Mentors - Student Evaluation Phase I

Buddhike Kurera bckurera at
Tue May 14 05:06:33 UTC 2013

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 6:51 AM, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <
sankarshan.mukhopadhyay at> wrote:

> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Buddhike Kurera
> <bckurera at> wrote:
> > Yes, mentor can always use Private comments to evaluate the proposals.
> I meant using the Private Comment functionality to put in their notes
> and observations as well as conclusions if they so desire. Since those
> notes are available to OrgAdmins and other mentors, it helps document
> the conversation while keeping it restricted to a private group.
> > But since there is a high demand we need to evaluate student in a common
> > ground to enable that we focus on some parameters and we need the mentors
> > feedback on that. That is why "Student Evaluation Matrix" is useful,
> this is
> > a new addition for GSoC 2013.
> As in, The Fedora Project is using the Student Evaluation Matrix as a
> tool in this GSoC. Were the mentors informed of this change before?
> > However selecting the best student is still the mentors responsibility :)
> The mentor recommends. Selecting and assessing is still something that
> the OrgAdmin does together with the mentors. The entire organization
> is involved in selecting the best proposals.

No this is not the way that we operate things. Mentors select the best
proposal out of the valid submitted proposals.
Then Org admins go through the Student Evaluation Matrix and discuss with
the mentors about the final selections.
The entire organization can not be participated and not practical since the
entire org is not aware about the degree of the relationship that the
mentors have with the student and the understanding about the
technical background. So as before the mentors who related with the idea
select the best proposal they want to go. So obviously they can get
together and discuss this on the private comments and come to an agreement,
this is mentors business. But the agreement should be communicated via
the Student Evaluation Matrix for Org Admins.

Student Evaluation Matrix will be mailed to those who completed the Phase
1 application.

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera (bckurera)
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