Mentors - The remaining process of selecting of students per proposals

Buddhike Kurera bckurera at
Tue May 14 05:26:32 UTC 2013

Hi Mentors,

Thanks for responding to the Student Evaluation Phase 1 and now it is time
to move forward and select the best proposal per idea.

While Google-melange is reminding that we have around 10 days to go with
the selection process, will send Student Evaluation Matrix (SEM) to mentors
who responded to Student Evaluation Phase 1 process. Please fill it and
complete, then we can go through the evaluation and discuss. The final
process is selecting the best student per idea for GSoC 2013.

Student Evaluation Matrix is using to communicate what mentors think about
the submitted proposals in a given format. Therefore it is possible to Org
Admin to evaluate all the project ideas per idea against the students.

Finally those short listed students are interviewed and the results are
discussed with the mentors to take the final decision.

Finally further instructions will be posted to mentors and please **do not
make those public** until Google announces the student selection. If there
is any inquiry please do contact me directly.

While those are newly added features to Fedora GSoC program to ensure high
quality we do hope your kind cooperation to make it success. Thanks a lot
for the dedication so far towards the program.

Happy Summer Coding ......

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera (bckurera)
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