[Fedora-suds-list] How to install suds on windows

Jerry Davis jerry.davis at pearson.com
Thu Sep 2 17:29:28 UTC 2010

I am not a windows guy, but I have a user on the team who is, and needs to
use what I wrote using suds.

So if I understand you correctly --

After installing setuptools.

I do NOT have to down load anything? Just do an easy_install suds ????


On 9/2/10 10:00 AM, "Joshua J. Kugler" <joshua at eeinternet.com> wrote:

> On Thursday 02 September 2010, Jerry Davis elucidated thus:
>> I get the fact that I have to install setuptools
>> But what do I need to download, to use easy_install against?
> Are you asking how to install setuptools?
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools and look for the EXE for your
> system.
> If you want to install suds after installing setuptools, just find the
> easy_install script in your c:\python tree and do:
> easy_install suds
> Another option is to download the source, and run:
> setup.py bdist_win #I *think* run setup.py --help to check
> That will generate a windows installer EXE for your system.
> j

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