKED_get_serialNumber(revoked);
++            ASN1_INTEGER *sn = revoked->serialNumber;
++            if (!ASN1_INTEGER_cmp(sn, X509_get_serialNumber(cert))) {
++                if (s->loglevel >= APLOG_DEBUG) {
++                    char *cp = X509_NAME_oneline(issuer, NULL, 0);
++                    char *serial = i2s_ASN1_INTEGER(NULL,sn);
++                    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, s,
++                                 "Certificate with serial %s "
++                                 "revoked per CRL from issuer %s",
++                                 serial, cp);
++                    OPENSSL_free(cp);
++                    free(serial);
++                }
++                X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED);
++                X509_OBJECT_free_contents(&obj);
++                return FALSE;
++            }
++        }
++        X509_OBJECT_free_contents(&obj);
++    }
++    return ok;
++int GRST_callback_SSLVerify_wrapper(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx)
++   SSL *ssl            = (SSL *) X509_STORE_CTX_get_app_data(ctx);
++   conn_rec *conn      = (conn_rec *) SSL_get_app_data(ssl);
++   server_rec *s       = conn->base_server;
++   SSLConnRec *sslconn = 
++         (SSLConnRec *) ap_get_module_config(conn->conn_config, &ssl_module);
++   int errnum          = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx);
++   int errdepth        = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(ctx);
++   int returned_ok;
++   int first_non_ca;
++#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20051115,0)
++   request_rec *r      = (request_rec *) SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, GRST_SSL_app_data2_idx);
++   SSLSrvConfigRec *sc = (SSLSrvConfigRec *) ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &ssl_module);
++   SSLDirConfigRec *dc = r ? (SSLDirConfigRec *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &ssl_module) : NULL;
++   modssl_ctx_t *mctx  = sslconn->is_proxy ? SSLSrvConfigRec_proxy(sc) : SSLSrvConfigRec_server(sc);
++   int verify, depth;
++   STACK_OF(X509) *certstack;
++   GRSTx509Chain *grst_chain;
++#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20051115,0)
++    /*
++     * Log verification information
++     */
++    if (s->loglevel >= APLOG_DEBUG) 
++      {
++        X509 *cert  = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx);
++        char *sname = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), NULL, 0);
++        char *iname = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(cert),  NULL, 0);
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,
++                     "Certificate Verification: "
++                     "depth: %d, subject: %s, issuer: %s",
++                     errdepth,
++                     sname ? sname : "-unknown-",
++                     iname ? iname : "-unknown-");
++        if (sname) OPENSSL_free(sname);
++        if (iname) OPENSSL_free(iname);
++      } 
++    /*
++     * Check for optionally acceptable non-verifiable issuer situation
++     */
++    if (dc && (dc->nVerifyClient != SSL_CVERIFY_UNSET)) 
++      {
++        verify = dc->nVerifyClient;
++      }
++    else 
++      {
++        verify = mctx->auth.verify_mode;
++      }
++    if (verify == SSL_CVERIFY_NONE) 
++      {
++        /*
++         * SSLProxyVerify is either not configured or set to "none".
++         * (this callback doesn't happen in the server context if SSLVerify
++         *  is not configured or set to "none")
++         */
++        return TRUE;
++      }
++   if (ssl_verify_error_is_optional(errnum) &&
++        (verify == SSL_CVERIFY_OPTIONAL_NO_CA))
++    {
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,
++                     "Certificate Verification: Verifiable Issuer is "
++                     "configured as optional, therefore we're accepting "
++                     "the certificate");
++        sslconn->verify_info = "GENEROUS";
++        ok = TRUE;
++    }
++    /*
++     * Additionally perform CRL-based revocation checks
++     */
++   if (ok) 
++     {
++        if (!(ok = GRST_ssl_callback_SSLVerify_CRL(ok, ctx, conn))) 
++          {
++            errnum = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx);
++          }
++     }
++    /*
++     * If we already know it's not ok, log the real reason
++     */
++    if (!ok) {
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, s,
++                     "Certificate Verification: Error (%d): %s",
++                     errnum, X509_verify_cert_error_string(errnum));
++        if (sslconn->client_cert) {
++            X509_free(sslconn->client_cert);
++            sslconn->client_cert = NULL;
++        }
++        sslconn->client_dn = NULL;
++        sslconn->verify_error = X509_verify_cert_error_string(errnum);
++    }
++    /*
++     * Finally check the depth of the certificate verification
++     */
++    if (dc && (dc->nVerifyDepth != UNSET)) 
++      {
++        depth = dc->nVerifyDepth;
++      }
++    else 
++      {
++        depth = mctx->auth.verify_depth;
++      }
++    if (errdepth > depth) 
++      {
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, s,
++                     "Certificate Verification: Certificate Chain too long "
++                     "(chain has %d certificates, but maximum allowed are "
++                     "only %d)",
++                     errdepth, depth);
++        errnum = X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG;
++        sslconn->verify_error = X509_verify_cert_error_string(errnum);
++        ok = FALSE;
++      }
++   /*
++    * GSI Proxy user-cert-as-CA handling:
++    * we skip Invalid CA errors at this stage, since we will check this
++    * again at errdepth=0 for the full chain using GRSTx509ChainLoadCheck
++    */
++   if (errnum == X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA)
++     {
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,
++                    "Skip Invalid CA error in case a GSI Proxy");
++        sslconn->verify_error = NULL;
++        ok = TRUE;
++        errnum = X509_V_OK;
++        X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, errnum);
++     }
++   /*
++    * Skip X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE at this stage, since we will check 
++    * the full chain using GRSTx509ChainLoadCheck at errdepth=0
++    */
++   if (errnum == X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE)
++     {
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,
++                    "Skip Invalid Purpose error");
++        sslconn->verify_error = NULL;
++        ok = TRUE;
++        errnum = X509_V_OK;
++        X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, errnum);
++     }
++   /*
++    * Skip X509_V_ERR_PROXY_CERTIFICATES_NOT_ALLOWED, since they are!
++    */
++     {
++        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,
++                    "Skip Proxy Certificates Not Allowed error");
++        sslconn->verify_error = NULL;
++        ok = TRUE;
++        errnum = X509_V_OK;
++        X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, errnum);
++     }
++   /*
++    * Allow path length violations if we have a proxy cert.
++    */
++   if (errnum == X509_V_ERR_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED)
++     {
++        //ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,
++        //            "Checking to see if we should ignore the path length exceeded error");
++        int proxy_path_length = 0, i;
++        for (i = 0; i < ctx->last_untrusted; i++)
++          {
++             int ret;
++             X509 *x = sk_X509_value(ctx->chain, i);
++             if ((i == errdepth) && (x->ex_pathlen != -1)
++               && (i <= (x->ex_pathlen + proxy_path_length)))
++               {  // Can violate the path length by proxy_path_length.
++                  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,
++                    "Skip path length violation error.");
++                  sslconn->verify_error == NULL;
++                  ok = TRUE;
++                  errnum = X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA; // Oddly enough, setting the error to X509_V_OK will cause later errors.  This causes an ignore.
++                  X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, errnum); break;
++               }
++             if (X509_check_ca(x) == 0)
++               { // Not a CA - maybe a proxy cert?
++                 // Since gridsite accepts legacy proxies, we don't check
++                 // if (x->ex_flags & EXFLAG_PROXY) is set.
++                  proxy_path_length++;
++               }
++          }
++     }
++   /*
++    * New style GSI Proxy handling, with critical ProxyCertInfo
++    * extension: we use GRSTx509KnownCriticalExts() to check this
++    */
++     {
++       if (GRSTx509KnownCriticalExts(X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx))
++                                                              == GRST_RET_OK)
++         {
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s,
++                     "GRSTx509KnownCriticalExts() accepts previously "
++                     "Unhandled Critical Extension (GSI Proxy?)");
++            sslconn->verify_error = NULL;
++            ok = TRUE;
++            errnum = X509_V_OK;
++            X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(ctx, errnum);
++         }
++     }
++#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20051115,0)
++   returned_ok = ok;
++   returned_ok = ssl_callback_SSLVerify(ok, ctx);
++   /* in case ssl_callback_SSLVerify changed it */
++   errnum = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx); 
++   if ((errdepth == 0) && (errnum == X509_V_OK))
++   /*
++    * We've now got the last certificate - the identity being used for
++    * this connection. At this point we check the whole chain for valid
++    * CAs or, failing that, GSI-proxy validity using GRSTx509CheckChain.
++    */
++     {
++        certstack = (STACK_OF(X509) *) X509_STORE_CTX_get_chain(ctx);
++        errnum = GRSTx509ChainLoadCheck(&grst_chain, certstack, NULL,
++					 "/etc/grid-security/certificates",
++					 "/etc/grid-security/vomsdir");
++        if (errnum != X509_V_OK)
++          {
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, s,
++                     "Invalid certificate chain reported by "
++                     "GRSTx509CheckChain()");
++            sslconn->verify_error = X509_verify_cert_error_string(errnum);
++            ok = FALSE;
++          }
++        else 
++          {
++            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, s, "Valid certificate"
++                              " chain reported by GRSTx509ChainLoadCheck()");
++            /* Put result of GRSTx509ChainLoadCheck into connection notes */
++            GRST_save_ssl_creds(conn, grst_chain);
++          }
++        GRSTx509ChainFree(grst_chain);
++     }
++   return returned_ok;
++void sitecast_handle_NOP_request(server_rec *main_server, 
++                                 GRSThtcpMessage *htcp_mesg, int s,
++                                 struct sockaddr *client_addr_ptr,
++				 socklen_t client_addr_len)
++  int  outbuf_len;
++  char *outbuf;
++  char host[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
++  char serv[8];
++  if (GRSThtcpNOPresponseMake(&outbuf, &outbuf_len,
++                              htcp_mesg->trans_id) == GRST_RET_OK)
++    {
++      getnameinfo(client_addr_ptr, client_addr_len,
++		  host, sizeof(host), serv, sizeof(serv), NI_NUMERICHOST);
++      ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++            "SiteCast sends NOP response to %s:%s",
++            host, serv);
++      sendto(s, outbuf, outbuf_len, 0,
++             client_addr_ptr, client_addr_len);
++      free(outbuf);
++    }
++void sitecast_handle_TST_GET(server_rec *main_server, 
++                             GRSThtcpMessage *htcp_mesg, int s,
++                             struct sockaddr *client_addr_ptr,
++			     socklen_t client_addr_len)
++  int             outbuf_len, ialias;
++  char            *filename, *outbuf, *location;
++  struct stat     statbuf;
++  char host[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
++  char serv[8];
++  getnameinfo(client_addr_ptr, client_addr_len,
++	      host, sizeof(host), serv, sizeof(serv), NI_NUMERICHOST);
++  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++        "SiteCast responder received TST GET with uri %s", 
++        htcp_mesg->uri->text, GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg->uri));
++  /* find if any GridSiteCastAlias lines match */
++  for (ialias=0; ialias < GRST_SITECAST_ALIASES ; ++ialias)
++     {
++       if (sitecastaliases[ialias].sitecast_url == NULL) 
++         {
++           ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++              "SiteCast responder does not handle %*s requested by %s:%s",
++                        GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg->uri),
++                        htcp_mesg->uri->text,
++			host, serv);
++           return; /* no match */
++         }
++       if ((strlen(sitecastaliases[ialias].sitecast_url)
++                                <= GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg->uri)) &&
++           (strncmp(sitecastaliases[ialias].sitecast_url,
++                    htcp_mesg->uri->text,
++                    strlen(sitecastaliases[ialias].sitecast_url))==0)) break;
++     }
++  if (ialias == GRST_SITECAST_ALIASES) 
++    {
++      ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++              "SiteCast responder does not handle %*s requested by %s:%s",
++                        GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg->uri),
++                        htcp_mesg->uri->text,
++                        host, serv);
++      return; /* no match */
++    }
++  /* convert URL to filename, using alias mapping */
++  asprintf(&filename, "%s%*s", 
++           sitecastaliases[ialias].local_path,
++           GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg->uri) 
++                        - strlen(sitecastaliases[ialias].sitecast_url),
++           &(htcp_mesg->uri->text[strlen(sitecastaliases[ialias].sitecast_url)]) );
++  if (stat(filename, &statbuf) == 0) /* found file */
++    {
++      asprintf(&location, "Location: %s://%s:%d/%s\r\n",
++                  sitecastaliases[ialias].scheme,
++                  sitecastaliases[ialias].local_hostname,
++                  sitecastaliases[ialias].port,
++      &(htcp_mesg->uri->text[strlen(sitecastaliases[ialias].sitecast_url)]) );
++      ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++            "SiteCast finds %*s at %s, redirects with %s",
++            GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg->uri),
++            htcp_mesg->uri->text, filename, location);
++      if (GRSThtcpTSTresponseMake(&outbuf, &outbuf_len,
++                                  htcp_mesg->trans_id,
++                                  location, "", "") == GRST_RET_OK)
++        {
++          ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++            "SiteCast sends TST response to %s:%s",
++	    host, serv);
++          sendto(s, outbuf, outbuf_len, 0,
++                 client_addr_ptr, client_addr_len);
++          free(outbuf);
++        }
++      free(location);
++    }
++  else ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++            "SiteCast does not find %*s (would be at %s)",
++            GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg->uri),
++            htcp_mesg->uri->text, filename);
++  free(filename);                      
++void sitecast_handle_request(server_rec *main_server, 
++                             char *reqbuf, int reqbuf_len,
++			     int s,
++                             struct sockaddr *client_addr_ptr,
++			     socklen_t client_addr_len)
++  GRSThtcpMessage htcp_mesg;
++  char host[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
++  char serv[8];
++  getnameinfo(client_addr_ptr, client_addr_len,
++	      host, sizeof(host),
++	      serv, sizeof(serv), NI_NUMERICHOST);
++  if (GRSThtcpMessageParse(&htcp_mesg,reqbuf,reqbuf_len) != GRST_RET_OK)
++    {
++      ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, main_server,
++              "SiteCast responder rejects format of UDP message from %s:%s",
++                        host, serv);
++      return;
++    }
++  if (htcp_mesg.rr != 0) /* ignore HTCP responses: we just do requests */
++    {
++      ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++              "SiteCast responder ignores HTCP response from %s:%s",
++                        host, serv);
++      return;
++    }
++  if (htcp_mesg.opcode == GRSThtcpNOPop)
++    {
++      sitecast_handle_NOP_request(main_server, &htcp_mesg, s,
++                                  client_addr_ptr, client_addr_len);
++      return;
++    }
++  if (htcp_mesg.opcode == GRSThtcpTSTop)
++    {
++      if (((GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg.method) == 3) &&
++           (strncmp(htcp_mesg.method->text, "GET", 3) == 0)) ||
++          ((GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg.method) == 4) &&
++           (strncmp(htcp_mesg.method->text, "HEAD", 4) == 0)))
++        {
++          sitecast_handle_TST_GET(main_server, &htcp_mesg, s,
++                                  client_addr_ptr, client_addr_len);
++          return;
++        }
++      ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, main_server,
++          "SiteCast responder rejects method %*s in TST message from %s:%s",
++          GRSThtcpCountstrLen(htcp_mesg.method), htcp_mesg.method->text,
++          host, serv);
++      return;
++    }
++  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, main_server,
++          "SiteCast does not implement HTCP op-code %d in message from %s:%s",
++          htcp_mesg.opcode,
++          host, serv);
++static int
++bind_sitecast_sockets(server_rec *main_server, const char *node,
++		      unsigned int port, int is_unicast)
++    int s, open, ret;
++    struct addrinfo *ai;
++    struct addrinfo hints;
++    struct ipv6_mreq mreq6;
++    struct ip_mreq mreq;
++    char serv[8];
++    struct addrinfo *a;
++    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
++    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
++    hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_NUMERICSERV;
++    if (!is_unicast)
++	hints.ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST;
++    snprintf(serv, sizeof(serv), "%u", port);
++    ret = getaddrinfo(node, serv, &hints, &ai);
++    if (ret) {
++	ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, main_server,
++		"%s UDP Responder fails to look up %s",
++		(is_unicast) ? "Unicast" : "Multicast", node);
++	return -1;
++    }
++    open = 0;
++    for (a = ai; a != NULL; a = a->ai_next) {
++	s = socket(a->ai_family, a->ai_socktype, a->ai_protocol);
++	if (s < 0)
++	    continue;
++	ret = bind(s, a->ai_addr, a->ai_addrlen);
++	if (ret < 0) {
++	    close (s);
++	    continue;
++	}
++	if (!is_unicast) {
++	    switch (a->ai_family) {
++		case AF_INET:
++		    bzero(&mreq, sizeof(mreq));
++		    mreq.imr_multiaddr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)(a->ai_addr))->sin_addr;
++		    mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
++		    ret = setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
++				     &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
++		    break;
++		case AF_INET6:
++		    mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr = 
++			    ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)a->ai_addr)->sin6_addr;
++		    mreq6.ipv6mr_interface = 
++			    ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)a->ai_addr)->sin6_scope_id;
++		    ret = setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
++				     &mreq6, sizeof(mreq6));
++		    break;
++		default:
++		    continue;
++	    }
++	    if (ret < 0) {
++		ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, main_server,
++			     "SiteCast UDP Responder fails on setting multicast (%s)",
++			     strerror(errno));
++		continue;
++	    }
++	}
++	FD_SET(s, &sitecast_sockets.fds);
++	if (s > sitecast_sockets.max_fd)
++	    sitecast_sockets.max_fd = s;
++	open = 1;
++    }
++    freeaddrinfo(ai);
++    if (!open) {
++      ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, main_server,
++	           "mod_gridsite: sitecast responder fails on unicast");
++      return -1;
++    }
++    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++                 "SiteCast UDP %s responder on %s:%s",
++		 (is_unicast) ? "unicast" : "multicast",
++		 node, serv);
++    return 0;
++void sitecast_responder(server_rec *main_server)
++  char   reqbuf[GRST_SITECAST_MAXBUF];
++  int    reqbuf_len, ret, retval, i;
++  struct sockaddr client_addr;
++  socklen_t client_addr_len;
++  fd_set readsckts;
++  int s;
++  char host[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
++  char serv[8];
++  strcpy((char *) main_server->process->argv[0], "GridSiteCast UDP responder");
++  FD_ZERO(&sitecast_sockets.fds);
++  sitecast_sockets.max_fd = -1;
++  /* initialise unicast/replies socket first */
++  ret =  bind_sitecast_sockets(main_server, main_server->server_hostname, sitecastgroups[0].port, 1);
++  if (ret)
++      return;
++  /* initialise multicast listener sockets next */
++  for (i=1; (i <= GRST_SITECAST_GROUPS) && 
++            (sitecastgroups[i].port != 0); ++i)
++     {
++       ret = bind_sitecast_sockets(main_server, sitecastgroups[i].address, sitecastgroups[i].port, 0);
++       if (ret)
++	   continue;
++       ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++        "SiteCast UDP Responder listening on %s:%d",
++	sitecastgroups[i].address,
++        sitecastgroups[i].port);
++     }
++  for (i=0; (i < GRST_SITECAST_ALIASES) &&
++            (sitecastaliases[i].sitecast_url != NULL) ; ++i)
++     {
++       ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++                          "SiteCast alias for %s (%s,%d) to %s (%s)",
++                          sitecastaliases[i].sitecast_url,
++                          sitecastaliases[i].scheme,
++                          sitecastaliases[i].port,
++                          sitecastaliases[i].local_path,
++                          sitecastaliases[i].local_hostname);
++     }
++  while (1) /* **** main listening loop **** */
++       {
++         /* set up bitmasks for select */
++         readsckts = sitecast_sockets.fds;
++         ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++                      "SiteCast UDP Responder waiting for requests");
++         if ((retval = select(sitecast_sockets.max_fd + 1, &readsckts, NULL, NULL, NULL)) < 1)
++                                   continue; /* < 1 on timeout or error */
++	 for (s = 0; s <= sitecast_sockets.max_fd; s++) {
++	     if (FD_ISSET(s, &readsckts))
++		 break;
++	 }
++	 if (s > sitecast_sockets.max_fd)
++	     continue;
++	 client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr);
++	 reqbuf_len = recvfrom(s, reqbuf, GRST_SITECAST_MAXBUF, 0,
++			       &client_addr, &client_addr_len);
++	 if (reqbuf_len < 0)
++	     continue;
++	 getnameinfo(&client_addr, client_addr_len,
++		     host, sizeof(host), serv, sizeof(serv), NI_NUMERICHOST);
++	 ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++		      "SiteCast receives UDP message from %s:%s",
++		      host, serv);
++	 sitecast_handle_request(main_server, reqbuf, reqbuf_len, s,
++				 &client_addr, client_addr_len);
++       } /* **** end of main listening loop **** */
++static int mod_gridsite_server_post_config(apr_pool_t *pPool,
++                  apr_pool_t *pLog, apr_pool_t *pTemp, server_rec *main_server)
++   SSL_CTX         *ctx;
++   SSLSrvConfigRec *sc;
++   int              i = 0;
++   server_rec      *this_server;
++   apr_proc_t      *procnew = NULL;
++   apr_status_t     status;
++   char            *path;   
++   const char *userdata_key   = "sitecast_init";
++   const char *insecure_reneg = "SSLInsecureRenegotiation";
++   apr_pool_userdata_get((void **) &procnew, userdata_key, 
++                         main_server->process->pool);
++   /* we only fork responder if one not already forked and we have at
++      least one GridSiteCastAlias defined. This means it is possible
++      to run a responder with no groups - listening on unicast only! */
++   if ((procnew == NULL) &&
++       (sitecastaliases[0].sitecast_url != NULL))
++     {
++       /* UDP multicast responder required but not yet started */
++       procnew = apr_pcalloc(main_server->process->pool, sizeof(*procnew));
++       apr_pool_userdata_set((const void *) procnew, userdata_key,
++                     apr_pool_cleanup_null, main_server->process->pool);
++       status = apr_proc_fork(procnew, pPool);
++       if (status < 0)
++         {
++           ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, status, main_server,
++              "mod_gridsite: Failed to spawn SiteCast responder process");
++           return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
++         }
++       else if (status == APR_INCHILD)
++         {
++           ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, status, main_server,
++              "mod_gridsite: Spawning SiteCast responder process");
++           sitecast_responder(main_server);
++           exit(-1);
++         }
++       apr_pool_note_subprocess(main_server->process->pool,
++                                procnew, APR_KILL_AFTER_TIMEOUT);
++     }
++   /* continue with normal HTTP/HTTPS servers */
++   ap_add_version_component(pPool,
++                            apr_psprintf(pPool, "mod_gridsite/%s", VERSION));
++#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20051115,0)
++   /* establish value of SSL_app_data2_idx and record it */
++   GRST_SSL_app_data2_idx = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0,
++                                  "Dummy Application Data for mod_gridsite",
++                                   NULL, NULL, NULL) - 1;
++   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++              "mod_gridsite: GRST_SSL_app_data2_idx=%d", 
++              GRST_SSL_app_data2_idx);
++   /* look for a SSLInsecureRenegotiation flag - if it exists then the mod_ssl
++      internal variable 'SSLSrvConfigRec' is different */
++   while ( ssl_module.cmds[i].name && !mod_ssl_with_insecure_reneg)
++   {
++       mod_ssl_with_insecure_reneg = (strncmp( ssl_module.cmds[i].name, 
++                                      insecure_reneg, sizeof(insecure_reneg) ) == 0);
++       i++;
++   }
++   ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, status, main_server,
++              "mod_gridsite: mod_ssl_with_insecure_reneg = %d", mod_ssl_with_insecure_reneg);
++   for (this_server = main_server; 
++        this_server != NULL; 
++        this_server = this_server->next)
++      {
++        /* we do some GridSite OpenSSL magic for HTTPS servers */
++        sc = ap_get_module_config(this_server->module_config, &ssl_module);
++        if ((sc                                  != NULL)  &&
++            (sc->enabled)                                  &&
++            (SSLSrvConfigRec_server(sc)          != NULL)  &&
++            (SSLSrvConfigRec_server(sc)->ssl_ctx != NULL))
++          {
++            ctx = SSLSrvConfigRec_server(sc)->ssl_ctx;
++            /* in 0.9.7 we could set the issuer-checking callback directly */
++//          ctx->cert_store->check_issued = GRST_X509_check_issued_wrapper;
++            /* but in case 0.9.6 we do it indirectly with another wrapper */
++            SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(ctx, 
++                                             GRST_verify_cert_wrapper,
++                                             (void *) NULL);
++            /* whatever version, we can set the SSLVerify wrapper properly */
++            SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, ctx->verify_mode, 
++                               GRST_callback_SSLVerify_wrapper);
++            if (main_server->loglevel >= APLOG_DEBUG)
++                 ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, main_server,
++                      "Set mod_ssl verify callbacks to GridSite wrappers");
++          }
++      }
++   /* create sessions directory if necessary */
++   path = ap_server_root_relative(pPool, sessionsdir);
++   apr_dir_make_recursive(path, APR_UREAD | APR_UWRITE | APR_UEXECUTE, pPool);
++   chown(path, unixd_config.user_id, unixd_config.group_id);
++   return OK;
++static server_rec *mod_gridsite_log_func_server;
++static int mod_gridsite_log_func(char *file, int line, int level,
++                                                    char *fmt, ...)
++   char *mesg;
++   va_list ap;
++   va_start(ap, fmt);
++   vasprintf(&mesg, fmt, ap);
++   va_end(ap);
++   ap_log_error(file, line, level, 
++                0, mod_gridsite_log_func_server, "%s", mesg);
++   free(mesg);
++   return 0;
++static void mod_gridsite_child_init(apr_pool_t *pPool, server_rec *pServer)
++   apr_time_t cutoff_time;
++   apr_dir_t *dir;
++   char *filename;
++   apr_finfo_t finfo;
++   SSLSrvConfigRec *sc = ap_get_module_config(pServer->module_config,
++                                                        &ssl_module);
++   GRSTgaclInit();
++   mod_gridsite_log_func_server = pServer;
++   GRSTerrorLogFunc = mod_gridsite_log_func;
++   /* expire old ssl creds files */
++   if (sc != NULL)
++     {
++       cutoff_time = apr_time_now() 
++                      - apr_time_from_sec(sc->session_cache_timeout);
++       ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, pServer,
++                        "Cutoff time for ssl creds cache: %ld", 
++                        (long) apr_time_sec(cutoff_time));
++       if (apr_dir_open(&dir, 
++           ap_server_root_relative(pPool, sessionsdir), pPool) == APR_SUCCESS)
++         {
++           while (apr_dir_read(&finfo, 
++                        APR_FINFO_CTIME | APR_FINFO_NAME, dir) == APR_SUCCESS)
++                {
++                  if ((finfo.ctime < cutoff_time) &&
++                      (strncmp(finfo.name, "sslcreds-", 9) == 0))
++                    {
++                      filename = apr_pstrcat(pPool, 
++                                   ap_server_root_relative(pPool, sessionsdir),
++                                   "/", finfo.name, NULL);
++                      ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, pServer,
++                        "Remove %s from ssl creds cache", filename);
++                      apr_file_remove(filename, pPool);
++                    }
++                }
++           apr_dir_close(dir);
++         }       
++     }
++static int mod_gridsite_handler(request_rec *r)
++   mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf;
++   conf = (mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *)
++                    ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &gridsite_module);
++   if (conf->dnlistsuri != NULL)
++     {
++       if (strcmp(r->uri, conf->dnlistsuri) == 0)
++              return mod_gridsite_dnlistsuri_dir_handler(r, conf);
++       if (strncmp(r->uri, conf->dnlistsuri, strlen(conf->dnlistsuri)) == 0)
++              return mod_gridsite_dnlistsuri_handler(r, conf);
++       if ((strncmp(r->uri, conf->dnlistsuri, strlen(r->uri)) == 0)
++           && (strlen(r->uri) == strlen(conf->dnlistsuri) - 1))
++         {
++           apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Location"), 
++                          apr_pstrcat(r->pool, r->uri, "/", NULL));
++           r->status = HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY;  
++           return OK;           
++         }      
++     }
++   if (strcmp(r->handler, DIR_MAGIC_TYPE) == 0)
++                   return mod_gridsite_dir_handler(r, conf);
++   return mod_gridsite_nondir_handler(r, conf);
++static ap_unix_identity_t *mod_gridsite_get_suexec_id_doer(const request_rec *r)
++   mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *conf;
++   conf = (mod_gridsite_dir_cfg *)
++                    ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &gridsite_module);
++   if ((conf->execugid.uid != UNSET) && 
++       (conf->execmethod != NULL)) 
++     {
++     /* also push GRST_EXEC_DIRECTORY into request environment here too */
++       return &(conf->execugid);
++     }
++   return NULL;
++static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p)
++    /* config and handler stuff */
++    static const char * const aszPre[] = { "mod_ssl.c", NULL };
++    ap_hook_post_config(mod_gridsite_server_post_config, NULL, NULL, 
++                                                              APR_HOOK_LAST);
++    ap_hook_child_init(mod_gridsite_child_init, aszPre, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
++    ap_hook_check_user_id(mod_gridsite_check_user_id, NULL, NULL, 
++                                                      APR_HOOK_REALLY_FIRST);
++    ap_hook_fixups(mod_gridsite_first_fixups,NULL,NULL,APR_HOOK_FIRST);
++    ap_hook_fixups(mod_gridsite_perm_handler,NULL,NULL,APR_HOOK_REALLY_LAST);
++    ap_hook_handler(mod_gridsite_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST);    
++    ap_hook_get_suexec_identity(mod_gridsite_get_suexec_id_doer,
++                                NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
++module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA gridsite_module =
++    create_gridsite_dir_config, /* dir config creater */
++    merge_gridsite_dir_config,  /* dir merger */
++    create_gridsite_srv_config, /* create server config */
++    NULL,			/* merge server config */
++    mod_gridsite_cmds,          /* command apr_table_t */
++    register_hooks              /* register hooks */
diff --git a/gridsite.spec b/gridsite.spec
index 455b709..b80c360 100644
--- a/gridsite.spec
+++ b/gridsite.spec
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Name:           gridsite
 Version:        1.7.25
-Release:        1%{?dist}
+Release:        2%{?dist}
 Summary:        Grid Security for the Web, Web platforms for Grids
 Group:          System Environment/Daemons
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Source5:        gridsitelogo.png
 Patch1:         cgi-bin-location-1.7.21.patch
 # httpd 2.4 support.
 # https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind1204&L=GRIDSITE-DISCUSS&F=&S=&P=59
-Patch2:         gridsite-httpd24.patch
+Patch2:         gridsite-httpd24_v2.patch
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
@@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %doc src/doxygen LICENSE
-* Tue Jun 04 2013 Adrien Devresse <adevress at cern.ch> - 1.7.25-1
+* Tue Jun 04 2013 Adrien Devresse <adevress at cern.ch> - 1.7.25-2
  - Upstream to 1.7.25
- - Fix the reverse DNS bug 
+ - Fix httpd 24 patch, remove a risk of segfault on >=EL6
 * Sat Jan 26 2013 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at scrye.com> 1.7.21-4
 - Rebuild for new gsoap

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